Золотой грецкий орех

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Золотой грецкий орех
Golden Walnut.png
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Золотой грецкий орех - это валюта попугаев на Имбирном острове. Количество орехов отображается под изображением игрока на вкладке навыки. Грецкие орехи делятся между игроками в мультиплеере.

На острове игрок может найти в общей сложности 130 золотых грецких орехов: исследуя, убивая монстров, выращивая культуры, рыбача, с помощью горного дела, разбивая ящики в подземелье вулкана и т.д.

Как только файл сохранения запишет, что были заработаны 100 золотых орехов (суммарно), откроется комната Ки.

Подсказки попугая

Попугай в доме Лео, при взаимодействии с ним, будет подсказывать расположение орехов. Если указано количество, то оно будет меняться по мере нахождения игроком.

  • Огненная гора... На тропе у огненной реки...
  • Зарыты рядом с костями...
  • Помоги человеку в палатке...
  • Зарыто на севере: [количество]...
  • Зарыто на западе: [количество]...
  • Зарыто на юге: [количество]...
  • Спрятано на севере: [количество]...
  • Спрятаны на западе: [количество]...
  • В здании неподалеку...
  • У полосатых слаймов на западе...
  • В раковинах на берегу: [количество]...
  • Растут на ферме на западе: [количество]...
  • Глубоко под водой: [количество]...
  • Спрятано в ящиках в огненной горе: [количество]...
  • Спрятано в устройствах огненной горы: [количество]...
  • Ореховые камни огненной горы: [количество]...
  • У монстров огненной горы: [количество]...
  • Спрятаны между страниц дневника...
  • [количество] захоронены... Питатская бухта...
  • В самом сердце звезды...
  • На вершине огненной горы...
  • Ква-а-а... Рыг...
  • Тайное святилище в тропическом лесу...
  • Внутри твердой золотой штуки...

Расположение орехов

Количество Как получить Описание Изображение
1 Золотой кокос Золотой кокос можно найти на Имбирном острове на пальмах. Открыть его можно у Кузнеца в Долине Стардью. Когда Клинт откроет впервый кокос, вы получите 1 Золотой грецкий орех.
5 Рыбалка Максимум можно получить 5 золотых грецких орехов, ловя рыбу где-нибудь на Имбирном Острове.
Восточная часть Острова 
Quantity Type of Discovery How to Find Image
5 Puzzle At the upper right of the jungle is a hidden path. Following the stone path from Leo's house stairs leads to a hidden shrine area with four bird statues. Each bird statue is associated with a particular Ginger Island area, as hinted by the carved picture at its base (volcano = north, waves = south, palm tree = east, heart = west).

On rainy days, a Gem Bird will appear in one of the island areas (North, South, East, or West.) Approaching the Gem Bird will cause it to fly away and drop a gemstone. The player must place this gemstone on its corresponding altar.

The Gem Birds will always appear in the same locations:

  • North: Below the Island Field Office Tent.
  • East: In the middle of the path in the jungle towards Leo's hut.
  • South: To the bottom-left of the beach as you walk in from the docks.
  • West: To the right of the farm, right next to the pond.

There are five possible gems: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Emerald, Ruby, and Topaz.

The shrine will activate and reward the player with 5 walnuts once the final gemstone is placed.

(Note: The puzzle solution is randomized per game.)

3 Puzzle Place a Banana on the altar by the staircase to Leo's hut. A gorilla appears and rewards the player with 3 walnuts.
Banana Shrine.png
1 Puzzle Hit the tree inside Leo's hut with an axe.
1 Exploration A walnut in a bush is found in the jungle on the path towards Leo's hut.
1 Exploration Follow the path in the jungle to the right to the Gem Birds shrine. You will find a walnut to the south of this area.
Западная часть Острова 
Quantity Type of Discovery How to Find Image
5 Quest Complete The Pirate's Wife Quest to receive 5 walnuts as part of the reward.
15 Puzzle The Gourmand Frog will ask you to grow a Melon, a Wheat, then a Garlic in order. Talk to him after fully growing the requested crop to show him the crop and receive 5 walnuts per crop, for a total of 15.

