
Robin building.png
“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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Последний раз редактировалось DonBartus в 2017-05-04 20:16:26.

“Лея живёт в маленьком доме вне границ деревни Пеликан. Она любит проводить время на улице собирая дары леса. Она талантливый художник и у неё богатое портфолио работ, но пока боится показать публике. Может вы повысите её уверенность в себе?”
Dev Update #12

Её домик находится западнее деревни и южнее вашей фермы. Она одна из двенадцати персонажей готовых к Свадьбе.

Она проводит каждое утро вырезая поделки из дерева внутри ее коттеджа. Её дом открыт для посещения с 10:00, но игроки должны сначала должны заработать два сердца дружбы что бы получить разрешение войти. Игрок впервые вошедший в её коттедж запустит событие, но только если Лея будет находится в этот момент дома.


Каждый день Лея просыпается в 10:00 и продолжает заниматься искусством в ее коттедже. Пока игроки не достигнут, по крайней мере, двух сердец дружбы с ней, они не смогут попасть в её дом. В 12:00, после того, как она закончит домашние дела, она часто выходит рисовать рядом с прудом в лесу, или идет в Магазин Пьера, а иногда и на пляж, в летнее время. В дождливые дни весной она идет в Салун около 5:30 вечера.

Возможно, ее график несколько меняется к концу весны. Несколько дней она не выходила из дома до 16.00

Обычный График

Время Местонахождение
10:00 Просыпается и работает на скульптурой.
12:00 Выходит из своего коттеджа и идет на запад к озеру в лес. Стоит на восточном берегу озера и смотрит в сторону воды.
16:00 Покидает озеро и уходит дальше в лес, чтобы рисовать.
18:30 Возвращается к озеру. Стоит на западном берегу и смотрит в сторону воды.
19:30 Возвращается к Дому.
22:00 Слоняется вокруг дома.
00:00 Ложиться спать.

16ый день весны

Время Местонахождение
12:00 Клиника Харви


Время Местонахождение
12:30 Магазин Пьера


Время Местонахождение
13:00 Неотрывно смотрит на реку около своего дома.
16:00 Standing on the dock on the Pond in Cindersap Forest drawing.
11:30 PM The Stardrop Saloon


Time Location
4:00 PM Standing on the dock on the pond in Cindersap Forest drawing.
6:50 PM Standing on the West side of the pond in Cindersap Forest.


Time Location
12:30 PM Standing looking at the river near her house.


Time Location
2:00 PM Leah's Cottage
6:30 PM The Stardrop Saloon


Time Location
3:00 PM Leah's Cottage
9:00 PM The Stardrop Saloon
11:50 PM Leaves The Stardrop Saloon and walks back to her cottage.


Time Location
12:30 PM Standing looking at the river near her house.
4:00 PM Standing on the dock on the pond in Cindersap Forest drawing.
6:50 PM Standing on the West side of the pond in Cindersap Forest.


Time Location
11:00 AM Leah's Cottage

Normal Schedule

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, sculpts inside her cottage.
12:00 PM Leaves her cottage and walks through town to The Beach to draw (She arrives at the beach by 1 PM).
7:00 PM Leaves the beach and walks back to her cottage.
10:00 PM Moves around her cottage.
12:00 AM Goes to bed for the evening.


Time Location
10:00 AM Leah's Cottage
11:30am Arrives at Pierre's General Store.
2:30 PM Pierre's
4:00pm Leaves Pierre's General Store.

Tuesday - Thursday, Sunday

Time Location
10:00 AM Leah's Cottage
2:00 PM The Beach


Time Location
2:00 PM Leah's Cottage
8:00 PM At the far left table in The Stardrop Saloon
11:50 PM Leaves the Saloon and walks back to her cottage.
1:00 AM Enters her cottage.
Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, sculpts inside her cottage.
12:00 PM Leaves her cottage and walks through Pelican Town to the east side of the river.
2:00 PM Arrives at the east side of the river above the Blacksmith, stands there gazing over the water.
7:00 PM Walks from Pelican Town back to her cottage.
10:00 PM Moves around her cottage.
12:00 AM Goes to bed for the evening.
Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, sculpts inside her cottage.
12:00 PM Moves around her cottage.
2:00 PM Continues moving around inside her cottage.
4:00 PM Leaves her cottage and walks through town to The Stardrop Saloon.
11:40 PM Departs from the saloon and walks back home for the evening.
If it's raining or during winter, she'll spend the day inside her cottage, exiting at 4:00 PM to travel to The Stardrop Saloon for the evening. She also spends each Friday and Saturday creating art at home, then socializing at the saloon.

