История версий

Версия от 16:32, 20 января 2020; Anvishnevsk (обсуждение | вклад) (Отмена правки 8865, сделанной участницей Anvishnevsk (обс.))
Robin building.png
“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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Последний раз редактировалось Anvishnevsk в 2020-01-20 16:32:59.

Stardew Valley была выпущена 26 февраля 2016 года для Windows PC после почти четырех лет закрытой разработки. Совместимость с Mac OSX и Linux была добавлена в бесплатное обновление 29 июля 2016 года.

Подробную разбивку изменений, характерных для консольной версии игры, см. в разделе История версий консоли.


Stardew Valley 1.4.0 было опубликовано 26 Ноября 2019.

Новый контент
  • Добавлен кинотеатр, который открывается в поздней игре, с соответствующим контентом.
  • Добавлено событие на 14 сердец для каждого супруга.
  • Добавлены новые события и диалоги (в том числе новое событие сердца для Кэролайн).
  • Добавлены предметы одежды, одеваемые на игрока (заменяет прежние варианты внешнего вида одежды).
  • Добавлены пошив и покраска одежды.
  • Добавлено 24 новых прически, включая лысину.
  • Добавлена карта фермы Четыре Угла (предназначенная для кооператива, делит территорию на четыре зоны с собственными фишками).
  • Добавлены рыбные пруды для разведения рыбы и производства предметов.
  • Добавлены новые предметы:
    • 181 рубашка;
    • 35 шапок;
    • 14 брюк (включая платья, юбки и шорты);
    • 2 ботинок;
    • 38 декоративных элементов, получаемые разными способами (например, новые события);
    • 17 новых полов;
    • 2 новые Секретные Заметки;
    • 2 рыбы: Камбала и Полуночный карп;
    • Клад с Артефактами (может быть взломан Клинтом, чтобы получить артефакты);
    • Икра, Икра и выдержанная икра;
    • Темный Меч;
    • Роскошное Пугало (выдаётся, когда вы соберёте все пугала, имеет удвоенный радиус);
    • Майонез динозавров (создаётся из яиц динозавров);
    • Золотая Коса;
    • Рецепт рассады травы (покупается у Пьера);
    • Мини-музыкальный автомат (поставте в любом месте на ферме или в хозяйственных зданиях, чтобы играть ранее слышанную музыку);
    • Мини-холодильники (поставте внутри, чтобы расширить емкость вашего холодильника);
    • Семена риса;
    • Морской пенный пудинг (рецепт выдаётся при достижении 9го уровня рыбной ловли)
    • Коктейль из креветок («Королева соуса» 25 зимы, год 2);
    • Чернила Кальмара;
    • Мед из подсолнуха (производится в ульях);
    • Чайные кусты, чайные листья и зеленый чай;
    • Тренировочная удочка (легче ловить рыбу, но ловит только обычную рыбу);
    • Древесное удобрение (обычные деревья растут быстрее даже зимой. Не работает с плодовыми деревьями);
    • Тотем-телепорт: Пустыня;
    • Увядший букет (создаётся из букета), позволяет расстаться с NPC, с которыми вы встречаетесь;
    • Верстак (позволяет создавать предметы из ингредиентов в соседних сундуках);
    • Дробилка (перемалывает твердую древесину и плавник в обычную древесину).
  • Новый контент для шахты:
    • Шахта у карьера с новым призрачным черепом, грязевыми монстрами и золотой косой;
    • Доисторический уровень шахты в пещере черепа с новым монстром-Pepper Rex;
    • Редкие альтернативные уровни в 1-120 уровнях шахты после разблокирования карьера похожи на шахту у карьера.
  • Добавлено обновление сарая (удваивает внутреннюю площадь)
  • Добавлен выбор породы кошек и собак в меню нового персонажа или на Алтаре Иллюзий.
  • Кробус добавлен как возможный сосед по комнате, если вы не состоите в браке
  • Добавлен пустынный продавец, который продает новые предметы.
  • Добавлен мусорный медведь, который после выполненной просьбы будет убирать мусор в городе, появляется по прошествии трёх лет.
  • Added 4 new monster eradication goals & prizes.
  • Добавлено 4 новых уровня музейных наград (за пожертвование 35, 70, 80 и 90 предметов).
  • Добавлены улучшения мусорных баков, которые можно приобрести у Клинта (дает 15-60% от стоимости выкинутых предметов).
  • Добавлена новая оранжерея в доме Пьера и Каролины.
  • Добавлена возможность показывать различные эмоции через новое меню (стандартная настройка по умолчанию - <код > Н< / код>).
  • Добавлено новое здание фермы: Пустынный Обелиск.
  • Добавлены спрайты зимнего пола.
  • Добавлен скрытая сцена, если вы превратили детей в голубей.
  • Добавлена ​​экспериментальная поддержка для перемещения фермерских хозяйств по зданиям. Используйте команду / movebuildingpermission </ code> для переключения между on </ code> (фермеры могут перемещать любое здание), владельцем , принадлежащим </ code> (они могут перемещать свои собственные каюты или здания, которые создали сами) или off </ code> (по умолчанию).
  • Добавлена новый мусорный бак перед ДжоджаМартом.
  • Добавлена ​​функция экспорта карт (кроме 32-битного Linux), доступ к которой осуществляется с помощью кнопки в меню параметров или команды чата / mapscreenshot </ code>. Скриншоты сохраняются в папке appdata; нажмите кнопку на экране параметров, чтобы открыть его. При использовании команды вы можете указать имя файла и размер в процентах, например, / mapscreenshot test 25 </ code>.
  • Добавлена ​​опция VSync. Отключение VSync может улучшить общую частоту кадров за счет ее стабильности.
  • Добавлен профиль NPC, доступ к которому осуществляется через социальную вкладку (отслеживает дни рождения, понравившиеся или не понравившиеся подарки по мере их обнаружения в игре и т.д.).
  • Добавлена ​​опция «расширенная информация для крафта», которая отображает больше информации в меню крафта (включая количество созданных и количество доступных ингредиентов).
  • Добавлены OST файлы для новых музыкальных треков.
  • Добавлено новое пасхальное яйцо в главном меню.
  • Junimo Kart has been completely redone and is now actually fun.
  • Комоды теперь можно использовать для хранения одежды, шляп, обуви и колец.
  • Когда вы ловите рыбу серебряного или золотого качества, «безупречный» улов теперь повышает качество на единицу. (Это единственный способ получить рыбу иридиевого качества.)
  • Теперь вы можете надеть шляпы на своих детей (когда они смогут ходить).
  • Теперь вы можете играть на пианино Эллиотта.
  • Теперь вы можете поместить драгоценные камни в хижины Джунимо, чтобы повлиять на цвет новых Джунимо.
  • Разведенные супруги больше не приходят на вашу свадьбу.
  • Разведенные супруги больше не ведут себя как обычно со своими бывшими во время Фестивалей.
  • Авто-Сборщики теперь работают и в птичнике.
  • Успешное парирование атак слаймов теперь предотвращает дебафф слизи.
  • Seaweed can now be foraged along the bottom shore of the tidal pool beach.
  • The adventurer's guild now sells any boots you already found in mine chests.
  • Вы больше не можете загружать сохраненные файлы, созданные в более поздней версии игры, чем у вас. (Это повлияет только на будущие версии игры.)
Изменения мультиплеера
  • Добавлена возможность разделения кошельков.
  • Добавлена ​​поддержка приватного чата.
  • Добавлено больше "серверных сообщений".
  • Добавлена команда /ping, которая выводит текущий пинг на хост (для ферм) или на каждую ферму (для хоста).
  • Добавлена команда /kick <имя фермера> .
  • Добавлены команды /ban и /unban. Баны относятся к каждой ферме, и команду можно вызвать с именем фермера, ID пользователя, или IP адресом. Во всех случаях это будет баном конкретно пользователя, а не его персонажа.
  • Добавлена серверная синхронизация для…
    • Ежедневной удачи;
    • Заданий на доске объявлений (в большинстве случаев);
    • Поездов;
    • Молний;
    • mine fog events;
    • Найденных потерянных книг;
    • ограниченные запасы торговцев;
    • Барабанных/Флейтовых блоков;
    • Корректировки положения поплавков в воздухе;
    • Анимации во время вытягивания игроком рыбы.
  • При создании новой совместной игры, параметр «Домики на старте» теперь по умолчанию равен 1, а не «Нет».
  • Теперь у каждого игрока теперь есть отдельный почтовый ящик и область во дворе для супруга.
  • Теперь каждый игрок может построить отдельный погреб.
  • Теперь, когда игрок бросает предмет, игроки рядом с ним имеют приоритет для его поднятия.
  • Теперь вы можете видеть результаты других игроков во время определенных фестивалей.
  • Теперь квесты в совместном режиме устанавливают сложность в зависимости от игрока самого высокого уровня.
  • Теперь в Пещере Черепа уровни шахты понижают игроков до того же уровня в совместной игре.
  • Теперь в совместном режиме многие случайные проверки используют среднюю удачу команды, а не только удачу хоста.
  • Если не удается подключиться к многопользовательскому серверу, игра теперь будет повторять действие, прежде чем прекратить.
  • Награда за комплектацию доски объявлений теперь применяется ко всем игрокам в многопользовательской игре.
  • Перемещение контейнера для перевозки больше не оставляет крышку для других игроков в многопользовательской ферме..
Изменения Качества жизни
  • Добавлена ​​возможность переставлять музейные артефакты (без пожертвования нового).
  • Добавлена ​​возможность перечитывать полученные письма в любое время через вкладку «Коллекции».
  • Добавлена ​​возможность вращать панель инструментов (по умолчанию используются Tab и Ctrl + Tab).
  • Added ability to fill existing stacks in a chest from your inventory.
  • Added notification when a tool being upgraded is ready.
  • Added tabs to the Catalogue and Furniture Catalogue.
  • Added current Qi coin balance to Calico Jack minigame UI.
  • Added support on Linux for pasting invite codes via an onscreen button (requires xclip).
  • Added upcoming weddings to in-game calendar.
  • All events should now be skippable.
  • Gates can now be attached to one piece of fencing (instead of needing fences on both sides), which allows for double-width gates.
  • The hallway to the spouse's room in a two-story farmhouse now matches the bedroom flooring.
  • Changed interaction cursor when pointing at farm animals you haven't pet today.
  • Giving datable NPCs a gift no longer makes your spouse jealous unless you're currently dating them.
  • You can now construct/move farm buildings onto tilled dirt and tree seeds.
  • Trying to construct/move farm buildings onto an animal now poke them out of the way.
  • Collapsing in the mine no longer makes you forget levels.
  • After collapsing in the mines and losing items, a list of lost items is now shown and you can pay Marlon to recover one of them.
  • You can now remove horse hats (by interacting with the horse while holding another hat).
  • You can now trash copper pans and slingshots.
  • You can now buy copper pans from Willy's shop after receiving the first one.
  • You can now stack craftable items in inventories (like kegs or furnaces).
  • You can now attach baits, tackles, etc. to your fishing rods directly from a treasure chest.
  • You can now shift-click items to move them out of the toolbar.
  • You can now hold down the interact button without retriggering the eat item prompt. That lets players quickly refill rows of kegs/preserves jars without being interrupted by the prompt.
  • You can now go to sleep while holding an item.
  • You can now pause Junimo Kart by pressing Enter or P.
  • You can now play Junimo Kart entirely with the keyboard.
  • You can no longer place iridium-quality items in casks.
  • Made it easier to collect milk/wool from farm animals. Animals now have a larger hitbox, and using shears/pail while facing multiple animals now finds the best match instead of the first one.
  • Interacting with a Mill that only has one type of item in it now automatically collects the item instead of opening a chest menu.
  • Pointing at an inventory item needed for a bundle now makes the Junimo bundle button pulsate.
  • Pointing at an item to sell in the shop menus now shows the "Gunther can tell you more" text if the item hasn't been donated yet.
  • Mushroom tree sprouts are now distinguishable from other trees.
  • Wild Bait now provides a chance to catch two fish at once.
  • Pets no longer spawn in positions that block the farmhouse door or corridors.
  • When exiting a Junimo bundle menu, the cursor highlights the bundle that was exited.
  • Farm animals standing on crops no longer prevent the crop from being harvested.
  • A message now appears when fruit tree growth is prevented by a surrounding obstruction.
  • When an NPC walks over a chest, it will now dump its contents out instead of destroying them.
  • When viewing a bundle, inventory items for completed slots are now grayed out.
  • Jumping down a mineshaft just above level 100 will no longer drop you below level 100 in the Skull Cavern.
  • Players can now "push" through NPCs at festivals, to avoid getting trapped in some cases.
  • Queen of Sauce reruns will now choose an already-aired recipe that a player doesn't know.
  • The animation played when finding a new lost book is now only played once per player.
  • Unclaimed bundle rewards can now be picked up from a Junimo bag in the Community Center.
  • Wild tree seeds can now be placed in any diggable tile outside of the farm without needing to hoe it first.
  • When you dismiss the map by clicking on it, you're now returned to the previous menu tab (if any).
  • Wilted trellis crops no longer block movement.
  • The Hat Mouse now sells hats you've won in festival competitions.
  • Moving the cursor over a crab pot while holding the action button no longer picks it up.
  • Moving the cursor over a farm animal while holding the action button no longer opens the inspection menu (so it's easier to pet animals).
  • Moving the cursor over a scarecrow while holding the action button no longer checks it (so it's easier to harvest large fields).
  • Improved the 'Organize Inventory' logic. Now properly handles empty spaces on Linux, and sorts stacks from highest to lowest quantity.
  • Changed processing time of tapped mushroom trees so that they're harvestable in the morning (instead of midway through the day).
  • Obelisks now have a 3x2 footprint instead of 3x3. (Their sprites are unaffected.)
  • Dropping an item when collecting rewards from Gunther now throws the item downwards instead of upwards, to prevent players without magnet rings from dropping items into out-of-reach positions.
Изменения баланса
  • Fruit trees no longer need the surrounding tiles to be empty to increase in quality once fully grown.
  • Fruit trees are no longer blocked from growing by non-colliding objects (notably artifact spots).
  • Mushroom trees no longer drop wood (and debris chunks are now white instead of brown).
  • You can now increase friendship by talking with NPCs at festivals.
  • Trains now drop more items.
  • Some items no longer appear in random shop stocks: void eggs, void mayonnaise, and sweet gem berries.
  • The quarry now spawns oak & maple trees.
  • Charcoal kilns now require 2 copper bars (instead of a gold bar).
  • Cheese now sells for more.
  • Cloth now drops more often from mummies.
  • Dressers now cost more.
  • Looms can now produce multiple cloths when higher-quality items are input.
  • Pancakes can no longer be bought from Krobus before winter Y1.
  • Sturdy Ring is now easier to craft.
  • Journey of the Prairie King has been rebalanced.
  • Calico Jack and slot machines in the casino now statistically favor the player. (Previously the player was more likely to lose.)
  • The Forester profession now causes 25% more wood to drop from trees/stumps/logs, instead of raising the value of wood by 50%.
  • Speed-Gro and Retaining Soil can now be applied to crops anytime.
  • Basic and Quality Fertilizers can be applied to seeds (but can't be applied once a seed has sprouted).
  • Rebalanced the frequency that secret notes are dropped.
  • Fishing tackle now sells for less once damaged, depending on its remaining durability.
  • Sweet Gem Berry can no longer be bought from the traveling cart (you can only buy the seeds).
  • Bean Hotpot now grants max energy +30 and magnetism +32, instead of showing "max energy +2" but granting nothing.
  • Spring Onions quality is now determined at the start of the day.
  • The Legend can now only be caught once.
  • Made bottom edge of fishing bobber bar slightly more generous.
  • The effect of fishing level on fish size no longer caps at 10.
  • Debris now respawns at the start of spring in Cindersap Forest, town, and the Railroad.
  • Reduced cases of items splashing into water when they're visually on dry land.
  • Lightning rods are now always harvestable immediately the day after being struck.
  • Wheat now has a 40% chance to also drop hay on harvest.
  • Wild Bait can now be obtained from fishing treasure chests if you know the crafting recipe.
  • Fixed the burglar's ring not affecting some monster loot items (those added programmatically).
Улучшения поддержки контроллеров
  • Added an on-screen keyboard to type into chat or text fields using the controller.
  • Added ability to stow an item when playing with the controller, freeing up your hands to interact with NPCs without accidentally gifting them items.
  • Added a left/right bumper hotkey in inventory menus. when the new 'add to existing stacks' button is available, pressing the hotkey will automatically snap to that button for easier inventory consolidation.
  • You can now highlight the list of required items in the Junimo bundle screen while using a controller, so you can see a tooltip with the item's description.
  • Improved controller navigation/use in…
    • the museum donation screen;
    • the Load Game and Join/Host Coop Game menus;
    • the bundle screen (no longer need to scroll all the way to the right to access the second row);
    • chest and item grab screens;
    • crafting menu.
  • Improved switching between keyboard/mouse and controller mode. For example, having a controller plugged in no longer snaps mouse input to buttons.
  • Improved placement logic with a controller (planting seeds, placing furniture, etc).
