Статуя Короля Дварфов

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“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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Rotten Plant.png  Внимание: Спойлеры  Rotten Plant 2.png

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Статья помечена как незавершенная по следующим причинам:

  • Add references to the game code for specific percentages and values.
Statue Of The Dwarf King
Statue Of The Dwarf King.png
Статуя Короля Дварфов
Источник Crafting
Цена продажи Нельзя продать
Изготовление предметов
Источник рецепта Mining Skill Icon.png Mining Mastery
Состав Iridium Bar.png Иридиевый слиток (20)

Статуя Короля Дварфов каждый день наделяет игрока уникальными способностями. Рецепт Статуи Короля Дварфов можно получить в награду после того, как игрок завершит Мастерство Горного Дела в Пещере Мастерства. Mastery Cave.


Каждый день статуя будет предлагать две из пяти доступных ей способностей. Игрок может выбрать только одну. Существует 5 различных способностей, перечисленных ниже.

Хотя варианты которые получает игрок случайны, они заранее определены в начале дня. Поэтому нет никакой пользы от создания нескольких статуй или перезапуска дня, так как игрок просто получит те же самые опции.

Image Powers
Dwarf Statue Ore.png
+1 ore when mining nodes.
Dwarf Statue Geodes.png
Greater chance to find geodes.
Dwarf Statue Coal.png
Greater chance to find coal.
Dwarf Statue Ladders.png
Greater chance to find ladders and shafts.
Dwarf Statue Bombs.png
Bombs cannot damage you.


+1 ore when mining nodes

When this power is active, any ore node destroyed inside or outside the mines will drop one extra ore. For example, if a copper ore node was supposed to drop 4 ores, it would drop 5 ores with this power.

Greater chance to find geodes

When this power is active, geodes found inside and outside of the mines have a 25% higher chance of spawning when a rock is broken, either by hand or with bombs. However, this does not affect the chance of finding geodes inside supply crates on the Beach Farm.

Greater chance to find coal

When this power is active, coal will be 3% more likely to drop in any scenario where coal can be dropped. This will be on top of the higher chance to find coal that the player could have from the Prospector profession. This will not affect the number of coal created by the Charcoal Kiln

Greater chance to find ladders and shafts

When this power is active, ladders and shafts will have a 25% higher chance of dropping from rocks in The Mines or Skull Cavern. They will have a 7% increase of dropping from monsters in these locations, therefore they will have a 22% chance of dropping when over a tile that ladders or shafts can spawn on. This is up from 15% to 22%.

Bombs cannot damage you

When this power is active, the player is immune to all damage from Cherry Bombs, Bombs, and Mega Bombs inside and outside of the mines.


  • 1.6: Introduced.