(Note: The three crops may be planted at the same time, but they cannot be harvested until the frog has seen them.)

3 Puzzle Complete the Simon Says puzzle in the cave north of Tiger Slime Grove to receive 3 walnuts. Image shows directions from Parrot Express' Farm Location.
1 Puzzle Catch the green 'whack a mole' critter by covering three of the holes with place-able objects, then hitting it with an Axe or Pickaxe. You can also use a leveled up watering can to hit the mole.
5 Mining Mining the Mussel Nodes will occasionally yield walnuts, up to a total of 5.
5 Harvesting Harvesting crops on the Ginger Island farm will occasionally yield walnuts, up to a total of 5. (Image)
1 Fighting Killing the slimes in the tiger slime grove may give you up to one walnut. (Image)
1 Exploration Find the hidden path on the left edge of the shipwreck directly underneath the farm and follow it into the ship. There is a walnut on a plant inside.
1 Exploration A walnut is found behind a mahogany tree in the tiger slimes grove.
1 Exploration Find a circle of grass in the tiger slime grove - it may be hidden behind a Mahogany Tree. Hoe the center.
1 Exploration Find the blue starfish triangle as depicted in the image on the beach south of the farm. Hoe the center.
1 Exploration Find the starfish diamond as depicted in the image near the tide pools. It may be partially covered by a large rock. Hoe the center.
1 Exploration Find a diamond of indents in the sand to the bottom-left of the tide pools, near the ocean. Hoe the center.
1 Exploration Find a diamond of pebbles to the right of the Parrot Express' Farm Location. Hoe the center.
1 Exploration A walnut is found behind a coconut tree by the pond west of the farm.
1 Exploration Walk up the western coast towards Qi's Walnut Room to find a walnut bush to the bottom-right near a cliff.
1 Exploration Walk up past Qi's Walnut Room through the ocean water to find a walnut bush.
1 Exploration Find the X marked in the sand in the tide pools. Hoe the center.
1 Exploration A walnut bush is found to the left over the bridge from the Parrot Express' Farm Location. It will be partially hidden by a ledge.
1 Exploration Go to the right from the Parrot Express' Farm Location. You will find a hidden path - following the path to its destination will bring you to a walnut bush.
1 Exploration Move south from the Parrot Express' Farm Location via the left-most edge. You will appear on the cliff overlooking the farmhouse, allowing you to pick the walnut bush there.
1 Exploration Go east from the Tiger Slime grove and follow the cliff edge, destroying any rocks or weeds in your way. You will arrive at a walnut bush.
1 Journal Scrap #6 Go south from the farm to the beach - you'll see a curved palm tree on the right-most cliff. Dig in the corner where this right cliff meets the cliff extending up into the farm.
Walnutlocation Beach curve.png
1 Journal Scrap #4 Dig in the sand North of Birdie's Hut. Will reveal a Quality Bobber as well.
Walnutlocation Birdienorth.png
Северная часть Острова 
Quantity Type of Discovery How to Find Image
1 Exploration When coming up from southernmost entrance, turn left and dig at the center of stone circle.
1 Exploration When coming up from southernmost entrance, turn left, go through a hidden path to reach a grove with a walnut bush.
1 Exploration When coming up from southernmost entrance, turn right and dig at the center of a flower circle.
1 Exploration When at the dig site, go up the ramp and dig at the center of stone circle.
1 Exploration When coming up from southernmost entrance, turn right and dig at center of stone circle.
1 Exploration Dig up sand with unusual texture below and to the right of the Island Field Office.
4 Exploration Dig site, upstairs : dig up center of stone circle, then :
  • Walking to the left from this point, is a suspension bridge leading to a walnut plant ;
  • Walking to the right from this point, is a hidden passage leading to another suspension bridge and two walnut plants.
Walnutlocation dig site.png
1 Exploration Walk right from Volcano Dungeon entrance and dig in sand circled by two bushes and an arc of stones.
1 Exploration Dig up center of stone circle at top left of map where Leo sometimes stands.
2 Exploration When at the river of lava at the entrance of the Volcano Dungeon, use a Watering Can to make a path to the left. This will lead to an exit that opens up into an area with two bushes.
1 Exploration To the lower right from Volcano Dungeon Entrance is a walnut plant hidden by a tree.
1 Exploration To the upper right from Volcano Dungeon Entrance is a walnut hidden in tree that can be knocked down using a sling shot.
6 Island Field Office Complete the Large Animal collection at the Island Field Office.
Island Field Office.png
3 Island Field Office Complete the Snake collection at the Island Field Office.
Island Field Office.png
1 Island Field Office Donate a Mummified Frog to the Island Field Office.
Island Field Office.png
1 Island Field Office Donate a Mummified Bat to the Island Field Office.
Island Field Office.png
Южная часть Острова 
Quantity Type of Discovery How to Find Image
5 Puzzle On a rainy day, go to the Island Southeast, accessible after you build the beach resort. You will see a mermaid on a rock and a set of six rocks on the beach. Place a Flute Block under each set of stones on the shore, then tune them based on the number of stones above them. A large stone symbolizes 5, while a small stone symbolizes 1 (solution here). Once the blocks have been tuned correctly, run past them from left to right.
Ginger Island Mermaid.png
3 Puzzle On a non-rainy night after 8 PM on an even day, go to the Pirate Cove, accessible after you build the beach resort. Winning a round of darts will yield a prize of a walnut up to 3 times.
1 Fishing Go to the Island Southeast, accessible after you build the beach resort. Fishing in the starfish-shaped tide pool will yield up to one walnut.
1 Exploration Go through the entrance to Island North, immediately turn right and go south through a hidden route behind a tree to access the walnut bush visible on the upper cliff in Island South.
1 Exploration Go to the Island Southeast, accessible after you build the beach resort. Find a diamond of yellow starfish. Hoe the center.
1 Exploration Go to the Pirate Cove, accessible after you build the beach resort. There will be a patch of exposed dirt among the barrels to the right side of the water. Hoe it.