  • You can now direct your fishing casts with a controller.
  • The buffs display tooltip is now hidden if the mouse cursor isn't visible.
  • Fixed cursor snapping to upper-left item when clicking the organize items buttons on the controller.
  • Fixed D-Pad not correctly selecting dialogue options.
  • Fixed an issue making the animal pregnancy disable option unselectable with a controller.
  • Fixed navigation of the languages menu using a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where rearranging artifacts in the museum didn't work with controller-style menus.
  • Fixed various issues related to selecting dialogue choices with a controller.
  • Fixed being able to move the cursor on the shipment screen after the screen is dismissed with the OK button on a controller.
  • Fixed cursor slightly misaligned on the skills screen when you first enter it using a controller.
  • Fixed various issues related to the display of the cursor in the level up screens with a controller.
  • Fixed some issues with controller navigation of the items in the wallet section of the skills tab.
  • Fixed controller navigation of dropdown lists in the options screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the controller's left thumbstick was moving the mouse cursor around while playing minigames.
  • Fixed an issue where using the face buttons to aim shots in Journey of the Prairie King on the controller would sometimes cause the shots to go in the wrong direction and cause the player to get stuck shooting.
  • Fixed chest color picker buttons being selectable if the color picker isn't shown.
Другие измененния
  • Various copyediting, improved text, tweaked sprites, and tweaked map tiles.
  • Made some optimizations that may improve performance on some machines/platforms or in some cases.
  • Improved many translations and fixed missing font characters in Korean.
  • Changed midnight from 12:00 to 0:00 in Japanese.
  • Added an open sprite to the fridge.
  • Adjusted the mail received after collapsing to more accurately reflect timeline changes in the game.
  • Adjusted a dialogue option in Penny's 2-heart event to be more considerate of George's perspective.
  • Removed the Junimo Note/Community Center Button from non-inventory screens.
  • Improved Elliott's cabin interior design a bit.
  • Items found in the trash now pop out of the trash instead of going directly into your inventory.
  • Updated credits.
  • In single-player, the mines now reset as soon as you leave instead of waiting for the next 10-minute update.
  • NPCs now destroy trees in their path (and will trample wild tree seeds underfoot).
  • NPCs now close their eyes and do a sleep pose when they go to bed.
  • Players now close their eyes when they go to bed.
  • Penny no longer randomly reveals Pam's taste for alcoholic items.
  • Fish sold to Willy are now resold in his own shop (fish are no longer sold at Pierre's).
  • Tweaked hoed dirt color on the beach in fall.
  • Made David's cage look more appropriate for guinea pigs.
  • Reduced splash effect of small cosmetic debris to make it easier to distinguish splash of actual items.
  • Added animation when digging through trash.
  • Adjusted sound made when picking up forageables, eggs, etc.
  • Added changes for modders.
  • Added log for unexpected network disconnects (in a separate DisconnectLogs folder).
  • The ordering of the items on the collections page is now consistent between languages.
Fixes for gameplay
  • Dismissing a letter with unclaimed items now automatically picks up the items.
  • You can no longer activate the Statue of Uncertainty if you haven't met the level requirements.
  • You no longer take damage from monsters while passing out at 2am.
  • Fixed various exploits, including…
    • opening the journal while fishing paused time but still caught fish;
    • opening the journal while dying skipped the death event and prevented losing items;
    • you could use an incorrect item in some cases (like using a wallpaper to obtain the Galaxy Sword, incubate a dinosaur egg, or when crafting);
    • you could predict the mushroom level pattern in the mines;
    • you couldn't be damaged while the eat confirmation prompt was up in multiplayer;
    • the invincibility timer after taking damage didn't decrease in multiplayer if a menu was open;
    • right-clicking a fishing rod attachment in the inventory reset its durability;
    • using glitches to leave the spa while in swimming mode would result in infinite energy/health regen;
    • you could obtain up to 109 statues of perfection by storing each one in a cabin's inventory chest;
    • items of different qualities could be combined into one stack when buying from Pierre;
    • you could sell items to Pierre's at an upgraded price (e.g. Salmonberries with the Bear's Knowledge perk) and buy them back at their normal price. He now resells them at the same price he paid.
  • Fixed players getting stuck…
    • if you cast a fishing rod just after opening a treasure chest in the mines;
    • in the blocking pose when you use a sword's special ability in rare cases;
    • on top of a mine ladder if multiple ladders were spawned;
    • in the traveling merchant's cart when dismounting from a horse in some cases (or getting your horse stuck that way);
    • on top of Abigail when playing the minigame in her two-heart event.
  • Fixed rare issue where no ladder would spawn on a mine floor.
  • Fixed monsters spawning too close to the start of a floor in the mines.
  • Fixed mummies dealing damage while downed.
  • Fixed invisible, interactable elevators on treasure floors of the Skull Cavern.
  • Fixed various issues where using bombs could cause items to spawn at the main player's current location instead of the location where the bomb was placed (e.g. artifacts found via secret notes, fruit tree items, giant crops, mystic rocks, hardwood, crystals, and cave grass).
  • Fixed issue where weeds could be spawned on the tile directly beneath the elevator in the mines.
  • Fixed objects on the farm sometimes skipping their daily updates, which could cause issues like crops surviving a day into Winter or batches of crops not maturing at the same rate.
  • Fixed various cases where an entire stack of held items was incorrectly consumed.
  • Fixed certain artifacts not spawning as intended.
  • Fixed cooking ingredients spread between your inventory and fridge not correctly counted together.
  • Fixed issue where leveling up would incorrectly affect the related skill for the rest of the day (i.e. common trees wouldn't drop seeds after leveling up foraging).
  • Fixed artifacts appearing on grass after winter turns to spring.
  • Fixed bug when getting a JojaMart membership shortly after completing the Community Center.
  • Fixed weed item obtained from breaking a mushroom seed or shaking a mushroom tree.
  • Fixed Livin' Off the Land announcing the start of blackberry season on the wrong date.
  • Fixed certain placeable items being placeable on tiles occupied by other furniture.
  • Fixed a few missing boundary tiles in certain areas, including in the Stardew Valley Fair.
  • Fixed player's fishing level and bait not taken into account for the wait time if the first nibble was missed.
  • Fixed Tiller profession bonus sometimes not applied to combined foraged and grown grape stacks.
  • Fixed Prospector profession not applied to rocks destroyed in the mines.
  • Fixed forage sometimes spawning out of bounds.
  • Fixed removing tappers from trees in certain ways making them become un-choppable.
  • Fixed fishing cast distance not determined when the bobber hits the water (previously set at the end of the cast).
  • Fixed TV weather forecast not always matching actual weather.
  • Fixed Queen of Sauce sometimes airing a new recipe on the Wednesday before it's scheduled on the following Sunday.
  • Fixed Queen of Sauce repeatedly airing the Stir Fry episode at the end of year 2 and the beginning of year 3.
  • Fixed players playing a minigame at 2am not properly quitting the minigame and passing out.
  • Fixed players able to continue fishing or charging tools past 2am.
  • Fixed giant crops growing in a noticeable pattern.
  • Fixed discrepancy between an item's shown health recovery and the actual recovery when consumed.
  • Fixed Chicken Statue (furniture) being stackable with the Chicken Statue (artifact).
  • Fixed issue where players could still take damage and die while warping with an obelisk or return scepter.
  • Fixed issue where ore/mineral veins destroyed with a bomb outside of the mine would only drop stone.
  • Fixed issue where going to bed early caused machines to process more quickly overnight. (Machines previously processed 100 minutes per hour slept; they now only do so between 2am and 6am, and the remaining time slept will be processed at the normal daytime rate of 60 mins/hour.)
  • Fixed issue where harvesting a tapped mushroom tree in winter would cause it to not produce again until mid-Spring, rather than Spring 1.
  • Fixed issue where snow yams and winter root could be dug up in the desert in winter.
  • Fixed lopsided bee house flower range.
  • Fixed some Witch Swamp and Mutant Bug Lair water tiles not correctly marked as water, causing inconsistent fish quality in those areas.
  • Fixed issue where entering a house the moment an NPC passes through a door would close the door on top of the NPC, causing them to get stuck.
  • Fixed issue where fruit trees wouldn't grow if there was a monster or other NPC near them overnight.
  • Fixed issue where closing a mine chest with the OK button while your inventory was full destroyed the item; instead the item is now dropped.
  • Fixed issue where a player at the Stardew Valley Fair would get their score calculated based on the contents of the Grange upon closing the minigame (instead of when Lewis had actually finished his judging), letting that player have a different score than intended.
  • Fixed minor issue where zero shots fired at the Stardew Valley Fair slingshot shooting gallery would give a large negative calculated accuracy.
Fixes for player interaction
  • You can now collect Lost Books even if your inventory is full.
  • Fixed horses being unmountable if they're very close to a pet.
  • Fixed being able to trash items from the crafting menu even though the trash can is invisible.
  • Fixed answering dialogues on a small screen causing the cursor to interact with the toolbar.
  • Fixed interacting with objects in the world while holding an item sometimes causing both the interaction and object to be used at the same time.
  • Fixed interacting with a fireplace sometimes not toggling it.
  • Fixed interacting with objects so that objects behind the character are longer interacted when the character is facing upwards.
  • Fixed interacting with a trash can on horseback simultaneously dismounting the horse and searching the trash (now just dismounts).
  • Fixed issue where players couldn't harvest or pick up items by clicking and holding the tool button with a melee weapon or scythe in hand.
  • Fixed issue where attempting to charge an upgraded watering can to the left of a body of water on the farm would prevent the farmer from charging it.
  • Fixed unable to fill water can from the left side of the water trough in the greenhouse.
  • Fixed issue where depositing ore into two nearby furnaces could activate both of them.
  • Fixed large rotated furniture being placeable on top of tables, causing them to disappear.
  • Fixed issue where players could move while warping out of the Witch's Swamp.
  • Fixed issue where players couldn't push through farm animals in some cases if they were offset by half a tile.
  • Fixed issue where interactable furniture like fireplaces couldn't be picked up with left-click when standing close to them and holding a non-tool item.
  • Fixed issue where it was hard to click on NPCs if you went into a festival while holding a placeable item.
  • Fixed crawling-stage babies in the crib not being interactable.
  • Fixed minor issue where you could cause the farmer to stop shaking during a tool charge by pressing a movement key.
  • Fixed being able to interact with NPCs when your farmer is set to be immobile. (For example, this prevents you from trying to gift your spouse a second gift immediately after kissing them and getting stuck in an erroneous animation frame.)
  • Fixed opened gates orphaned by destroying the fence post they're attached to not blocking movement.
  • Fixed wild tree seed placement cursor not accounting for seed-placeable rules.
  • Fixed crab pot placement cursor always green, even if an invalid placement tile is selected.
  • Fixed palm trees not shaking and dropping leaf debris when interacted in winter.
  • Fixed the "Warrior" option not being selectable during Sebastian's 6-heart event in Korean.
  • Fixed being able to use the dagger while bathing.
  • Fixed museum reward collection menu not dismissable using the exit hotkey.
  • Fixed museum donation screen issue where panning the camera would cause the cursor to scroll off of UI elements.
  • Fixed issue where watering a small tree sapling played a scythe sound.
  • Fixed issue where hitting a fence that has a torch on it would destroy the torch instead of dropping it.
  • Fixed invisible blocking tile front of Lewis's house during the Stardew Valley Fair.
  • Fixed blank or whitespace-only chat messages being sendable.
Fixes for festivals, events, and quests
  • Dismissing a quest letter no longer discards the quest. (It's now added to your quest log to avoid permanently missing out on quests.)
  • You can no longer place objects at the beach while the Night Market is occurring.
  • Removed invisible trees from festivals.
  • Fixed exploit where you could pause time when the night market sub was ascending/descending to skip the wait time.
  • Fixed exploit where you could watch the night market mermaid show while time was paused (the show now pauses too).
  • Fixed exploit where you could fulfill the requirements for a gathering quest by taking items out of a chest one-by-one.
  • Fixed players getting stuck on doors or placed objects during cutscenes in some cases.
  • Fixed players getting stuck in Harvey's 8-heart event if it was triggered when leaving his bedroom.
  • Fixed players getting stuck in Harvey's 10-heart event if a train came by.
  • Fixed introductions quest not considering Willy done after you meet him to receive the fishing rod.
  • Fixed Mr. Qi's Challenge not considered complete if you fulfilled the conditions before getting his letter.
  • Fixed the egg in Lewis' truck not being accessible during the egg hunt.
  • Fixed time not passing for machines inside of farm buildings during festivals.
  • Fixed players getting trapped in the hospital until the festival starts if they were knocked out for the first time on a festival day.
  • Fixed time passing during festivals not reflecting when the player(s) started the festivals.
  • Fixed some out-of-season items appearing as targets for item delivery quests.
  • Fixed bug limiting which NPC would request gathering, slay monsters, or fishing quests.
  • Fixed Help Wanted quests not reflecting that they pay 3x the market value, instead of 2x.
  • Fixed occasional spacing issues with the messages on the daily quest board.
  • Fixed Robin sometimes thanking you for the wrong item when completing a billboard quest.
  • Fixed winning festival events not counting towards farm's total earnings.
  • Fixed Penny's 6-heart event not triggering after purchasing the Community Upgrade.
  • Fixed Sam's 8-heart event being silent if you skipped his 2-heart event.
  • Fixed "A Winter Mystery" quest not triggering if exiting the farm from the bottom tile of the exit to the bus stop.
Fixes for shops and shipping
  • Fixed merchants refilling limited-stock items when you reopen their shops.
  • Fixed traveling merchant sometimes having the same item for sale for two different prices.
  • Fixed items bought from shops being sellable at a different price than produced/grown versions.
  • Fixed issue where honey would sometimes sell for more than expected.
  • Fixed pressing Alt + Enter while buying from Pierre destroying the held item.
  • Fixed selling animals not counting towards farm's total earnings.
  • Fixed issue where you couldn't buy animals while Robin was upgrading the pertinent building.
Fixes for NPCs
  • Fixed several cases where NPC dialogues were out of sync with the actual state of the game world (e.g. saying the wrong dialogue in bed).
  • Fixed issue where villagers could get stuck doing their daily schedules late into the night after a festival.
  • Fixed issue where Vincent could get stuck on a flower barrel during the flower dance.
  • Fixed issue that prevented some villagers from hanging out with one another in town on certain days.
  • Fixed various issues related to naming horses.
  • Fixed various bugs caused by giving a villager's name to a horse, pet, or child.
  • Fixed friendship-related achievements not properly triggering as soon as the conditions are met.
  • Fixed various friendship-related bugs and inconsistencies, including 10-heart events being unlockable without a bouquet.
  • Fixed NPCs reacting incorrectly to certain gifted items.
  • Fixed issue where gifts couldn't be given to the dwarf if their dialogue was exhausted for the day.
  • Fixed Abigail visiting the farmer on the same day as her 8-heart event.
  • Fixed Bouncer just saying "Hi." instead of his unique line.
  • Fixed Bouncer not accepting the club card if you've already exhausted his dialogue for the day.
  • Fixed Demetrius plowing through bushes by the fountain in summer.
  • Fixed Dwarf always responding negatively to items it feels neutral about.
  • Fixed Dwarf not liking cave carrots, despite having dialogue which suggests otherwise.
  • Fixed Emily's four-heart event unlockable at night.
