Robin building.png
“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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Скриншот, показывающий два домика и двух игроков.

Совместная игра — это дополнительный игровой режим, в котором от 1 до 4 игроков могут присоединиться к одному и тому же миру через разделенный экран, по локальной сети или по IP-адресу. Многопользовательский режим доступен для ПК (Linux/Mac/Windows) и консолей (PS4/Switch/Xbox One), но не для мобильных устройств (iOS/Android) или PS Vita.

Игрок, создавший мир, является «хозяином», а остальные игроки — «батраками». Хост имеет файл сохранения в своей системе и может воспроизводить его как в многопользовательском, так и в одиночном режиме. Если хост не в сети или ферма в данный момент не открыта для других игроков, то рабочие не смогут получить доступ к миру или своим персонажам в этом мире. Право собственности на ферму не может быть передано батракам без модификации.


  • Только на консоли:
    • Для удаленного многопользовательского режима требуется подписка на онлайн-сервисы этой консоли. (Локальная многопользовательская игра с разделенным экраном бесплатна.)
    • Невозможно одновременно использовать разделенный экран и удаленные проигрыватели.
    • Только на Switch режим разделенного экрана ограничен двумя игроками. Каждому игроку нужен полный контроллер или два Joy-Con.
  • Кроссплатформенная многопользовательская игра (например, PS4 ↔ ПК) не поддерживается, за исключением версий для ПК (например, Windows ↔ MacOS)

Захостить мир

Мир можно создать специально для многопользовательской игры или открыть однопользовательский мир в многопользовательский в любое время.

Начать многопользовательский мир

Как создать мир для мультиплеера:

  1. На титульном экране выберите "Совместная игра" вместо "Загрузить".
  2. Щелкните вкладку Создать игру.
  3. Нажмите Создать новую ферму.
  4. Будьте уверены, что добавили по одному домику для каждого, кто подключится к игре. По выбору , размер прибыли может быть установлен. Можете решить, делить деньги между игроками или иметь свой кошелёк. Размер прибыли нельзя изменить после создания фермы без редактирования сохранения, но можно изменить общий доступ к кошельку, а хижины можно строить или сносить в игре.

Запуск режима разделённого экрана

  1. Создайте мир или загрузите сохранение.
  2. Постройте по домику для каждого нового игрока в одиночной игре.
  3. Подключите контроллер к ПК/консоли для каждого дополнительного игрока. (Первый игрок обычно играет на клавиатуре, хотя, играть на контроллере ему тоже можно.)
  4. Откройте игровое меню и выберите вкладку «Параметры».
  5. Прокрутите вниз до раздела «Мультиплеер» и выберите «Начать локальный кооператив».
  6. Пусть каждый дополнительный игрок нажмет кнопку «Старт» на подключенном контроллере.

If the host loaded the world via "Co-Op" on the title screen, they can have both remote and split-screen players in the same world (subject to the restrictions).

Invite players to a single-player world

  1. Build a cabin for each new player in single-player mode.
  2. Save and exit to the title screen.
  3. Open the save file via Co-op instead of Load to let other players join.

Join a world

For the main player, see host a world. For other players:

  • Via Steam: multiplayer farms hosted by Steam friends will appear on the co-op join screen.
  • Via GOG Galaxy or Steam: an invite code appears in the in-game options, which other players can type into the join screen to connect if they also have GOG Galaxy or Steam.
  • Via split-screen mode (see start split-screen mode).
  • Via IP address. This may require an open firewall port or virtual LAN service like Hamachi. (By default, the server uses UDP port 24642.[1])
На PlayStation 4
  • Players can join remotely via PlayStation Plus (requires a subscription).
  • Up to four players can play in split-screen mode (see start split-screen mode).
На Switch
  • Players can join remotely via Nintendo Switch Online (requires a subscription). Multiplayer farms hosted by friends will appear on the in-game "join" tab.
  • Nearby Switch players can play remotely via local communications play (no Nintendo Switch Online subscription needed).
  • Up to two players can play in split-screen mode (see start split-screen mode).
На Xbox One
  • Players can join remotely via Xbox Live Gold (requires a subscription).
  • Up to four players can play in split-screen mode (see start split-screen mode).


Multiplayer mode is mostly identical to singleplayer mode, though certain features are specific to multiplayer only.

Four Corners farm map

The Four Corners map

The Four Corners farm map was designed with multiplayer mode in mind. Each quadrant of the map features a small area for perks from some of the other farm maps to manifest, as well as a tiny pond for players in quadrants besides the quadrant with the large pond to draw water from. However, the Four Corners Map is also available for singleplayer.


The farm can contain up to 3 cabins (selectable during farm creation). For each cabin built, one player can join the farm. If the farm starts with fewer than 3 cabins (including if the farm was begun as a singleplayer save file), Robin can build up to 3 cabins total on the farm for data-sort-value="100"> 100 з. each. Cabin-building is instantaneous, so extra cabins can be built on the first day of the game.

