Robin building.png
“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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Последний раз редактировалось SergioMorricone в 2017-07-28 10:40:11.

Шаблон:LocationThe Mines are located in the north area of the Mountains (northeast of the Столярная мастерская and to the west of the Гильдия искателей приключений). They are blocked-off by rock debris until the 5th day of Весна (year 1), when the player receives a letter.

There is a total of 120 floors, or levels, in the Mines. Ore quality (type) and quantity increases as the player moves deeper into the Mines. The Mines are filled with rocks and dirt patches. Rocks can be mined with a pickaxe in order to obtain stone, ore and geodes. A hoe can be used on dirt patches to collect minerals, artifacts, ore, clay, and cave carrots.

To advance deeper in the Mines, a ladder must be revealed on each floor. The ladder will sometimes appear when rocks are broken or after an enemy is defeated (killing enemies is the stamina-free option to finding ladders). If a floor is "infested" or "overrun" by monsters, all enemies must be defeated on that floor before a ladder will appear.

If the player has reached at least level 2 in the Горное дело skill, floors can be skipped by using a Лестница (crafted from 99 Камень). A Staircase allows instant access to the next floor in the Mines. After every 5 floors, an elevator will be available, allowing access to that floor at any time.

Dying in the Mines causes the player to "forget" several of the most recent floors. Generally, around 5~11 floors will be lost, which means the elevator to those floors will not be accessible until progression is once again made. 10% of the player's gold will also be lost, as well as various items, including weapons, tools, and unique items (except for the Меч Галактики and rings). If tools are lost, they will be returned in the mail on the following day, though Fishing poles and weapons will not be returned.

A Minecart is located on the entry floor for quick travel to and from the mine. It is unlocked by completing the Клуб boiler room bundles or purchased from the Joja Community Development Form.


The Mines consist of 120 floors or levels. These floors are divided into three sections, 40 floors each, with their own themes; the first section has a brown earth theme, the second section has an ice theme, the third and last section has a lava and dark purple theme. The last ten floors of each section has a variation of the main theme; the first section (Floor 31-39) has a shadow theme, the second section (70-79) has a castle theme, and the third section (110-119) has a darker crimson theme.

The corresponding floors in each section have the same layout. For example, Floor 1, 41, and 81 have the same layout; as does 2, 42, and 82; or Floor 10, 50, and 90; and so on.

Floor Theme Enemies Treasures Notes
Entrance Brown Earth None   Ржавый меч A Minecart is located here.
The Дварф lives through the blocked passage to the east.
(A Steel Pickaxe or a Бомбочка is required to break the obstruction.)
1 - 9 Brown Earth   Зеленый слайм  Копашка  Жук  Каменный краб Gems found: Аметист, Топаз, Кварц, and Земляной кристалл
10 Brown Earth None   Кожаные сапоги
11 - 19 Brown Earth, Сорняки   Зеленый слайм  Копашка  Жук  Каменный краб  Личинка  Cave Fly Floor 19 is set in a spiral pattern.
20 Brown Earth, Сорняки None   Стальной короткий меч Рыбная ловля: Пятнистый криворот and Камень-рыба
21 - 29 Brown Earth, Сорняки   Зеленый слайм  Копашка  Жук  Каменный краб  Личинка  Cave Fly
30 Brown Earth None No reward
31 - 39 Shadow, Grey Earth   Bat  Каменный голем Abundant Медная руда,
Жеодаs are common
40 Frozen Earth None   Рогатка
41 - 49 Frozen Earth   Морозный слайм  Frost Bat  Dust Sprite Abundant Железная руда, Морозная жеодаs, Аквамарин, Замерзшая слеза, and Нефрит
50 Frozen Earth None   Ботинки для тундры Алмазs begin to appear (1 in 500 stones).
Each floor after 50 increases frequency by 0.00016 (e.g. 1 in 100 stones on floor 100).
51 - 59 Frozen Earth   Морозный слайм  Frost Bat  Dust Sprite  Призрак Abundant Dust Sprites (Уголь).
Floor 52 has a bag of coal at the end of the path.
60 Frozen Earth None   Кристальный кинжал Рыбная ловля: Ледопип and Пятнистый криворот
61 - 69 Frozen Earth   Морозный слайм  Frost Bat  Dust Sprite  Призрак
70 Frozen Castle None   Рогатка мастера
71 - 79 Frozen Castle   Морозный слайм  Frost Bat  Dust Sprite  Призрак  Скелет Морозная жеодаs