  • Fixed Gus offering Bread as dish of the day (he already sells it as part of his normal shop stock).
  • Fixed Henchman dialogue box showing a friendship jewel.
  • Fixed Krobus secret note event not triggered if riding a horse.
  • Fixed Krobus not keeping silent on Fridays when accepting gifts.
  • Fixed Leah's summer schedule causing her to walk into the water and get stuck there for the rest of the day.
  • Fixed Penny not having her own introductory line.
  • Fixed Penny talking about the sound of rain on the roof of her trailer after the community upgrade is built.
  • Fixed Penny talking about living in a trailer after the community upgrade is built.
  • Fixed Pierre talking about time off after the Community Center has been restored.
  • Fixed Shane sending two recipes at 3 hearts. (The second is now sent at 7 hearts as intended.)
  • Fixed Welwick saying two different things on the same day.
  • Fixed free gift at the Night Market being available every ten minutes instead of once a day.
  • Fixed buggy interaction with Mayor Lewis when getting a Joja membership before starting the Community Center.
  • Fixed townsfolk sending players the wrong cooking recipes for their current friendship level.
  • Fixed villagers you're already dating still accepting bouquets from you.
  • Fixed a rare crash when attacking "slimes in love".
  • Fixed attacking a rock crab with a pickaxe not dealing damage after its shell is broken.
  • Fixed issue where villagers that respond differently depending on their current location will no longer say those location specific lines when talked to again later.
  • Fixed spouse continuing their ongoing dialogue after being interrupted with giving you a Stardrop.
  • Fixed most cases of crawling-stage babies waking up in the crib at the start of the day. (They'll now spend longer trying to find a non-crib position before giving up.)
  • Fixed NPCs sometimes detecting players rummaging through their trash or private possessions from a different location.
  • Fixed NPCs saying something upon entering an area (e.g. Pam entering the Saloon) doing so if you're watching an event.
Fixes for multiplayer
  • Farmhands' spouses now move around, run their daily schedules, and react to their spouses like they should.
  • Farmhands now return to their own porches after a festival, instead of the main farmer's porch.
  • Players can no longer give quest items as gifts to other players.
  • You can now connect to the host via IP while they're in the process of loading the game.
  • Fixed an issue where if a server was shut down on the same day a remote player had leveled up overnight, the level up would not be applied until the following night upon save load.
  • Fixed rearranging the museum in multiplayer showing a message that the player donated a new item.
  • Fixed farmhands not seeing the notification that a train is approaching.
  • Fixed players stuck if a bundle is completed while they're on a tile that becomes unwalkable after the room gets renovated.
  • Fixed issue where a spouse could get stuck in a farmhand's cabin after divorce. Save files that already have this issue will be fixed after the first night.
  • Fixed bundles button visible on the inventory screen for farmhands that had missed a bundle completion cutscene.
  • Fixed issue where you couldn't interact with something behind another player (e.g. to talk to an NPC).
  • Fixed farmhands seeing bundles for completed areas when looking at the bundles menu.
  • Fixed farmhands unable to pick up lost books if the host has a menu open.
  • Fixed married NPCs saying marriage-specific lines to players who aren't their spouse while they're on their married schedules.
  • Fixed the door frame from Robin's construction animation not properly removed for remote clients after construction is done.
  • Fixed messages like the one about spreading weeds only shown for the host player.
  • Fixed clicking without dragging with the slingshot consuming ammo but firing nothing.
  • Fixed Kent sometimes missing from clients' festivals.
  • Fixed players that collapse in multiplayer seeing the screen briefly flash, showing them in bed.
  • Fixed fishing rod cast sound affected by other players' casts.
  • Fixed fishing rod animation not properly synchronised when clicking and holding to recast.
  • Fixed issue where Lupini would only stop selling a painting if the host player was the one to buy it.
  • Fixed issue where horses could lose their hats in multiplayer.
  • Fixed issue where farmhands couldn't activate the Dark Shrine of Night Terrors.
  • Fixed issue where monsters wouldn't move while host was watching an event or getting knocked out.
  • Fixed various issues related to child placement and multiplayer synchronization.
  • Fixed issue where light sources from disconnected farmhands wouldn't get cleaned up.
  • Fixed issue where animals in barns built by farmhands in multiplayer were unable to breed.
  • Fixed issue where completing a Vault bundle wouldn't send a global chat message in multiplayer.
  • Fixed issue where the Witch event would create a void egg for each logged-in player.
  • Fixed issue where items shipped, minerals found, recipes cooked, fish caught, and artifacts found during a multiplayer session could be forgotten if a client disconnected before the end of the day.
  • Fixed several bugs relating to Mummy behavior and multiplayer sync.
  • Fixed crash after eating a Maki Roll while playing in French.
  • Fixed Prehistoric Tibia and Amphibian Fossil not appearing in the forest (or anywhere) while playing in Spanish.
  • Fixed Wild Plums listed as forage instead of fruit in non-English languages.
  • Fixed sleep stamina recovery being based on the last player who went to bed (now tracked separately for each player).
  • Fixed baby slimes in the mines destroying rocks on contact if a non-host player killed the big slime.
  • Fixed various multiplayer data sync issues.
  • Fixed time slowing for all players when the host is in the mine (no longer slows at all in multiplayer).
  • Fixed missing tools in multiplayer not always being recovered.
  • Fixed various issues related to pets in multiplayer.
  • Fixed remote players not properly showing jump/jitter animations during emotes or horse mounting/dismounting.
  • Fixed the host player seeing flashes or feeling controller rumbles from bombs in other locations.
  • Fixed explosion flashes not showing up on farmhand machines.
  • Fixed player getting stuck on the "Waiting for players" check after a festival if another player joined at the same time.
  • Fixed Joja purchase form not reflecting upgrades bought by other players.
  • Fixed issue where getting killed while paused in multiplayer could leave you in a perpetual getting-knocked-unconscious state; this now unpauses instead.
Fixes for visual or cosmetic issues
  • Items that come in various colors (like tulips) now show their proper color in the item received pop-up.
  • The mouse cursor is now hidden in scenes that lock user input.
  • The lighting in the Secret Woods now changes more consistently with the rest of the world as time passes through the day.
  • Lit furniture placed on top of tables will now properly light upon nightfall.
  • Fixed various visual map issues, including…
    • various tile issues in the Mines and Skull Cavern;
    • glow from certain lamps in the town interiors tilemap bleeding into adjacent tiles in the tilesheet;
    • incorrect corner edge tile used inside the walls in mine level 6;
    • incorrect grass tiling under the fence on the bottom of the mountain path to town, and missing tile on the tree near that location;
    • incorrect tiles in the Flower Festival;
    • a missing stone tile under the JojaMart sign in town;
    • visual issue with the kitchen floor tile;
    • visual bugs with the eyes of the statue in the secret woods;
    • visual issues with hat mouse's house;
    • artwork of the Bulletin Board in the Community Center not lining up with the walls around it;
    • mismatched walls behind the plant and picture frame in the hallway between Alex and George and Evelyn's rooms;
    • mismatched wall with the power outlet for George's TV;
    • look of the carpet under Sam's bed;
    • incorrect shadowing on some tiles in the mines on floor 7 and 14;
    • Secret Woods statue eyes staying red after activation until the season changes or you reload the save.
  • Fixed various text display issues, including…
    • various typos;
    • various line wrapping issues in dialogue boxes;
    • line wrapping issue when leaving the feast of the winter star;
    • line wrapping issue in tooltips for boots, rings, and melee weapons with long names;
    • extra space at the bottom of tooltips for edible items that don't grant any health;
    • sizing issues in carpenter menu for non-english languages;
    • spacing issues in bulletin board request text;
    • one of Haley's lines having a blank dialogue page;
    • certain items with long names causing tooltips to word wrap incorrectly;
    • stardrop message easter eggs incorrectly appending the favorite thing after the special text.
  • Fixed various sprite issues, including…
    • layering issues (e.g. when the farmer is facing upwards while using some tools, or bushes drawn over chests);
    • character sprite coloration issues;
    • some monsters having two shadows (affected Ghosts, Dust Sprites, and Bugs);
    • Bouncer trying to face the player in some cases, resulting in an invalid sprite;
    • Linus starting some days slightly clipped into a wall;
    • Maru reverting to her plain clothes after her event in the clinic;
    • Penny's hair missing some pixels when she's sitting on the bench in town;
    • player hat rendered incorrectly in the inventory at night time;
    • player with an item raised above their head rendering with hands lowered in some specific cases;
    • player sprite rendered incorrectly after collapsing while in a bathing suit;
    • player sprite facing upwards after interacting with a child or festival NPC from above;
    • player 'wiggling nose' animation issue when casting or reeling in a fish;
    • player eye color drawn incorrectly when reeling in a fish;
    • player sprite flickering to invalid animation frame when tapping a movement key while aiming the fishing rod;
    • kissing your spouse in multiplayer sometimes showing an incorrect idle frame (sometimes facing the wrong direction);
    • various issues related to animations played as part of an NPC's daily schedule;
    • the light halo overlay on outdoor lamps sorting incorrectly at some positions;
    • health bar not fully consistent with stamina bar.
  • Fixed Penny washing dishes too far from the sink.
  • Fixed issue where rebinding keys would cause the game to display a blank options screen instead of properly prompting the player to press a key.
  • Fixed switching toolbars causing incorrect animations to play in multiplayer.
  • Fixed various issues related to the frogs that sometimes spawn on rainy days.
  • Fixed ancient seed not visible in inventory.
  • Fixed edible items that don't grant energy displaying the poisonous icon in tooltip.
  • Fixed being able to click title menu buttons before they're visible.
  • Fixed visual issues when swapping toolbars away or onto light sources.
  • Fixed some dialogue boxes being positioned incorrectly.
  • Fixed issue where hovering over the dialogue friendship jewel would show a friendship level tooltip, even if the jewel wasn't currently visible (e.g. when answering a question).
  • Fixed visual seams appearing in Junimo Kart.
  • Fixed visual bug in the character's health bar when their health is low.
  • Fixed screen fading out twice when using Robin's building related functions.
  • Fixed resizing the window below the minimum size causing black bars on screen.
  • Fixed resizing the window or adjusting zoom resetting the scrollbar position on the options screen.
  • Fixed social tab showing one gift given if you gave two gifts that week plus a birthday present.
  • Fixed minor visual bug when switching between the "Host" and "Join" tabs in the co-op screen.
  • Fixed non-centered text alignment in the header of Robin's build menu.
  • Fixed the host player seeing light sources from Ghosts in the mines, even while not in the mines.
  • Fixed purchasing stacks of player-sold items from Pierre not visibly reducing the stack available.
  • Fixed lighting in the mine changed as soon as you start going down a ladder, instead of after loading the next level.
  • Fixed screen briefly fading to black during Grandpa's evaluation.
  • Fixed players sometimes getting stuck on a black screen during weddings.
  • Fixed pulling the last piece of hay out of a hopper not making it display as empty.
  • Fixed several issues with weather debris displaying incorrectly.
  • Fixed issue where white or black customization colors would cause the HSV sliders to show invalid numbers upon using the Shrine of Illusion.
  • Fixed visual issues with the cutscenes while riding the bus.
  • Fixed issue where holding 'up' while taking the bus back from the desert would cause the camera to pan during the cutscene.
  • Fixed trees planted in the desert showing their snow-covered sprites in winter.
  • Fixed issue where player animations weren't properly looping during events.
  • Fixed issue where Journey of the Prairie King showed -1 lives after losing all of your lives.
  • Fixed issue in Robin's menu where the Deluxe Barn's description overlapped the materials list.
  • Fixed minigames / cutscenes not always centered when the game is zoomed out.
  • Fixed the order of recipes in the Collections menu and the kitchen stove menu not matching.
  • Fixed weather debris clumped up after playing a minigame.
  • Fixed alignment of several UI elements in Calico Jack minigame.
  • Fixed falling leaves in the Secret Woods not showing their seasonal variants in fall.
  • Fixed campfire lighting misaligned.
  • Fixed map showing the player in the mines when they're in the Skull Cavern.
  • Fixed menu backgrounds not shown in the Community Center bundles menu.
  • Fixed the map's location label partly rendered off-screen in some cases.
  • Fixed white borders sometimes drawn on pieces of debris/dropped items.
  • Fixed mouse cursor not showing gift icon when gifting items to an NPC you're meeting for the first time.
  • Fixed mouse cursor showing "talk to" when hovering over NPCs during non-interactable events.
  • Fixed issue where harvesting from a crab pot while your inventory was full would result in multiple 'inventory full' messages without the red 'X'.
  • Fixed crab pots positioned/rendered over tiles they should be being drawn behind.
  • Fixed issue where opening a door would briefly show a ghost door.
  • Fixed windows in barns, coops, and spouse rooms providing light on rainy days or when it's dark out.
  • Fixed inconsistent particle effect when you right-click vs left-click to sell in the shop.
  • Fixed digging up an artifact spot in the rain leaving a dry spot.
  • Fixed hoeing in the desert when it's raining elsewhere leaving a wet spot.
  • Fixed outdoor garden pots not showing watered sprite when it's raining.
  • Fixed the health bar 'bleeding' at low health values if the health bar isn't currently being drawn or if the screen is currently fading.
  • Fixed double cursor in the Stardew Valley Fair slingshot minigame, and disabled drawing of it when playing with controller.
Other bug fixes
  • All mine songs now show up in the Jukebox list.
  • Fixed crash on startup if no audio output device is detected.
  • Fixed resolution issues for some players.
  • Fixed music not properly playing at the start of a new day.
  • Fixed Junimos not behaving properly after completing the community center.
  • Fixed issue where other players could affect the music that's playing in the mines.
  • Fixed various bugs caused by simultaneous buffs and debuffs.
  • Improved confusing error if certain game files are missing.
  • Fixed issue where players wouldn't get museum achievements until the next time they donated something themselves.
  • Fixed Master Angler achievement awarded before catching all fish.
  • Fixed issue where the music in Leah's house didn't stop after leaving her house.
  • Fixed issue where the wallpaper and flooring would shift rooms as you upgraded your house.
  • Fixed skipping an event sometimes making the player wait on a black screen for a while.
  • Fixed placing a bomb and leaving the screen before it explodes causing a buggy sound effect.
  • Fixed placing a bomb that destroys weeds and leaving the area before the explosion happens still playing the weed destruction sounds.
  • Fixed options menu being scrollable while a dropdown list is active.
  • Fixed an issue where a female character's pants could have their color changed to black during a wedding ceremony.
  • Fixed issue where you'd need to click twice to clear the dialogue that appeared after falling down a mineshaft.
  • Fixed issue where hotkeys (like opening the inventory) triggered after sending a chat message.
  • Fixed issue where dialogue couldn't be advanced using keyboard inputs.
  • Fixed issue where the music would sometimes briefly play again after you had turned the volume down.
  • Fixed issue where rebinding the menu key closed the options menu.
  • Fixed Prairie King game over screen only accepting input every 1.5 seconds.
  • Fixed Prairie King music overlapping if you use the zombie powerup multiple times in quick succession.
  • Fixed mouse repositioned when clicking HUD zoom buttons, making it harder to zoom in/out multiple times.
  • Fixed issue where loading a save would play the furnace and fireplace sounds.
  • Fixed volume levels not properly applied when connecting to a game as a farmhand.
  • Fixed rare crash or invisible grass caused by grass sizes becoming invalid.


