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“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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Свадьба с Абигейл

Брак возможен, когда вы станете лучшим другом (10 сердечек) некоторых из персонажей. Брачные кандидаты во вкладке Светское помечены как «холост/не замужем». Чтобы показать свой романтический интерес, надо подарить персонажу букет (продается в магазине Пьера). Букет появляется, только когда вы заработаете 8 сердечек с одним/одной из брачных кандидатов.

Чтобы получить больше 8 сердечек дружбы, нужно обязательно подарить персонажу букет. Можно дарить букеты нескольким персонажам сразу, и это никак не повлияет на отношения с ними, если вы пока ещё не стоите в браке.

Чтобы обручиться, нужно подарить Кулон Русалки. Кулон Русалки продает старый мореход на пляже за data-sort-value="5000">Gold.png5000 з. (после починки моста за 300 древесины, первого расширения дома и 10 сердечек с одним/одной из брачных кандидатов). Старый мореход появляется только в дождь, а значит, зимой он появится, только если использовать тотем дождя.

Свадьба состоится через три дня после предложения утром, сразу после пробуждения. После сцены игрок и его/её новоиспеченная супруга/супруг окажутся на крыльце дома на ферме в 6:00 утра. Свадьба не состоится, если в этот день на городской площади проходит фестиваль.

Шейн и Эмили стали брачными кандидатами в версии 1.1.

Брачные кандидаты



Married Life

Once a villager has been married, they will move into the farmhouse. They will have a maximum of 12 hearts instead of 10, and keeping them happy will result in them helping around the farm. A happy spouse might make breakfast, feed animals, repair fences or water crops. They occasionally change the wallpaper or flooring of the Farmhouse. Interacting with your spouse when no dialogue is available will result in an embrace.

Файл:Spouse relationship meter.PNG

Giving gifts to other eligible bachelors/bachelorettes may result in your spouse questioning you about it. This will also happen when you are engaged, and not yet married. Giving the bouquet to a bachelor/bachelorette can lead to lowering their happiness by up to 2 hearts.

It is also possible to have children under certain circumstances.

Once married the gifting limit of twice a week is removed, however the once a day limit still applies.

Spouse Chores

  • Watering all crops on the farm (in spring, summer, and fall).
  • Feeding all animals.
  • Watering the dog/cat bowl.
  • Repairing broken fences.

Cooking breakfast will add one random breakfast food to the player's inventory. (If inventory is full, the item will not be received.) Examples include:

  •   Омлет
  •   Блины
  •   Хлеб
  •   Крабовые котлетки

Cooking dinner will add one random dinner food to your inventory. (If inventory is full, you will not receive a dinner item.) Examples include:


At 13/12 Hearts, there is a random chance to obtain a Stardrop from your spouse, as a token of their love.

Spouse Rooms

Once married, your spouse will immediately put their room into your house. They'll also have a unique area outside the farmhouse where they'll relax outside. 1000px

Spouse Outside Area

In addition to their room inside the house, each spouse has a unique garden area behind the farmhouse which was introduced in update 1.1. This small area will change based on who the player marries;

  • Sam does skateboard tricks on a half-pipe.


  • Maru works on a gadget.



  • Leah carves a sculpture.





  • Emily meditates in a crystal garden.


  • Haley takes pictures between two potted palm trees.


  • Shane stands by his chicken hutch with his chicken, Charlie.



See Children


In version 1.1 divorce was introduced. Players can visit the Mayor's Manor where a small book inside will give them the option to divorce their spouse. A divorce costs data-sort-value="50000"> 50 000 з.. After filing for divorce, players have the option to cancel before the end of the day (until 10pm when Lewis' house closes). If they don't cancel, their spouse will be gone by the next morning and their friendship level will return to 0 hearts. Under their name it will state (ex).

After the divorce, the spouse will move back to their old residence, and will have negative interactions with the player, citing the failure of their marriage. Any children from the marriage will stay at the farmhouse.

Players can visit the Witch's Hut in late game where they'll find a shrine which can erase their ex-spouse's memory. This costs data-sort-value="30000"> 30 000 з., and after being done, the ex will have no memory of the previous marriage, allowing players to even date and re-marry them if they choose. Using a memory wipe will make it appear as though the marriage never happened.

Children from marriage can also be 'turned into doves' at the Witch's Hut in exchange for Prismatic Shards. This is a way to remove unwanted children using dark magic.

If you are expecting a child and you divorce your spouse the child will not be born.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Added Шейн and Эмили as marriage candidates, added ability to break up marriage. Added different outside areas for each spouse