The host player can also demolish a cabin at any time. Demolishing a cabin removes its occupant from the game, and places their inventory in a chest located where the cabin was.

A cabin can be upgraded at the carpenter's shop by the farmhand who occupies it, but not by the host or any other player. The interior layout of an upgraded cabin is identical to the interior of an upgraded farmhouse. As with the farmhouse, the physical footprint of the cabin does not change when upgraded.


When creating a new multiplayer save, a profit margin of 25%, 50%, 75%, or default (100%) can be chosen. Opting to lower the profit margin helps rebalance the economy in multiplayer mode by reducing the gold obtained when selling most items (including crops, forage, minerals, and cooked foods) to account for the increased productivity from the increased number of active players. For example, at 25% profit margin, Wheat is sold for data-sort-value="6"> 6 з. instead of data-sort-value="25"> 25 з..

Purchase prices for seeds at Pierre's General Store and purchase prices for Grass Starter, Sugar, Wheat Flour, and Rice at JojaMart are scaled with the profit margin set. Prices for other items (including Blacksmith and Fish Shop shop items, buildings, and tool upgrades) and quest gold rewards are not affected.

Lowering the profit margin makes gold much harder to come by in the early game. Progressing in all skills evenly, crafting items, and completing Help Wanted quests become far more important. For example, Willy still sells Crab Pots for data-sort-value="1500"> 1500 з. despite the reduced income, so mining iron and crafting Crab Pots may be more economical.

Note that there's no profit margin option when creating a singleplayer save. However, it is possible to have a singleplayer save with a chosen profit margin by creating a multiplayer save and playing solo. Choose "Co-op" at the main menu instead of "New", then "Load" it in singleplayer after the save file is created.


Players can marry an NPC, which works the same way as single-player. Each NPC can only be married by one player at a time, and children are added to the married player's home.

Players can marry another player by giving them a wedding ring. Married players get a Stardrop in a purple giftbox next to their home beds after the wedding (equivalent to the Stardrop received from an NPC spouse). A home is eligible for children if it's owned by one of the married players, has the kids' room upgrade, doesn't already have two children, and both players are sleeping in its bed; the game will randomly let one player propose having children to the other, and if accepted, the child will be added to the home that both players are sleeping in (if eligible), else the other player's home (if eligible), else the current home.


  • Some decisions are made collaboratively by all players by either clicking dialogues or joining areas:
    • when to sleep, by entering a bed;
    • when to start a festival, by entering the area;
    • whether to finish the Community Center or buy a Joja membership.
  • All players share the same farmland. Players may choose to pool their money or split it between each player.
  • Each player has their own energy bar, their own Skills, and their own relationships with NPCs.
  • Each player has a separate mailbox and spouse porch area also each player can build a separate cellar.
  • Each NPC can only be married by one player. If multiple players want the same spouse, the first to propose will win their hand.
  • The 14-heart events can only happen one time per NPC in the hosted game. For example, if one player marries an NPC, completes the 14-heart event, and then divorces the NPC and another player marries that NPC they will not be allowed to complete the 14-heart event with the NPC.
  • Interactions between players:
    • Players can marry each other and have children. Players propose to each other using a craftable Wedding Ring. The wedding ring recipe can be obtained at the Traveling Cart for data-sort-value="500"> 500 з. , and will then allow the player to craft a wedding ring with 5 Iridium Bars and a Prismatic Shard.
    • Players can dance with each other in the Flower Dance Festival (no prior requirements).
    • Players can see other players’ scores during certain festivals.

Quests and progress

  • Quest progress is largely kept on an individual level, though players can help each other with quests.
  • Quests set difficulty based on the highest-level player.
  • Mine progress is global, and each player can open chests for themselves (using the elevator to reach required floors also satisfies the mine quests).
  • Museum collection is global, and every player gets their own set of rewards.
  • The reward for completing the Bulletin Board bundle is applied to all players, although item rewards are only given to the player turning in the bundle.
  • Completing bundle sets or Joja forms unlocks the final reward for every player. However, only the player who completes a bundle can pick up the reward.
    • Repairing the bridge at the beach is also global.
  • Each player's tools have to be upgraded individually, though tools can freely be traded between players depending on need. This also eliminates any possible problems of not having a tool available during the upgrade.
  • Any player can purchase and place buildings on the farm, though only the host can upgrade the farmhouse and cabins can only be upgraded by their owners.
    • The permission for moving buildings can be changed with a command
  • Every player has their own set of Stardrops to obtain, though most of them will be available once any player meets the requirement.
  • Recipes for cooking and crafting are obtained individually, though of course players can help each other out.


  • Money can be shared between all players or split individually.
    • This can be set when creating a new game, or enabled and disabled using the "Town Ledger" in the Mayor's Manor.
    • If money separation is enabled after the game has started, money will be divided evenly among all players in the game.
    • If money is not shared, the "Town Ledger" can also be used to send money between players.
  • For each item placed in the shipping bin, the price is determined by the online player whose professions would most increase it.