Stardew Valley 1.3.36 было опубликовано на бета-канале 24 Января 2019 и релиз 01 Марта 2019.

  • Добавлена поддержка языков, Французский, Итальянский, Корейский, Венгерский и Турецкий.
  • Новое меню "About/Credits" на титульном экране.
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой дарение подарка NPC приводило к тому, что действие происходило дважды в быстрой последовательности.
  • Исправлена ошибка при вращении мебели.
  • Исправлена ошибка воспроизведения утренней музыки, которая воспроизводилась не правильно.
  • Исправлено, Джунимо не исчезают после финального ролика.
Бета-версии (1.3.35–1.3.36) 
1.3.36 бета(26 Февраль 2019)
  • Исправлена ошибка, когда музыка не правильно играла утром.
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой дарение подарка NPC приводило к тому, что действие происходило дважды в быстрой последовательности.
  • Исправлена ошибка при вращении "табуретов".
  • Исправлено, Джунимо не исчезают после финального ролика.
1.3.35 бета (02 Февраль 2019, версия не изменилась)
  • Добавлен Венгерский язык.
  • Улучшенный Корейский шрифт.
1.3.35 бета (24 Январь 2019)
  • Добавлены Французский, Итальянский, Корейский и Турецкий языки.
  • В меню добавили новые "Титры", вместо меню "подробнее" на титульном экране, и убрана /credits в командной строке.
  • Удалены ненужные файлы tilesheet в Content.
  • Удалены переведенные файлы карт в Content/Maps (переведенные tilesheets теперь загружаются автоматически).


Stardew Valley 1.3.33 опубликовано на бета-канале 18 Декабря 2018 и релиз 08 Января 2019.

  • Улучшена производительность в местах с большим количеством света (например, факелами)
  • Улучшена производительность на фермах с большим количеством животных.
  • Настроен новый значок здоровья "H"
  • Исправлен мультиплеерный визуальный сбой, когда другой игрок использует инструмент, а затем начинает двигаться в новом направлении.
  • Исправлены визуальные глюки при рыболовле в мультиплеере.


Stardew Valley 1.3.32 релиз 19 Ноября 2018. (Версии 1.3.29–1.3.32 были размещены на бета канал, и включены в 1.3.32.)