Her schedule can deviate if there are specific conditions like season, weather or certain days of the week. Below are her schedule deviations prioritized highest to lowest (for example, when it rains that schedule will override all others below it).


Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, sculpts inside her cottage.
12:00 PM Moves around her cottage.
2:00 PM Continues moving around inside her cottage.
4:00 PM Leaves her cottage and walks through town to The Stardrop Saloon.
11:40 PM Departs from the saloon and walks back home for the evening.

Spring 16th

Time Location
9:00 AM Wakes up for the day, sculpts inside her cottage.
10:30 AM Leaves her cottage and walks through town to Harvey's Clinic for her annual checkup. "Hi. Here to see the doctor?"
1:30 PM Continues checkup at the clinic. "Do I look healthy, Doctor Harvey?"
4:00 PM Departs the clinic and walks to The Stardrop Saloon.
11:40 PM Leaves the saloon and walks back to her cottage.


Time Location
9:00 AM Wakes up for the day, sculpts inside her cottage.
11:00 AM Leaves her cottage and walks through town to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Walks from Pierre's General Store back to her cottage.
10:00 PM Moves around her cottage.
12:00 PM Goes to bed for the evening.

Friday - Saturday

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, sculpts inside her cottage.
12:00 PM Moves around her cottage.
2:00 PM Continues moving around inside her cottage.
4:00 PM Leaves her cottage and walks through town to The Stardrop Saloon.
11:40 PM Departs from the saloon and walks back home for the evening.


Time Location
6:00 AM At Home
?? AM Walking to the bridge near the small island South of her cottage.
11:00 AM Near the bridge at the small island south of her cottage in Cindersap Forest.
3:00 PM Walking to her cottage.
3:20 PM Outside the door of her cottage.
5:30 PM Walking home through the alley next to 1 Willow Lane, moving toward the Bus Stop.
?? PM Passing through the Bus Stop.
7:20 PM Arrives at the farm house.
10:00 PM At home, in Bed


Основная статья: Дружба
Смотрите также: Список всех подарков

Лея может получить не более двух подарков в течение недели (и ещё один, если у неё день рождения), которые могут улучшить или ухудшить отношения с ней.

Подарок, врученный в её день рождения (  23 Зима) повлияет на отношения в 8 раз сильнее и покажет уникальный диалог.
Если подарить то, что любит или нравится, то Лея скажет

“Подарок на день рождения? Как мило! Он мне нравится.”
“Ты помнишь про мой день рождения! Спасибо. Это так здорово.”

Если подарок нейтральный, Лея скажет

“Ой, подарок на день рождения! Спасибо.”

Если вручить подарок, который Лея не любит или ненавидит, то скажет

“Ой... Это мне на день рождения? ... Спасибо.”


“Это именно то что я искала! Спасибо!”
Картинка Название Описание Способ получения Ингредиенты
Козий сыр Мягкий сыр из козьего молока. Сырный Пресс
Маффин с маком Оказывает успокаивающий эффект. Готовка   Мак (1)  Пшеничная Мука (1)  Сахар (1)
Салат Полезный огородный салат. Готовка
Покупка в Салуне
  Лук порей (1)  Одуванчик (1)  Уксус (1)
Стир-фрай Обжаренные овощи с рисом. Готовка   Пещерная морковка (1)  Обычный гриб (1)  Капуста (1)  Масло (1)
Трюфель Деликатесный гриб с уникальным вкусом. Свиньи Свиньи находят их сами
Овощное ассорти Очень питательно. Готовка   Помидор (1)  Свекла (1)
Вино Пейте в меру. Бочонок Любые ягоды.


“Это и правда отличный подарок! Спасибо!”
Картинка Название Описание Способ получения
Лисичка Вкусный гриб с фруктовым ароматом и слегка острым вкусом. Собирательство - Осень
Обычный гриб Вкусный гриб с фруктовым запахом и слегка перечным вкусом. Собирательство - Весна/Осень
Нарцисс Традиционный весенний цветок, хорош в качестве подарка. Собирательство - Весна
Одуванчик Не самый красивый цветок, но из его листьев можно сделать хороший салат. Собирательство - Весна
Палка Кусок дерева из моря. Мусор
Фундук Какой огромный фундук! Собирательство - Осень
Остролист Его листья и ярко-красные ягодки популярны зимой в качестве украшения. Собирательство - Зима
Лук-порей Вкусный родственник репчатого лука. Собирательство - Весна
Сморчок Его любят за ореховый привкус. Собирательство - Весна
Фиолетовый гриб Редкий гриб, растущий глубоко в пещерах. Собирательство - Лето
Снежный батат Этот небольшой батат был укрыт снегом Собирательство - Зима
Лук-батун Он растeт весной в дикой природе. Собирательство - Весна
Дикий хрен Острый корень, растeт весной. Собирательство - Весна
Зимний корень Крахмалистый клубень.. Собирательство - Зима