Each player has their own experience points. Whoever commits the action will be the one to gain the experience.

  • Farming
    • Whoever harvests a crop gets the experience, regardless of who planted it or any other work done with it.
    • Whoever interacts with an animal gets the experience.
  • Mining
    • Whoever gets the last swing with the pickaxe gets the experience. It is not shared.
    • Whoever set off a bomb gets experience for destroyed rocks.
    • If a rock is destroyed by a monster, such as a Dust Sprite, everyone will get experience for it, even if they're not in the Mines.
  • Foraging
    • Whoever picks up the forageable gets the experience.
    • Whoever gets the last swing with the axe when chopping a tree, stump, or log gets the experience. It is not shared.
  • Fishing
    • Experience for fish is gained each time a player catches one as expected.
    • Whoever empties a crab pot gets the experience, regardless of who set it or baited it.
  • Combat
    • Whoever kills the monster gets the experience. It is not shared.


  • Players can have different daily luck.
  • Luck is averaged out between all players for calculations.


Generally speaking, during a day time only pauses while the players attend a festival or when using /pause.
When hosting a multiplayer game, time will behave as in singleplayer until the first farmhand joins. This means the host can simply keep their inventory or menu open while waiting for another player to join.

While in a multiplayer game with 2 or more players time will pause when:

  • The day has ended and a player is picking a profession or hasn't closed the shipping report.
  • The players are attending a festival that includes a main event. (Time will skip to the evening once the festival is left.)
  • The host has paused the game using /pause. (See below)
  • The Time reaches 02:00 am and a player is still inside a cutscene. (They will pass out once the cutscene is over.)
  • Split-Screen only: If all players are on a menu or a cutscene, time will pause.

Under no other circumstances will time pause, skip forward or move at a different rate than normal.

In particular time will pass while:

  • In any menu, inventory or dialogue.
  • A shop's inventory is open. (Continuing the trade remains possible even when the NPC has walked away or gone to sleep.)
  • In a cutscene. (See above. Other players can be seen while invisible to them. Time is not displayed.)
  • Playing an Arcade Game.
  • Reeling in a fish.

Some actions remain possible while the game is manually paused using /pause:

  • Players already in a shop menu can buy and sell items.
  • Players in their inventory/menu can browse and move items around.


Chat is a feature that allows communicating between players directly through in-game. There are also several commands that can be run in the chat to change settings, direct message other players, etc.


Commands can be run in the chat box, using a forward slash (/) before the command.

These commands are available for all players:

Command Description

Shows a list of available commands.


Clears the game's chat log.


Displays the list of chat colors:
White, red, blue, green, jade, yellowgreen, pink, purple, yellow, orange, brown, gray, cream, salmon, peach, aqua, jungle, plum


Syntax: color <color>

Sets your chat to appear in the specified color. To color single lines of chat type [color]Your chat message

Example: /color yellow.


Syntax: dm <player> <message>

Send a private message to another player in the same multiplayer session.


Syntax: emote <emote>

Performs an emote.


Show a list of names of all players current connected to your game world.


Take a screenshot of the entire current location, and save it.


Show the current ping time to the host (for farmhands) or to each farmhand (for the host).


Syntax: r <message>

Sends a response message to the last player that sent a direct message to the client.

Example: /r Hello World! to reply to a DM.


These commands only work from the host player:

Command Description

Pauses the game at the current time for all players in the session, freezing all characters in place.


Resumes the game if it has been paused with /pause


Syntax: kick <player name>

Forcibly disconnected a player from the multiplayer game.


Syntax: ban <player name>

Ban a player (not just their character) from the current farm. Specify a player name, user ID, or IP address.


Syntax: unban <player>

Remove a ban from a player so that they can rejoin the multiplayer session.


Unbans all players that are currently banned, so that they can rejoin the multiplayer session.


Syntax: sleepannouncemode <mode>

Changes when alerts are sent to chat when a player has gone to sleep in multiplayer.


  • /sleepannouncemode off will disable notifications.
  • /sleepannouncemode first will announce the first time a player sleeps in one day.
  • /sleepannouncemode all will announce every time a player starts sleeping.

Syntax: mbp <permission>

Changes farmhands permissions to move buildings from the Carpenter's Shop


  • /mbp off to entirely disable moving buildings.
  • /mbp owned to allow farmhands to move buildings that they purchased.
  • /mbp on to allow moving all buildings.


See: Multiplayer/Emojis


See Multiplayer/Emotes


  1. See StardewValley.Network::Server in the game code.


  • 1.3.27: Introduced.
  • 1.4: Added ability to choose shared or separate money and Four Corners Farm Map. Daily luck is now averaged. Quest difficulty is now based on the highest-skilled player.
  • 1.5: Split-Screen added with up to four players. Farmhands' chest of drawers replaced with a normal fireplace.