  • Оптимизирована производительность в игре по сети.
  • Добавлены дополнительные способы для хоста снять паузу с сервера (нажав ESC, B, Back).
  • Добавлен альтернативный способ показать окно чата (нажмите правую кнопку на контроллере).
  • Добавлено внутренние изменения для моддеров (не должно влиять на ванильный игровой процесс).
  • Исправлены слаймы, которые нападали на игрока неправильно.
  • Исправлена ​​ошибка, при которой стат, созданный предметами, равнялся 0 после загрузки файла, оставался пока вы не создадите что-то снова.
  • Исправлена кроличья лапка, не влияющая на сцену распада в неанглоязычных режимах.
  • Исправлены некоторые редкие сбои, связанные с инструментом в мультиплеере.
  • Исправлена ошибка, связанная с аудио, часто вызываемая при использовании бомб.
  • Исправлены Джунимо которые роняли урожай на пол, вместо того чтобы собирать их.
  • Исправлены NPC, проходящие через двери салуна.
  • Исправлено несколько редких сбоев, которые могут возникнуть при подключении к игре другого игрока
  • Исправлен цвет глаз, который сбрасывается до коричневого после перезагрузки.
  • Исправлена невозможность использования стержня / рогатки в фестивальных мини-играх.
  • Исправлена кнопка заголовка "Назад", скрытая за меню.
  • Исправлена невозможность двигаться после получения подарка на Пир Зимней звезды.
  • Исправлена ошибка при сохранении игры после добавления шорты Льюиса в дом Марни.
  • Исправлена ошибка просмотра карты, когда другой игрок находится в определенных событиях.
  • Исправлен "двойной звук" при использовании поющего камня.
  • Исправлено нарушение Женевской конвенции (путем замены красных крестов в графике).
  • Исправлены клики на чат которые не регистрируется, когда игра приостановлена.
  • Исправлено, когда игроки идут по прямой через текстуры, когда отключаются.
  • Исправлены дети, которые спавнятся дома не "принадлежат" своим родителям.
  • Исправлена возможность отменить или пропустить свадебное мероприятие.
  • Исправлена синхронизация, которая может произойти, если игрок пытался попасть в казино после того, как другой игрок удалил вышибалу.
  • Исправлены игроки способные построить перекрывая здания фермы.
  • Исправлено, только один игрок способен получить темный талисман.
  • Исправлена невозможность размещения пожертвованных предметов в двух нижних рядах музея.
  • Исправлены батраки которые не могут забрать предметы, которые они бросили на фестивалях.
  • Исправлена ошибка, при которой интерьер в доме Пэм не обновлялся во время ивента.
  • Fixed visual glitches caused by triggering a shared event simultaneously with the return scepter.
  • Fixed softlock caused by mistaken ability to use daggers during events.
  • Fixed players all receiving the same personal overnight events on the same day (e.g. spouse asking if you want a baby).
  • Fixed attempting to demolish cabins of abnormally disconnected farmhands causing the cabin to be destroyed after you leave the buildings menu.
  • Fixed farmers getting stuck in the fishing casting animation after picking up someone else's rod.
  • Fixed host sometimes appearing stuck using tool in shared events.
  • Fixed softlock when you play the Journey of the Prairie King past 2am.
  • Fixed glitched chest lid appearing when you destroy a cabin.
  • Fixed duplicate songs in the jukebox.
  • Fixed only one player's glow ring working at a time.
  • Fixed farmhands not being able to see each others' bundle changes.
  • Fixed bug causing some players to become married to two other players in 3-4 player farms.
  • Fixed player sometimes getting stuck in bed after another player got in and then back got out.
Beta Versions (1.3.29–1.3.32) 
1.3.32 beta (14 November 2018)
  • Added more ways for the host to unpause the server (by pressing ESC, B, Back).
  • Added alternative way to show the chat box (press right stick button on a controller).
  • Added internal changes for modders (should have no effect on vanilla gameplay).
  • Fixed some GOG users unable to use invite codes (beta-only bug).
  • Fixed crash when saving after the game adds Lewis's shorts to Marnie's house.
  • Fixed crash viewing the map when another player is in certain events.
  • Fixed "double sound" when using singing stone.
  • Fixed a Geneva Convention violation (by replacing red crosses in graphics).
  • Fixed clicks on the chatbox not being registered when the game is paused.
  • Fixed players sometimes walking off in a straight line through all terrain when they get disconnected.
  • Fixed babies sometimes spawning in houses that don't belong to the parents.
  • Fixed the potential for overnight events to cancel or skip a wedding event.
  • Fixed a desync that could occur if a player tried to get into the casino after a different player has removed the bouncer.
  • Fixed players able to simultaneously build overlapping farm buildings.
  • Fixed only one player being able to get the dark talisman.
  • Fixed the inability to place donated items on the bottom two rows of the museum.
  • Fixed farmhands being unable to pick up items they dropped in festivals.
  • Fixed Pam's upgraded house interior event not happening.
  • Fixed visual glitches caused by triggering a shared event simultaneously with the return scepter.
  • Fixed softlock caused by mistaken ability to use daggers during events.
  • Fixed players all receiving the same personal overnight events on the same day (e.g. spouse asking if you want a baby).
  • Fixed attempting to demolish cabins of abnormally disconnected farmhands causing the cabin to be destroyed after you leave the buildings menu.
  • Fixed farmers getting stuck in the fishing casting animation after picking up someone else's rod.
  • Fixed host sometimes appearing stuck using tool in shared events.
  • Fixed softlock when you play the Journey of the Prairie King past 2am.
  • Fixed glitched chest lid appearing when you destroy a cabin.
  • Fixed duplicate songs in the jukebox.
  • Fixed only one player's glow ring working at a time.
  • Fixed farmhands not being able to see each others' bundle changes.
  • Fixed bug causing some players to become married to two other players in 3-4 player farms.
  • Fixed player sometimes getting stuck in bed after another player got in and then back got out.
1.3.31 beta (25 September 2018)
  • Fixed junimos dropping crops on the floor instead of collecting them.
  • Fixed NPCs walking through the saloon doors.
  • Fixed a few rare-ish crashes that can occur when connecting to another player's game.
  • Fixed eye color being reset to brown after reloading.
  • Fixed inability to use rod / slingshot in festival minigames.
  • Fixed the title menu back button being hidden behind submenus.
  • Fixed inability to move after receiving a gift at the Пир Зимней звезды.
1.3.30 beta (18 September 2018)
  • Fixed path and floor tiles rendering as 1x1 tiles instead of joining up in 1.3.29.
  • Fixed double fade-in when the day starts in 1.3.29.
  • Fixed some rare tool-related crashes in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an audio-related crash often caused when using bombs.
1.3.29 beta (21 August 2018)
  • Experimental optimisations (might affect stability - expect 1.3.29 to be slightly less stable than other recent patches).
  • Fixed slimes not pouncing correctly.
  • Fixed items-crafted stat being 0 after loading a file until you craft something again.
  • Fixed rabbit's foot not affecting the breakup scene in non-English language modes.


Stardew Valley 1.3.28 was posted to the beta channel on August 10, 2018 and to the main channel on August 14, 2018.

  • Fixed bug preventing buildings from being placed where there would be a path/flooring tile in front of the door.
  • Fixed music not playing at the Luau festival and in town.
  • Fixed clients occasionally crashing in rainy weather.
  • Fixed server crash when there are no available network adapters.
  • Fixed the load menu showing 'no saved games' while searching for files.
  • Fixed crash that occurred if you collided with a monster on the first frame you entered a new location.
  • Fixed Robin forgetting that she's meant to upgrade a farmhand cabin if the farmhand disconnects abnormally.
  • Fixed farmhands not being able to set the next day's weather with rain totems.
  • Fixed farmhands 'swimming' inside their cabins if they're disconnected while swimming in the spa.
  • Fixed swimming-related visual bugs in on farmers' faces.
  • Fixed furniture rotation graphical glitch.
  • Fixed a crash that occurs if you try to copy an invite code while remotely logged into the machine the game is running on.
  • Fixed a German localisation issue with '%Farm' appearing in text instead of the farm's name.
  • Fixed spouse NPCs not kissing farmers.
  • Various internal changes requested on the modding wishlist.


Stardew Valley 1.3.27 was released on 01 August 2018. (Versions 1.3.3–1.3.26 were only posted on the beta channel, and are included in 1.3.27.)