Картинка Название Описание Способ получения


“Хммм... У каждого свои вкусы”
Картинка Название Описание Способ получения Ингредиенты
Карповый сюрприз Жирный и безвкусный. Готовка   Карп (4)
Печенье Очень вязкое. Готовка   Пшеничная мука (1)  Сахар (1)  Яйцо (1)
Яичница Глазунья. Готовка   Яйцо (1)
Мороженое Сложно найти того, кому оно не нравится. Готовка   Молоко (1)  Сахар (1)
Розовый торт Сверху на нeм конфеты в виде сердечек. Готовка   Дыня (1)  Пшеничная мука (1)  Сахар (1)  Яйцо (1)
Рисовый пудинг У него сливочный, сладкий вкус./ Готовка   Молоко (1)  Сахар (1)  Рис (1)
Морская водоросль Используется в готовке. Рыбалка
«Бургер для выживания» Удобная закуска для исследователя. Готовка   Хлеб (1)  Пещерная морковка (1)  Баклажан (1)
Тортилья Можно положить в неe что-то ещe, а можно съесть просто так. Готовка   Кукуруза (1)

Совсем не понравится (Наихудшие)

“Это довольно странный подарок не находишь?”
Картинка Название Описание Способ получения Ингредиенты
Хлеб Хрустящий багет. Готовка   Пшеничная мука (1)
Хашбраун олотистые и хрустящие! Готовка   Картофель (1)  Масло (1)
Блины Двойная стопка пышных, мягких блинов. Готовка   Пшеничная мука (1)  Яйцо (1)
Пицца Популярна по ясным причинам. Готовка   Пшеничная мука (1)  Помидор (1)  Сыр (1)
Яйцо пустоты Черное яйцо с красными крапинками. Теплое на ощупь. Курица пустоты

Heart Events

Two Hearts


Enter Leah's Cottage when she's there.

You see her working on a sculpture. She discusses sculpting with you, and says "Once you get past the outer layers, the true nature starts to show..."

She continues, "Although, I have to admit... It's not easy to pay the bills as an artist."

  • "Why don't you have an art show in town?" (Не влияет на очки дружбы.) She muses that it could help make Pelican Town a true art destination, but says she'd be crushed if nobody liked her sculptures. She says she'll think about it, and thanks you for stopping by.
  • "Why don't you sell your art on the internet?" (Не влияет на очки дружбы.) She says it's expensive.

Four Hearts


Enter Leah's Cottage when she's there.

You see her arguing with her ex-partner on the phone, who is asking her to come back to the city she left. After the call, she tells you her story and asks if it was selfish to move out of the city to be an artist.
  • "No, it had to be done." (Не влияет на очки дружбы.) Leah responds, "You're right... I just wouldn't have been happy back there."
  • "No, and your ex sounds like an idiot." (Не влияет на очки дружбы.) Leah responds, "That's a bit harsh... But yeah, we had different priorities."
  • "No, but you would've been better off staying in the city." (-20 очки дружбы.)
  • "Yeah, a little." (-20 очки дружбы.)
  • "Yeah, but it's natural to care about yourself first." (-20 очки дружбы.)

Depending on your response in this conversation and the two-heart event, she'll either thank you for listening or briefly get angry. She tells you that she's been thinking about the art show or is saving for a computer, depending on your choice in the previous event.

Six Hearts I


Leah is at your farmhouse door on a sunny day between 6 AM and 11:30 AM.

Leah says she has a gift for you, and you receive the sculpture she's been working on. It's called How I Feel About <your name>.

Six Hearts II


Enter Cindersap Forest when Leah is there, in any season except winter.

Leah is trying to reach a fruit from the large tree above the forest lake. She can't reach it, so you lift her onto your shoulders. She thanks you and says that if her art ever fails, you'll always be there to catch her.


Eight Hearts

Art Show


If you suggested an art show in her two-heart event, Leah is at your farmhouse door between 6 AM and 8 AM (except in winter) to invite you to her art show. Enter the town between 3 PM and 5 PM (not necessarily the same day).