Abundant Железная руда

80 Lava, Purple Earth None   Огнеступы
81 - 89 Lava, Purple Earth   Red Sludge  Лавовая летучая мышь  Лавовый краб  Теневой воротила  Шаман теней  Металлоголовый  Малыш-кальмар Золотая руда and Магма-жеодаs begin to appear.
Изумрудs, Огненный кварц, and Rubies are common.
90 Lava, Purple Earth None   Обсидиановое лезвие
91 - 99 Lava, Purple Earth   Red Sludge  Лавовая летучая мышь  Лавовый краб  Теневой воротила  Шаман теней  Металлоголовый  Малыш-кальмар Coal is less common from here onward (from Dust Sprites).
100 Lava, Purple Earth, Сорняки None   Звездная капля Рыбная ловля: Лавовый угорь and Пятнистый криворот
101 - 109 Lava, Purple Earth, Сорняки   Red Sludge  Лавовая летучая мышь  Лавовый краб  Теневой воротила  Шаман теней  Металлоголовый  Малыш-кальмар Abundant Золотая руда
110 Lava, Crimson Earth None   Космические сапоги
111 - 119 Lava, Crimson Earth   Red Sludge  Лавовая летучая мышь  Лавовый краб  Теневой воротила  Шаман теней  Металлоголовый  Малыш-кальмар
120 Lava, Purple Earth Сорняки None   Ключ с черепом Final floor


Useful food when spelunking in the Mines.

Вид Название Описание Бонус(ы) Продолжительность
«Дары осени» Попробуй осень на вкус.   Собирательство (+2)  Защита (+2)   7m41s
Кофе Пахнет так вкусно. Он определенно даст вам прилив энергии.   Скорость (+1)   1m23s
Крабовые котлетки Крабовое мясо, хлебные крошки и яйцо в форме котлеток, зажаренные до золотистой корочки.   Скорость (+1)  Защита (+1)   15m10s
Клюквенный соус Праздничное угощение.   Горное дело (+2)   3m30s
Баклажаны с пармез-м Терпкий, сырный, чудесный.   Горное дело (+1)  Защита (+3)   4m39s
Жареный угорь Жирный, но богат вкусом.   Удача (+1)   7m
Жареные грибы Насыщенные и ароматные.   Атака (+2)   7m
Обед на удачу Особое блюдо.   Удача (+3)   11m11s
Кленовый пончик Сладкий пончик с богатой кленовой глазурью.   Фермерство (+1)  Рыбная ловля (+1)  Горное дело (+1)   16m47s
«Шахтерский леденец» С ней вам хватит энергии.   Горное дело (+3)  Магнитism (+32)   5m35s
Перечные бомбочки Панированный жгучий перец, фаршированный сыром.   Скорость (+1)  Фермерство (+2)   7m
Тыквенный суп Любимое блюдо сезона.   Удача (+2)  Защита (+2)   7m41s
Коренья на блюде Вам захочется добавки!   Атака (+3)   5m35s
Острый угорь Очень острый! Осторожно.   Удача (+1)  Скорость (+1)   7m
«Объеденье» Ах, запах свежего хлеба и шалфея.   Защита (+2)   5m39s
Чудо-блюдо Это блюдо дает много энергии.   Скорость (+1)

  Макс. энергия (+40)



You will face many Monsters in the Mines. Be prepared. Make sure to bring lots of food that refill HP and energy, or craft life elixirs which refill all health when used.

Losing all your health in the Mines is not ideal. You will lose money, items from your inventory and you will "forget" previous floors you've discovered (meaning you can no longer use the elevator to access them until you reach them again). The amounts of items, gold and knowledge lost vary.

You will awaken in the mine entrance, apparently having been found by one of the villagers who live nearby.

If the screen becomes "Misty" or "Glowy" be prepared to fight. When this happens lots of the current biomes' flying monsters will spawn and attack you.

Infested floors

Occasionally you will enter an infested floor filled with slimes or a mix of monsters. Unlike normal floors, there are no rocks and in slime-infested floors the walls and ground are covered in green slime rather than the normal themes. Forage-able items such as quartz or mushrooms may still be found though. To proceed from an infested floor, you must continue to fight until all monsters are killed (this includes duggies that may be hidden under dirt patches), at which point a ladder will appear either where the last monster was killed or next to the entrance (the player will be notified with a message saying, "A way down has appeared").

A Лестница can also be used to escape an infested floor.

An infested floor will always be on the same level for each day and goes up one level the next day. For example, if an infested floor is found on level 54 one day, it will be on 53 the next day, 52 the day after that, and so on. On some days, an infested floor might not be found because certain floors are excluded from being infested. These include elevator/treasure floors and the first five, last ten, and nineteenth floor of each section (refer back to the information about sections in Floors). There can be multiple infested floors at once, each are generally around twenty or more floors apart.

Skull Cavern Mine

On floor 120 of the Mines is the Ключ с черепом. The skull key is used to open a door in a cave in The Desert, leading to the Skull Cavern. It is also used to unlock the Junimo Kart arcade machine for play in Салун «Звездная капля».


  • The axe, scythe or pickaxe can be used to kill monsters in lieu of the sword.
  • Stone can be purchased from the Столярная мастерская for data-sort-value="20"> 20 з. each, making it possible to skip all 120 floors using Лестницаs for just under data-sort-value="250000"> 250 000 з. (useful for unlocking all the floors in order to return later)