New content
Balance changes
  • Increased purchase price of wood, stone, ores, and coal in the year 2+. The gold received for selling them is unchanged.
  • Reduced price of Tub o' Flowers from 1000g to 250g, and recipe from 2000g to 1000g.
  • Breaking small tree stumps now provides +1 foraging XP.
  • Once the player reaches the mine bottom...
    • prismatic shards and diamonds may rarely drop from any monster;
    • gems and purple mushrooms may be found when searching trash bins;
    • gems and purple mushrooms may be requested in NPC quests;
    • some monsters will be stronger.
Other changes
  • Once the player reaches the mine bottom, the Dwarf will attend weddings.
  • Golden Pumpkin is now a universal love (instead of universal hate).
  • Tweaked several seed packet sprites.
  • Tweaked Mr. Qi dialogue portrait.
  • You can now add Mayor Lewis' shorts to the Luau soup.
  • You can now put Fire Quartz in the Furnace to produce Refined Quartz.
  • You can now refill a Watering Can at the kitchen sink.
  • Fireplaces are now furniture, so you can move them around and buy different fireplaces.
  • Fruit Trees cannot be planted on top of decorations in the Greenhouse border, or in the corners of the Greenhouse.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed crops harvested with a scythe not giving XP.
  • Fixed bee houses always giving wild honey when used on custom farms.
  • Fixed seeds planted out of season disappearing.
  • Fixed player collapse being cancelled when they open the journal.
  • Fixed animal mood & happiness bugs.
  • Fixed crystalarium item swap exploit.
  • Fixed furniture being usable to complete bundles.
  • Fixed some recipes allowing Milk, but not Large Milk.
  • Fixed crash that occurred after 596 hours of gameplay.
  • Fixed staircase being spawned on mine level 120 when a placed object is destroyed.
  • Several grammar/spelling fixes.
Beta Versions (1.3.0–1.3.27) 
The above list shows changes compared to the previous 1.2.33 stable release. Here are the changes in individual beta builds:
1.3.27 beta (26 July 2018)
  • Fixed changes to the NetList events we added for modding
  • Fixed gift limits not resetting sometimes in single-player
1.3.26 beta (24 July 2018)
  • Fixed game freeze when Grandpa's event and witch event happen simultaneously.
  • Fixed full house achievement not working for player/player child births.
  • Fixed black screen until you click after player/player child birth.
  • Fixed children not appearing in farmhouse for player/player marriage.
  • Fixed buildings evaluating current position as ineligible move space.
  • Fixed prismatic shard rate too high after reaching bottom of mines.
  • Fixed spouse stardrop not rewarded in player/player marriages.
  • Fixed instantly brewing wine.
  • Fixed horse duplication bug.
  • Fixed typo in Krobus winter event quest.
  • Fixed crash when entering railroad area.
  • Fixed disconnect issues reported in 1.3.25.
  • Fixed fishing rod crash bug.
  • Fixed farmhands unable to get rid of children at dark shrine.
  • Fixed museum duplication issues.
  • Fixed players able to donate/rearrange the museum simultaneously.
  • Fixed spouse NPCs not kissing back in multiplayer.
  • Fixed farmhands talking to NPCs playing unique animations causing them to stop animating.
  • Fixed lack of spouse patio animations.
  • Fixed host seeing spouse dialogue for farmhand spouses.
  • Fixed being able to mount horse while farmer is playing an animation (e.g. picking up an item).
  • Fixed animals eating twice as much if they're outside while the player sleeps.
  • Added ValueAdded/ValueRemoved events to NetList for SMAPI.
1.3.25 beta (16 July 2018)
  • Experimental network usage optimizations
  • Fixed infinite ingredient use exploit when cooking in the kitchen
  • Fixed NPC marriage dialogue appearing for non-spouse players
  • Fixed crops harvested with a scythe not giving XP
  • Fixed inability to cancel moving a building
  • Fixed game occasionally locking up on a black screen at 2am
1.3.24 beta (10 July 2018)
  • Fixed players stuck on "Connecting to online services..." screen
  • Fixed crystalarium item swap exploit
  • Fixed furniture able to be used to complete bundles
  • Fixed milk requirements for certain cooking recipes (now can accept either Milk or Large Milk)
  • Fixed summer weather forecast bug
  • Fixed furniture duplication bug
  • Fixed long tool use animation bug
  • Fixed warp tile player & shadow animation bug
  • Fixed "Cloud Country" not being added to the jukebox if you create a game via the co-op menu
  • Fixed cooking food in the kitchen using ingredients from the wrong fridge
  • Fixed item debris duplication bug
1.3.23 beta (05 July 2018)
  • Fixed timesReachedMineBottom flag never updated. This enables previously-inactive features once the player reaches the mine bottom:
    • prismatic shards and diamonds may rarely drop from any monster;
    • gems and purple mushrooms may be found when searching trash bins;
    • gems and purple mushrooms may be requested in NPC quests;
    • the Dwarf will attend weddings;
    • some monsters will be stronger.
  • Fixed farmhands being warped to the wrong version of Marnie's house after purchasing animals
  • Fixed crash when player/player child is born and one of the parents is offline
  • Fixed multiple spouses standing in same space on farm
  • Fixed using a weapon after eating nullifying the food effects
  • Fix to walk around (instead of through) Pam when getting on the bus (after purchasing ticket from north side of ticket vendor)
  • Fixed toddlers not moving inside cabins
  • Fix to stop fly buzzing sound when it dies
1.3.22 beta (03 July 2018)
  • Fixed crash that occurred after 596 hours of gameplay
  • Fixed mistranslated Chinese co-op button on the main menu
  • Fixed divorced status not being carried over from 1.2 saves
  • Fixed post-6pm animal mood drain
  • Fixed animal happiness overflowing
  • Fixed spa not regenerating stamina when a menu is open in multiplayer
  • Fixed second player-player parent pregnancy causing crashes
  • Fixed farmhands being able to retrieve the last item shipped after it has been sold
  • Fixed lighting detaching from sources when upgrading the house
  • Fixed players losing cursor slot items when they are disconnected while managing the inventory
  • Fixed farmhands being unable to enter the wizard's tower if they join after the CC is completed
  • Fixed armored bugs not being invincible
  • Fixed wrong fish appearing in fishing minigame tent
  • Fixed slingshot minigame crash
  • Fixed broken skull cavern level 100 event in Russian
  • Fixed cave carrot quest crash
  • Fixed buffs not clearing when farmhands log out
  • Fixed farmhands being unable to open Junimo huts
  • Fixed goblin problem quest still showing in the log for other players after the quest is completed
  • Fixed new songs on Jukebox showing wrong names
  • Fixed duplicate songs in the Jukebox menu
1.3.21 beta (21 June 2018)
  • Fixed animal sounds playing outside of map
  • Fixed player icons overlapping on the map page
  • Fixed fishing rod casting temp sprites during the fall mini game
  • Fixed unsynced exhausted state and passing out
  • Fixed remote characters not blinking
  • Fixed grubs invincible to host while retreating
  • Fixed floating lamp sprite in mines
  • Fixed secret notes fished up spawning without a note number
  • Fixed beer sprite overlapped by counter in Clint 3 heart event
  • Fixed secret note #4 description fix
1.3.20 beta (19 June 2018)
  • Fixed fish splash points not properly syncing
  • Fixed missing elevator dings for clients
  • Fixed objects broken by weapons breaking twice when there is latency
  • Fixed glitched chest object in inventory UI
  • Fixed horse missing sounds/animation for clients
  • Fixed crash when trying to display dialogue for NPCs without any dialogue left
  • Fixed players hidden from view when local player uses a return scepter
  • Fixed all players teleported when return scepter used
  • Fixed structures can be placed where players would get stuck exiting them
  • Fix to allow players to walk out of resources (stumps/rocks) if they become stuck inside
  • Fixed Grandpa's candles not lighting
  • Fixed freeze up when all players are not in bed at 2am
  • Fixed farmhands not seeing giant mushroom trees until they relog
  • Translation fixes
  • Fixed door/footstep sounds being heard mapwide
  • Fixed item duplication if farmhands login while their inventory is open
  • Fixed stamina resetting to max when you leave/rejoin
  • Fixed trash items respawning when player travels to a different location
  • Fixed crash after blowing up a rock crab
  • Fixed fishing treasure chest causing a new cast
  • Fixed filled chests breaking when they're next to an empty chest
  • Clicking on the Journal icon no longer allows the player to stay awake past 2am
1.3.19 beta (14 June 2018)
  • Fixed client crashing when joining game due to null quest
  • Fixed Beach Bridge not updating for other players when one repairs it
  • Fixed controls locking up inside fishing tent
  • Fixed loss of 'Dating' friendship status when upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3
  • Fixed wedding ring not appearing in crafting list in SMAPI
  • Fixed deepestMineLevel stat only updating when they go deeper then any other player
  • Fixed seasonal tileset / SMAPI compatibility issue
  • Fixed farmhands unable to enter Pierre's on Wednesday after Community center completion
  • Fixed rain totems not working in multiplayer
  • Fixed no blue chickens in multiplayer
  • Fixed Gus walking through walls in Community Center
  • Fixed some animations playing at double speed inside buildings
  • Fixed Pam disappearing (potential fix)
1.3.18 beta (12 June 2018)
  • Fixed active players unable to cancel new player creation for farmhands
  • Fixed mouseover hover missing for buffs
  • Fixed horse footsteps using wrong sounds
  • Fixed crash whenever Marlon's name is used
  • Fixed NPCs end of route animation playing at double speed for clients
  • Fixed NPC positions not syncing at end of route animations (multiple NPCs)
  • Fixed extra tools spawning overnight if another player has them
  • Fixed gift giving not properly resetting after upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3
  • Fixed mistranslated pt-br seed disc saying to plant in winter
  • Fixed spa sign in English while playing in Chinese
  • Fixed proposals unable to be canceled
  • Fixed fishing rod event not triggering for farmhand
  • Fixed machines producing 'empty' products
1.3.17 beta (07 June 2018)
  • Fixed farmhands not being able to interact with bundles inside community center
  • Fixed farmhand tools disappearing after logging out while being upgraded
  • Fixed museum donations disappearing
    • This also fixed the description of museum items not changing after donating for farmhands
  • Fixed farmhand profession sale bonuses not applying
  • Fixed artifact donation message appearing in English for all languages
  • Fixed profit margin mistranslation in German
  • Fixed character names appearing in English while playing non-English character languages
  • Fixed inability to walk through animals while inside a building
  • Fixed bug which could make farm animals disappear
  • Fixed baby gender assignment issue for player/player newborns
  • Added feature: Invite code now copyable to clipboard
1.3.16 beta (05 June 2018)
  • Fixed 'introductions' quest tracking the wrong number of villagers for farmhands.
  • Fixed cabin fridges emptying when host reloads.
  • Fixed Secret Santa assignments changing.
  • Fixed items missing from festival shops when playing in Chinese.
  • Fixed traded fishing tackle breaking after one use.
  • Fixed tree seeds not being harvestable in multiplayer.
  • Fixed spouse position issues.
  • Fixed players stuck in wall after Emily's 10-heart event.
  • Fixed wallpapers/floors vanishing and resetting.
  • Fixed spawned mine ladders/shafts not being synced correctly in multiplayer.
  • Fixed slimes aggroing player during secret woods event.
  • Fixed horses becomes unmountable after entering a new location.
  • Fixed horses vanishing when warping between two quickly.
1.3.15 beta (30 May 2018)
  • Break-up event is now less harsh.
  • Fixed issue where farmhands only saw the first Junimo bundles page when accessed outside of the community center.
  • Fixed crash upon returning to a level of the mines with a chest, after having just been in it.
  • Fixed machines sometimes breaking when you're near torches.
  • Fixed crash when attempting to load a quest that hasn't been localized yet.
  • Fixed monster cries being heard outside of the mines.
1.3.14 beta (25 May 2018)
  • Added a quest to hint at the magnifying lens.
  • Re-enabled moving & demolishing buildings in multiplayer (although only the host can do it).
  • Fixed bug allowing players to spawn a staircase on the bottom mine level.
  • Fixed mermaid show not playing if volume is muted.
  • Fixed crash when selling many items to Pierre or through the shipping bin.
1.3.13 beta (24 May 2018)
  • Added separate chests in the mines for each player.
  • Fixed controls locking up in Stardew Valley Fair fishing tent.
  • Fixed duplicate cursors in minigames.
  • Fixed crashes buying furniture.
  • Fixed freezes when fishing during events.
  • Fixed crash caused by ordering a building construction the day before a festival.
  • Fixed crash breaking certain objects in the skull cavern.
  • Fixed horse-related bugs with movement between screens/clipping.
1.3.12 beta (22 May 2018)
  • Fixed all players seeing milking messages.
  • Fixed object desync on farm between players.
  • Fixed lighting issue in spa.
  • Fixed clocks becoming de-synced from server latency (now will disconnect player).
  • Fixed high network usage when NPCs moving.
  • Fixed delay when using bombs.
  • Fixed hidden mines ladder to skull cavern.
  • Fixed erroneous thunderstorm weather forecast in summer.
1.3.11 beta (16 May 2018)
  • Fixed beds regenerating energy in single player.
  • Fixed bomb framerate/delay issues (testing some).
  • Fixed farmhand crash when junimo is out at the farm.
  • Fixed inability to use emojis while chatting when menu was up.
  • Fixed fishing tackle breaking after one use.
  • Fixed Winter 8 festival overwriting first item when playing in Chinese.
  • Fixed forgetting level ups when disconnected.
  • Fixed lost stardrop stamina after disconnect.
  • Fixed crafting recipes vanishing when disconnected.
  • Fixed non-slime monsters being tracked in "Initiation" quest.
  • Fixed quests breaking or not tracking properly when disconnected.
  • Fixed weather report always sunny after reload.
1.3.10 beta (09 May 2018)
  • Fixed only LAN option being available at join screen.
  • Fixed torch & debris related lag issues.
  • Fixed crash after upgrading the community center.
  • Fixed object at (0, 0) causing machines to be destroyed when harvesting (thanks @MysticTempest!).
  • Fixed forage items spawning in inaccessible places.
  • Fixed travelling cart 'out of stock' message.
  • Fixed inability to get coffee at Night Market.
  • Fixed crashes related to Invisible Doors.
  • Fixed unable to reassign farm animals to other buildings.
  • Fixed startup_preferences permission crash.
  • Fixed objects pulse briefly when player enters map.
  • Fixed town map graphic inconsistencies with festivals.
  • Fixed treasure chests not appearing every 10 levels in mines.
  • Fixed spouse disappearing.
  • Fixed blocked path for secret note 20.
  • Fixed obsolescence of secret note 20 after purchasing "community upgrade".
  • Fixed slimes not applying "slimed" debuff.
  • Fixed freeze if all players are not in bed by 2am.
1.3.9 beta (04 May 2018)
  • Visual C++ redistributable update to partially fix the "LAN Only" connection issue.
  • Fixed furniture/wallpaper/flooring getting removed from sheds.
  • Fixed crash when interacting with farm animals left outside.
1.3.8 beta (04 May 2018)
  • Fixed glitching crab pot graphic.
  • Fixed lack of proper fish in underground lakes.
  • Fixed sprite glitch when placing wallpaper on tables or floors.
  • Fixed extreme lag when machines are working (using the scaling animation).
  • Fixed lighting related latency after 6PM.
  • Fixed butterfly bow position on horse.
  • Fixed inability to get Craft Master achievement in single player.
1.3.7 beta (03 May 2018)
  • Fixed the floor appearance being set to default and becoming unchangeable.
  • Fixed connection issues forcing host to be inside player cabin.
1.3.6 beta (03 May 2018)
  • Fixed wallpaper disappearing and not applicable.
  • Fixed incorrect "you have found" message display.
  • Fixed cabins not being movable (other buildings will be fixed in a later update).
  • Fixed inaccurate weather reports for connected players.
  • Fixed speech bubble cursor over pets/horses/children/Junimos.
  • Fixed Farmhands can't use hoe inside mines.
  • Fixed crash passing between maps while another player is on a loading screen.
1.3.5 beta (02 May 2018)
  • Fixed moving cabins/buildings causing issues in singleplayer only. (This feature was temporarily disabled in multiplayer to troubleshoot issues.)
  • Fixed issue loading festivals with SMAPI installed.
  • Fixed the map being cut off screen.
  • Fixed a crash fighting flying monsters.
  • Fixed the bug buzzing outside mines.
  • Fixed the crash when swapping from tool to food and quickly eating.
  • Fixed the crash after leaving game at earning screen.
1.3.4 beta (01 May 2018)
  • Fixed the eating prompt appearing when placing an item on a sign.
  • Fixed teleport obelisks not properly working.
  • Fixed the formatting for some Harvey dialogue.
  • Fixed the player getting stuck in a wall after pet adoption event.
  • Fixed an issue with no water in underground lakes.
  • Fixed an issue with building construction not completing if you exit during construction.
  • Fixed a crash speaking to Emily in exercise class.
  • Fixed a crash when speaking to Demetrius while he's dancing with Robin.
  • Fixed a crash at Grandpa's shrine.
  • Fixed a crash in certain situations if player name is within brackets.
  • Fixed a crash just after getting out of bed.
  • Fixed a crash when speaking to Traveling Merchant.
  • Fixed a crash on Journey of the Prairie King.
  • Fixed crash when striking a ready-to-harvest cask with a tool.
1.3.3 beta (30 April 2018)
  • First public 1.3 beta.


Stardew Valley 1.2.33 была выпущена 10 июля 2017 года с исправлением маленького бага .

  • Fix для linux и OSX касающийся встроенного контента для одиночной игры (что сделало моддинг более трудным).


Stardew Valley 1.2.32 была выпущена 10 июля 2017 года с исправлением маленького бага.

Bug fixes


Stardew Valley 1.2.31 была выпущена 7 июля 2017 года с исправлением маленького бага.