You arrive to find many others already present. Leah is happy to see you, and nervously starts the art show. She thanks everyone for coming. Leah says she came to Pelican Town to draw inspiration from the beautiful surroundings, and confesses that it really feels like home now. She presents her sculptures.

"I haven't named this one, yet. She started out as an exercise in human anatomy, but I ended up seeing her through to completion. Her expression is intentionally unclear... is she embarrassed, amused, pained? I'll leave that for you to decide." (pause) "This one's called 'Post-Dimensional Nullspace'. It represents the boundary of human imagination. The shape and color came to me vividly when I was in a 'trance state'." (pause) "I've been calling this one 'Egg Heads'. I wanted to create an animatronic humanoid statue to toy with the viewer's ability to properly attribute personhood to a physical entity." (pause) "And the last one is called 'Wood Sculpture 3'. It's a celebration of my favorite sculpting material... wood."

Finally, she thanks her special friend (you), who gave her the idea for the art show and the courage to go through with it.

The villagers all praise Leah and her artwork:

  • Lewis: "I'm proud of you, Leah! Events like this really breathe life into our little town!"
  • Gus: "Great stuff!"
  • Demetrius: "I love your art, Leah! 'Post-Dimensional Nullspace' is my favorite."
  • Robin: "Great use of wood!"
  • Penny: "Thanks for doing this!"

Leah thanks everyone, Lewis starts the bidding on the art pieces, and as the scene fades, her ex, Kel, can be seen to the side. Afterward, Leah says she's exhausted but that the show was a success.

Art Website


If you suggested an art website in her two-heart event, enter Leah's Cottage when she's there.

Leah proudly tells you she bought a laptop and set up an online art shop like you suggested. Her computer plays a coin sound, and she excitedly says that means someone just bought something. She pauses and says there's a "Mr K" who keeps buying all her sculptures. She figures it must be "some rich guy" who loves her art. She thanks you for the idea and says it's been really successful so far, and is confident she'll have enough money to work on her art full-time now. She goes back to work on her store, tweaking the CSS sheets.

Ten Hearts


Enter Cindersap Forest between 11 AM and 4 PM, in any season except winter.

Leah says she knew you'd be passing through the forest, and surprises you with a picnic. She thanks you for helping her get one step closer to being a real artist, and you share a kiss.

Leah's ex-partner Kel comes out of the bushes. (Kel will be male or female depending on your player's gender.) Leah is annoyed and asks what they're doing here.

  • If you suggested the art website, Kel says they found her online art store and says they're the "Mr K" who kept buying her sculptures. Leah is disappointed, because she thought it was a rich guy who truly loved her art. Kel says she was "half right", implying they don't care about her art. They ask her to come back to the city. Leah refuses, saying Kel was never interested in her art until she became successful.
  • If you suggested the art show, Kel says they came all the way from Zuzu City to see her sculptures and bring her back to the city. They claims to want their relationship to be the way it was before. Leah refuses, saying Kel was never interested in her art until she became successful.

Either way, an argument ensues. You can choose to punch Kel or reason with them. If you don't punch Kel, Leah does instead. If you do punch Kel, Leah says "That was pretty violent, (Name)."

Leah takes you to find a more secluded spot, and admits the picnic didn't quite pan out like she'd wanted it to.


Leah's room.

To become engaged, you must give the desired character a Mermaid's Pendant.

The wedding will take place 3 days after you propose and be handled by Leah. The marriage ceremony takes place in the center of Pelican Town with every member of the town attending the event. Once the ceremony is complete, she will move into your farm, and your house will have an addition with a small art studio. She'll also have an area behind the house for sculpture carving where she'll sometimes go.

Her old house will still be accessible during her old hours but she will not go there any longer.


Leah exhibits 4 notable behaviors once married.

1: Taking care of tasks for you
Watering most or all crops on your farm (only in spring, summer, and fall)
Repairing broken fences
Feeding all animals
Watering your dog's/cat's bowl
2: Giving you a random plant, saying she grew it behind the house, or a salad or a coffee. If your inventory is full, you will not receive the item.
3: Giving a stardrop as a symbol of love
Get your spouse to 13/12 hearts and speak to them in your home. She will comment about life on the farm and how they are enjoying it, then give you the Stardrop Fruit as thanks.
4: Going on nature walks
Occasionally Leah will take walks around the Valley. She will leave the farm and can be found walking through the forest south of the farm near the lake, after which she will wander to town before returning to the farm.



Leah's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Leah's style changed over the years before the game was launched.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Added sculpture area behind farmhouse if married.