Мини-ящик для отгрузок

Robin building.png
“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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Мини-ящик для отгрузок
Mini-Shipping Bin.png
Можно поставить в доме.
Источник(и): Special Order quest
Цена продажи: Нельзя продать

The Mini-Shipping Bin is a placeable item that is rewarded after completing either of the Special Order quests "Crop Order" or "Pierre's Prime Produce".

The bin can be placed on or off the farm and functions as a miniature version of the Shipping Bin. Similar to the shipping bin, the contents of mini-shipping bin are cashed in at the end of the day, but the mini-shipping bin has a maximum of nine slots that can be filled (each slot can be filled with stacks) and the items placed within the slots can be removed at any point throughout the day.


  • 1.5: Introduced.

ru:Мини-ящик для отгрузок