  • Описание головных уборов теперь говорят, для какого достижения они предназначены.
* Исправлены сбои, связанные с использованием игровых автоматов.
* Исправлены некоторые потенциальные источники излишне увеличенного использования памяти.
* Исправлены некоторые опции в диалоге, не используемые с контроллером.
Исправление локализации
* Исправлено сообщение о неправильной упаковке экранов загрузки на некоторых языках.
* португальский: исправлены некоторые параметры диалога в событии сердца 0 Линуса.
* португальский: Исправлена обрезка заголовка "level up".
* Русский: Добавлено больше места для текста " (single)" на социальной странице.


Stardew Valley 1.2.30 была выпущена 12 мая 2017.

  • Предпочтение режима окна теперь разделяется между всеми файлами сохранения.
Исправление ошибок
  • Исправлены сбои при переключении режима окна во время загрузки сохранения.


Stardew Valley 1.2.29 была выпущена 02 мая 2017. (Версии 1.2.27–1.2.28 были опубликованы только на бета-канале Steam и включены в 1.2.29.)

Исправление ошибок
* Исправлены сбои при загрузке файлов сохранения.
* Исправлены сбои при переходе в полноэкранный режим.
* Исправлены сбои при сохранении из-за задания "убить монстров".


Stardew Valley 1.2.26 was released on 24 April 2017 with in-game support for six new languages. Beta versions were posted to the Steam beta channel starting 07 February 2017.

  • Перевод на German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Japanese и Simplified Chinese.
  • При использовании контроллера, курсор будет переключаться между кнопками меню по умолчанию. Если вы отключите это, курсор вместо этого ускорится во время перемещения.
  • При использовании контроллера, нажатие кнопки «Назад» пропускает события, которые можно пропускать.
  • Раздел Выход вернулся.
Исправление ошибок
  • Исправлено освещение шейдеров, не охватывающих весь экран на Mac и Linux.
  • Переключение с «Оконный режим без рамки» на «Полноэкранный» теперь должно идти прямо на полноэкранный режим, а не в оконный режим.
  • На обоях и полах больше нет индикатора размещения фрагментов, показывающего случайный объект
  • Повышенна стабильность кода preference-saving. Это должно исправить редкие сбои, которые требуют от игрока удаления startup_preferences.
  • Исправлен вылет, который мог произойти, когда свинья пытается создать трюфель, но для него нет места.
  • Исправлено несколько редких сбоев, которые могли произойти в любой момент игры.
  • Исправлена опечатка слова «pronounce» в брачном событии.
  • Исправлена ошибка, при которой игрок не получал рецепт для файлов cookie, если они пропускают событие Эвелин.
  • Уровень земледелия влияет на урожайность до уровня 10.
beta versions (1.2.0–1.2.25) 
The above list shows changes compared to the previous 1.11 stable release. Here are the changes in individual beta builds:
  • Left/right gamepad controls can be used to move the color picker now (using triggers for this was unintuitive)
  • Fixed certain items (e.g. tulips and blue jazz) having their counts rendered with an unbordered font
  • Fixed lack of space for energy information on certain items, including Sweet Pea
  • Audio is loaded earlier on in initialization now, which might resolve some startup crashes
1.2.25 beta
  • Fixed broken Mac OS X app directory structure causing crashes on launch
  • Reverted the change to the ordering of Steam SDK initialization and audio loading, which is believed to have caused an increase in crashes on launch for some players
1.2.21–24 beta (1.2.21–23 weren't released separately)
  • Fix snappy menu controls breaking the grange display menu
  • Fixed a few minor issues with shop menus
  • Fixed the player not getting the recipe for Cookies if they skip Evelyn's event
  • Fixed a typo of the word 'pronounce' in the marriage event
  • Increased stability of preference-saving code. This should fix infrequent crashes that require the player to delete startup_preferences
  • Fixed a crash that can happen when a pig tries to spawn a truffle but there's no space for it
  • Fixed a couple of rare crashes that could have occurred at any time during the game
1.2.19–20 beta (1.2.19 wasn't released separately)
  • Fixed a few more situations where the cursor would show up unnecessarily when using a gamepad
  • Made the links in the about menu selectable with the gamepad
  • Fixed the shipping bin menu not allowing the cursor to move up within the inventory grid
  • The skip event button doesn't show if you're using a gamepad (use the back button to skip)
  • A few Chinese translation fixes
1.2.18 beta
  • Fixed an issue where if you were using a gamepad and used Exit to Title, the cursor could get stuck off-screen.
  • Added translations for the new "use gamepad-style menus" option
1.2.17 beta
  • ~7000 more characters have been added to the Chinese fonts. These aren't needed for the text in the game itself, but are expected to be relatively common in text input (e.g. in the names you give your farmer, farm, animals, etc.)
  • Switching from "Windowed Borderless" to "Fullscreen" should now go straight to fullscreen instead of Windowed mode
  • Wallpapers and floors no longer have a tile placement indicator showing a random object
1.2.16 beta
  • Несколько исправлений в переводах на Немецкий и Китайский языки
  • Made the back button on the load game screen accessible with the new snappy gamepad cursor functionality
  • Fixed a minor graphical issue in the Backwoods
1.2.15 beta
  • More translation fixes.
  • A couple more attributions have been added to the about box
  • Fixed the issue causing dialogue to be obscured by the cursor (when playing with a gamepad)
1.2.14 beta
  • Другие исправления в переводе
  • Fixed duplicate tool issue when using a gamepad to buy a tool upgrade from Clint
  • Fixed invisible mouse cursor during some dialogs
  • Fixed missing poisonous food tooltips
1.2.13 beta
  • Исправления в переводе
  • Improved text on main menu buttons for German, Spanish and Portuguese
  • Fixed event skip button not being clickable (if you've zoomed in/out far enough)
  • Fixed issue causing the date to be temporarily misplaced while saving (if you've zoomed in/out)
  • Small internal change for Pathoschild, to help with SMAPI
1.2.12 beta
  • Farming level now affect crop yield prior to level 10
  • Many translation fixes in every language
1.2.11 beta
  • Fixed the issue with the 'e' key backing out of menus
  • Some German language translation fixes
  • Quest text fixes
  • Fix the issue with the adventure guild 'Initiation' quest requiring rock crabs instead of slimes.
1.2.10 beta
  • Fixed blank tooltips on animal purchase menu
  • Исправлен сбой при покупке животного
  • Potential fix for a crash one user reported while loading a save file, as the game switched to fullscreen mode.
  • Fixed a threading issue that was the cause of:
    • 'Waking up' in the farm house between entering bed and shipping items / saving.
    • Probably the one or two crashes when sleeping / saving that people have reported
  • Gamepad control changes:
    • Mouse cursor replaced with gloved hand when using the new snappy controls option
    • Typing no longer moves the cursor around between widgets in character customization menu
    • Pressing the back button organizes your inventory in the menu and in chests
    • Pressing the back button skips events
    • Pressing X to take an item out of a chest will no longer move the cursor back to the first item
1.2.9 beta
  • New translations have been added (fixing the "Looking for Saved Games" message on the load menu always being English)
  • Eric's new gamepad control improvements, which make the cursor snap between buttons & other interactive components
1.2.8 beta
  • Fixed missing border around item counts drawn on recipe tooltips.
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred overnight that was dependent on your friendship levels with the NPCs.
  • Fixed the crash during Maru's 10 heart event.
  • The title screen on the Prairie King minigame no longer requires a button press.
  • Разные внутренние изменения.
1.2.7 beta
  • Further Russian font fixes.
1.2.6 beta
  • Updated Russian fonts for legibility (thanks for the feedback, it was really useful)
  • Fixed '+' plus signs appearing in fonts as smileys.
  • Reduced the size of text in some places to avoid running out of space.
  • Chinese title screen has 'Stardew Valley' written in Simplified Chinese.
  • Несколько исправлений в переводе на Русский язык.
1.2.5 beta
  • Fix for misplaced text on the "help wanted" billboard
  • Fix for bundle pages not being closeable via the close button
  • Fix for the heart character not showing in some languages (in for instance "<pet name> loves you. ?")
  • Some minor translation fixes in Portuguese and Spanish
  • New fonts for Spanish, German, Portuguese and Russian (Eric added the characters we needed to his font). A few notes:
    • Please provide feedback about legibility!
    • Plus ('+') signs appear as smiley faces for now. We know about this and are fixing it.
    • We've noticed text overlaps UI and runs out of space in a few places in German and Russian. We're working on it, but please let us know where you see this happen.
1.2.4 beta
  • NPCs in Portuguese now have the same names as in English. Please be on the lookout for use of the wrong name in dialogue, UI, etc.
1.2.3 beta
  • Fixed day/time/money box & buff icon positioning
  • Potential fix for the crash in shop interfaces
  • A few internal changes also happened to get us ready for more translations to come in... you probably won't notice this though ;)
1.2.2 beta
  • Zoom buttons work now
  • Main menu no longer messed up after modifying zoom and using Exit to Title
  • Fixed the issue where music would play on the main menu even when muted after Exit to Title
  • Fixed missing 'Loading...' text in some languages
  • Fixed lighting shader not covering the screen on Mac and Linux
1.2.1 beta
  • Fixed some instances of English text appearing instead of translated text
  • Fixed the issue where save files would not load if your system's language was set to something other than English (this might fix some crashes too)
1.2.0 beta


Stardew Valley 1.11 was released 06 October 2016, with a beta posted to the Steam beta channel on 05 October 2016.

Небольшие изменения
Исправление ошибок
  • Исправлена цена Кинжала Галактики(теперь 35000, раньше была 350000).
  • Исправлено описание профессии Золотые руки (бонус к цене 40% против прежних 50%).
  • Сорняки в логове жуков-мутантов больше не изменяются в зависимости от времени года (и не превращаются в аккумуляторы зимой).
  • Логово жуков-мутантов теперь каждый день немного восстанавливается.
  • Чудовища в логове всегда будут мутантами (не будут заменяться на обычных мух и личинок после повторной загрузки игры).
  • Метеорит больше не приземляется на большие пни и булыжники.
  • Здания можно снова размещать на узкой полоске земли сразу у обрыва.
  • Исправлены некоторые клетки на фермах.
  • Исправлена проблема с появлением диких растений под пнями.
  • Лук-батун с профессией Ботаник теперь иридиевого качества.
  • Трюфели не будут больше появляться в воде.
  • Питомцы не смогут больше спуститься по лестнице в подвал в пустоту.
  • The Outlaw boss in «Путешествие Короля Прерий» will warp back to the center of the map if he happens to run too far off screen in either direction
  • Животные в птичнике теперь будут давать продукты высокого качества, как должны были с самого начала.
  • Больше нельзя наполнить лейку в колодце, который ещё строится
  • Деревья больше не будут разрастаться за пределы фермы в пустоту и с каждым днём замедлять игру. Новый патч убирает и уже существующие проблемные деревья.
  • Теперь можно посмотреть финальную сцену с Джоджа, даже если вы перешли на сторону ДжоджаМарта, когда почти восстановили клуб.
  • Предметы для собирательства не должны больше появляться в недоступных местах.
  • Fixed issue where молния that struck an object on the farm would cause that object to "pop" into the current map when the current map was not the farm.
  • When you reach level 5 or 10 in a skill, but haven't slept yet, it no longer shows your new profession as "Сорвиголова"
  • Minor convenience adjustments and bug fixes.


Stardew Valley 1.1 was released 03 October 2016, with a beta posted to the Steam beta branch on 29 September 2016.