Redeem Rewards

Walnuts can be traded with parrots for various awards.

116 walnuts are needed to unlock all of the rewards, allowing for 14 remaining walnuts to be exchanged for 28 Qi Gems.

Reward Description Location Cost
Ginger Island North Unlock access to the north side of the island Leo's house data-sort-value="1">Golden Walnut.png 1
Ginger Island West Unlock access to the west side of the island Ginger Island South data-sort-value="10">Golden Walnut.png 10
Ginger Island Farmhouse Unlock the Farmhouse on the west side of the island, can be used to sleep in to pass the day without leaving the island. Ginger Island West data-sort-value="20">Golden Walnut.png 20
Farmhouse Mailbox Allow players to access their mail without leaving the island. Ginger Island Farmhouse data-sort-value="5">Golden Walnut.png 5
Farm Obelisk Allow players to teleport back to the farm, similar to a warp totem. Ginger Island Farmhouse data-sort-value="20">Golden Walnut.png 20
Island Digsite Repair the bridge to access to island digsite. Ginger Island North data-sort-value="10">Golden Walnut.png 10
Island Trader Unlock the Island Trader shop. Ginger Island North data-sort-value="10">Golden Walnut.png 10
Volcano Bridge Unlocks a permanent bridge into the volcano so that players no longer have to have their watering can to get in. Volcano Dungeon entrance data-sort-value="5">Golden Walnut.png 5
Volcano Exit Shortcut Unlocks an escape shortcut from level 5 of the Volcano Dungeon, allowing quick access to Island North. Volcano Dungeon level 5 data-sort-value="5">Golden Walnut.png 5
Island Resort Unlocks a beach resort. NPCs from the town will occassionally come to visit the resort. Ginger Island South data-sort-value="20">Golden Walnut.png 20
Parrot Express Unlocks a fast travel system to quickly get around the island Ginger Island data-sort-value="10">Golden Walnut.png 10
Qi Gem.png Драгоценный камень Ки (2) Exchange remaining Walnuts for Qi Gems

Only available after buying all other upgrades.

Qi's Walnut Room data-sort-value="1">Golden Walnut.png 1


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