Брачные кандидаты
  • Введён небольшой участок за домом, где супруг/супруга иногда проводят время. Этот участок меняется в зависимости от того, с кем заключен брак:
    • Сэм выполняет трюки на скейтборде на хафпайпе.
    • Мару работает над каким-то гаджетом.
    • Абигейл играет на флейте.
    • Лея вырезает скульптуру.
    • Себастиан возится с мотоциклом.
    • Алекс поднимает штангу.
    • Пенни, Харви и Эллиот читают в небольшом садике с растениями в горшках.
    • Эмили медитириует в кристальном саду.
    • Хэйли между двух пальм делает фотографии.
    • Шейн возится со своей курицей Чарли у курятника.
  • С Шейном теперь можно будет вступить в брак; добавлены новые диалоги, расписание и события. На ранчо Марни добавлена новая закрытая дверь. В комнате супруга Шейна беспорядок с разлитым пивом и грязными следами.
  • С Эмили теперь можно будет вступить в брак; добавлены новые диалоги, расписание и события.
Карты ферм
  • Теперь игроку предлагается пять карт ферм на выбор. К стандартной карте добавлены четыре новые. Каждая карта уникальна, и у каждой есть свои преимущества, направленные на развитие одного из навыков. Интерьер дома на каждой из ферм выполнен в стиле выбранной карты.
    • Речная ферма: большую часть карты занимает вода, в которой можно рыбачить. Здесь ловится рыба, которая водится в городе Пеликан. Из-за воды доступной для возделывания земли гораздо меньше, чем на стандартной ферме.
    • Лесная ферма: лес ограничивает пространство, пригодное для фермерства. Однако в левой части карты есть возобновляемые пни, предметы для собирания и уникальные сорняки, из которых всегда выпадают смешанные семена.
    • Горная ферма: каменистая почва и изгибы реки ограничивают ваши возможности. С другой стороны, на юго-западе есть залежи минералов, а также уникальные месторождения жеод.
    • Ферма в глуши: здесь полно хорошей земли, и карта чуть интереснее обычной: в левом нижнем углу большое озеро, а на востоке и юге скалы. По ночам на этой карте появляются летучие мыши и уникальные Големы из глуши. Их показатели зависят от уровня боевых навыков игрока.
  • Добавлено кофейное зерно, из которого можно сварить кофе.
  • Добавлено новое расширение дома с подвалом.
  • Добавлены бочки, в которых можно выдерживать сыр и алкогольные напитки для повышения их стоимости и качества, в том числе и до иридиевого, которое увеличивает стоимость в два раза.
  • Плодовые деревья теперь могут давать фрукты иридиевого качества. Качество фруктов ежегодно повышается на одну звезду.
  • В книге в усадьбе мэра теперь можно позвать на развод.
  • После развода супруг/супруга съезжает, но дети остаются с нами.
  • Добавлен новый диалог для бывших мужа/жены.
  • На алтаре в хижине ведьмы можно стереть память бывших мужа/жены.
Другой новый контент
Небольшие изменения
Изменения баланса
Исправление ошибок


Stardew Valley 1.07a was released on 29 July 2016.

  • Added Mac OSX and Linux compatibility.


Stardew Valley 1.07 was released 04 April 2016, with a beta posted to the Steam beta channel on 31 March 2016.

  • У супруга/супруги появились уникальные реплики перед праздниками.
  • Супруг/супруга стоит рядом с вами на Танце полуночных медуз.
  • Добавлены диалоги для родственников супруга/супруги после вступления в брак.
  • Сэм, Себастиан и Абигейл теперь ходят в салун по пятницам даже после вступления с вами в брак.
  • Супруг/супруга не уходят из дома в дождливые дни (только на работу).
  • Fruit trees produce higher quality fruit as they age (once per year, up to gold star).
  • Fruit tree harvesting now involves shaking the tree to drop the fruit.
  • Lightning strikes now have a unique effect on fruit trees.
  • Lightning is more likely to strike trees and crops, but lightning rods now have a very good chance of intercepting lightning strikes (if they aren't already processing a lightning bolt).
  • Углевыжигательная печь производит кусок угля из 10 единиц древесины вместо 20.
  • Maxed-out friendship levels will no longer decay.
  • Added another digit to the shipping menu money counters.
  • Dying in Шахта is less harsh: money lost caps at 5000g, rate of item loss reduced, can't lose rings or the Меч Галактики.
  • Your assigned movement keys are now used within «Путешествие Короля Прерий».
  • You can now retrieve powerups and coins that drop on the edge of the map in «Путешествие Короля Прерий».
  • The last two hearts are now greyed-out for marriage candidates until you give them the bouquet.
  • Вилли теперь нравятся рыбные блюда.
  • Гильдия искателей приключений теперь продаёт предметы, полученные за истребление чудовищ (бесплатно вы их всё равно получаете).
  • Hardware mouse cursor option.
Исправление ошибок
  • Инструменты, оставленные в сундуках внутри зданий, больше не считаются пропавшими.
  • Мак исчезает при приготовлении маффина с маком.
  • Can no longer incorrectly "consume" trap bobbers (click to make them disappear with strange sound).
  • Профессия Земледелец profession no longer causes an extra 25% growth rate when speed-gro isn't present. Speed increase effects should now properly apply to very slow-growing crops.
  • Fixed подсолнух seed price at ДжоджаМарт.
  • Chests should no longer appear on top of your in bed after upgrading your house.
  • Item placement with the gamepad improved, and there is now an option to show an item placement indicator.
  • Снежный батат больше нельзя найти в пустыне.
  • Морской огурец теперь нормально отображается во вкладке Рыба в меню коллекций.
  • Животные should no longer get stuck on fences placed directly to the right of the barn door.
  • Various minor bug fixes.
  • Minor changes/fixes to dialogue.


Stardew Valley 1.06 was released 20 March 2016.

  • Added unique dialogues for all spouses.
  • Spouses now leave the house on mondays.
  • Value of most animal products increased.
  • Holly is now poisonous.
  • Missing events problem shouldn't happen anymore.
  • Minor bug/grammar/graphics fixes.


Stardew Valley 1.051b was released 17 March 2016.

  • Fixed disappearing item problem. (items can still be destroyed by farm debris).
  • Kegs now require oak resin to craft.
  • Bee houses now require maple syrup to craft.
  • Tortilla price changed from 75g to 50g.
  • Nautilus shell (artifact) renamed to Nautilus fossil.


Stardew Valley 1.051 was released 12 March 2016.

  • Fixed weird rectangle lighting problem.
  • Flooring can now be removed by bombs.
  • You can press a "menu" button (Esc or E by default) to close out of yes/no dialogues.
  • If no other function is mapped to it, the Y key will choose "yes" in a yes/no dialogue.
  • You can use the trigger buttons on a gamepad to navigate through the Community Center menu.
  • Небольшие исправления.
  • More secrets.


Stardew Valley 1.05 was released 09 March 2016, with a beta posted to the Steam beta channel on 04 March 2016.

Gameplay changes
  • Only read if you've gotten to year 3: Дедушка's had a change of heart... he feels he's been a little too harsh with his judgements. He no longer mentions "great honors", and his dialogue is a lot softer. If he's already visited you, check his shrine for a new opportunity...
  • Restored a "Lost" Шейн event.
  • Changed earthquake to Summer 3rd... to make it clear that it's the season change that kills crops.
  • Increased opportunities for iridium. The chance to find iridium in the Пещера Черепа increases significantly every ten levels.
  • Added a zoom in/out feature to the options tab.
  • Added volume sliders for ambient sounds and footstep sounds.
  • Added snow transparency slider.
  • Added option to turn off flash effects.
  • Added lighting quality option.
  • Added Задания (Rat Problem) to make it clearer that you have to investigate the Community Center.
Исправление ошибок
  • Лея's schedule has been fixed.
  • Spouses who have jobs won't get stuck in the bus area anymore.
  • Upgrading a house with crafted flooring should no longer cause a mess.
  • Restored more advanced NPC end-point behavior.
  • "Secret" NPC's should no longer show up on calendar until you meet them.
  • Escargot, chowder, etc. should now properly give fishing buff.
  • You now truly cannot pass the bouncer.
  • You can no longer get stuck trying to board the bus.
  • Fixed issue with invisible trees preventing interaction with tiles.
  • Dead flowers no longer affect honey.
  • You can now dance with your spouse at the Flower Dance.
  • Game should now properly pause when steam overlay is active.
  • Fixed issue where inactive window was still responding to input.
  • Fixed fertilizer prices in Pierre's shop.
  • Fixed Fector's Challenge.
  • You can now press the toolbar shortcut keys (1, 2, 3, etc. by default) to change the active slot while the inventory menu is up.
  • Iron ore nodes can no longer be removed, only destroyed.
  • Dog should no longer sit on chests...
  • Spouses less likely to run away into the dark abyss.
  • Naming your child after an NPC should no longer cause issues.
  • Fixed issue where recipes would sometimes consume more ingredients than they should.
  • Fixed crashes in certain cutscenes, when certain dialogue options were chosen.
  • Many small bug and typo fixes.


Stardew Valley 1.04 was released 01 March 2016.

Gameplay changes
  • Добавлена кнопка рандомизации внешности персонажа на экране создания персонажа.
  • Робин now sells crafting recipes for "Wood Floor", "Stone Floor", and "Stepping Stone Path".
  • Added a secret new way to modify a rare item.
  • Увеличена скорость роста травы.
  • Increased Собирательство spawn possibilities, and made it much less likely for forage to spawn behind trees.
  • Стоимость меда уменьшена с 200з до 100з.
  • Повышены цены на руду у Клинта.
  • Inventory menus now indicate which slot is the "active slot".
  • Made the meteroite look snazzier.
Исправление ошибок
  • Fixed problem with swinging sword while riding horse.
  • Fixed strange lighting behavior when holding torches.
  • Fixed problem where stone fence was spawning debris.
  • Spouse should no longer get stuck on their way to town.
  • Wild seeds now produce the proper produce when in the Теплица.
  • Secret gift exchange should now work properly.
  • All scarecrows now give reports on their crow-scaring activity.
  • Вышибала is now truly impassable.
  • Trees no longer grow directly in front of warp statues.
  • Вилли's shop no longer counts as water.
  • The meteor should no longer appear in pond or buildings.
  • If an object is ever directly underneath you, preventing you from moving, right click to remove it.
  • Мореход and Мастер по наживке professions should now work properly.
  • Tappers are now properly destroyed by bombs.
  • Fixed bathing hairstyle inconsistency.
  • Fixed various item duplication and stacking issues.
  • Маффин с маком теперь выглядит действительно как маффин.
  • Quest items should no longer disappear when you die.
  • You can no longer give quest items to the wrong person.
  • The Пещера Черепа quest can no longer be completed before receiving the actual journal entry.


Stardew Valley 1.03 was released 28 February 2016.

Gameplay changes
  • В меню готовки теперь доступны предметы не только из вашего инвентаря, но и из холодильника.
  • Радиус действия пугала уменьшен до 8 клеток.
  • На цену майонеза и других товаров, произведённых из животных продуктов, теперь влияет профессия Животновод.
  • Когда вы подружитесь с кем-то до двух сердечек, их комната становится доступной навсегда, даже если ваши отношения ухудшатся.
Исправление ошибок
  • Fixed duplicate item issue in the mines.
  • Ladders should no longer spawn underneath the player, locking them in place.
  • Fixed problems with the клуб menu. You can now throw items down and delete them (Delete key) in the Community Center menu.
  • Fixed item quality exploit.
  • Можно выбрасывать вещи из меню изготовления предметов.
  • Если снести стойло, можно построить его заново.
  • Энергия и здоровье в бане не восстанавливаются, если игра на паузе.
  • Исправлены проблемы с рыбалкой на ярмарке долины Стардью.
  • Various stability fixes.


Stardew Valley 1.02 was released 27 February 2016.

  • Если вы никогда не получали своего питомца, у вас теперь будет еще одна возможность.
  • Когда вы ложитесь спать, игра теперь проверяет, отсутствуют ли какие-либо ваши основные инструменты. Если это так, они появятся утром рядом с вашей кроватью.
  • Игра теперь корректно сохраняется ночью.
  • Eating skill food and then going to bed on a level-up night works properly now.
  • Fixed problem where completing the Crafts Room while standing in certain locations causes your character to get stuck.
  • Player character should now walk correctly while in a cutscene after drinking coffee.
  • Removed an item duplication exploit.
  • Forage items should no longer spawn in the woods above the beach.
  • Fixed Crab Pot problem (again).
  • Fixed exploding armchair bug.
  • Relaxing in the spa with your menu up no longer restores energy.
  • Removed Leah's doppelganger.
  • Debris should no longer spawn in the pathway between farm & forest.
  • Fixed disappearing tapper problem.
  • Fixed a few minor graphics problems & dialogue typos.
  • Other minor issues (spoilers).
  • Tools being upgraded no longer erroneously considered "missing".
  • Clay duplication bug fixed.
  • Pet cutscene won't refer to the "cat" as a "dog" anymore.
  • Лея's 10-heart event fixed.
  • Pepper Popper recipe now requires cheese.


Stardew Valley 1.01 was released 26 February 2016.

  • Исправлен случайный вылет, когда вы ложитесь спать и вам приносят питомца
  • Громкость звукового эффекта теперь правильно применяется при загрузке.
  • 'Ошибочный предмет' больше не должен появляться для продажи в Салун.
  • Z клавиша теперь в состоянии привязки.
  • Больше невозможно выйти из меню Общественного центра, удерживая предмет.
  • Получение вашего первого артефакта из жеоды больше не разрушает оставшиеся жеоды.
  • Созревшие дикие культуры больше не исчезают в день загрузки.
  • Крабовая ловушка теперь может быть размещена и удалена без проблем.
  • Исправлено вылет при осмотре сундуков в шахтах.
  • Теперь нельзя размещать сундуки в шахтах.
  • В семенах деревьев больше не отображается сообщение «Неправильный сезон».
  • Исправлены некоторые проблемы с картой.


Stardew Valley 1.0 была выпущена 26 февраля 2016 года.