Калико-Джек одна из форм игры на деньги, доступных в Казино. Это видоизмененная версия игры БлекДжек. Есть два стола в казино, для низких ставок (100 Ки монет) и для больших ставок (1000 Ки монет).

Правила игры

Цель - набрать больше очков чем дилер, но не более 21.

Игроку и дилеру сдают две карты, первая оценивается от 1 до 11, вторая от 1 до 9. Первая карта дилера спрятана, пока игрок принимает решение.

Игрок может остановиться с текущим счётом, или попросить ещё одну карту с ценностью от 1 до 9. Это повторяется пока игрок не превысит 21, "перебор", мгновенно проигрывая; наберет равен точно 21, "Калико-Джек", мгновенно побеждая; или остановится.

Если игрок останавливается, то дилер показывает первую карту. Дилер будет набирать дополнительные карты (ценностью от 1 до 9) до перебора, либо до счёта в 18 или выше, такого же как у игрока. Если у дилера перебор, игрок побеждает; если у дилера счёт больше, чем у игрока, но не больше 21, игрок проигрывает; если игрок и дилер имеют одинаковый счёт, получается ничья.

“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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The odds of drawing a card is not uniform. When the player is hitting with a total of 16 or greater, they have an increased chance to receive a card which would give them a total of 20 or 21. For example, if the player hits with a total of 15, they would have an 11.1% chance of receiving each card. But if the player hits with a total of 16, the player has an 18.8% chance of receiving a 4 or 5, and an 8.8% chance of receiving the other possible cards.

If the player has a total of 18 or greater, the dealer's draws are also weighted in the player's favor. Each time the dealer draws a card, they have a chance to instantly bust. This will cause the dealer to draw a card which would put their total between 22 and 24. This can result in the dealer receiving cards much larger than 9. The largest card the dealer could receive this way is 22. The odds of this happening are 10% per draw if the player has a total of 18, 25% per draw if the player has a total of 19, and 50% per draw if the player has a total of 20.

If the player wins they gain a number of Qi coins equal to their bet. If they lose, they lose their bet. If the game is a draw, no coins are won or lost. After winning a game, the player may choose to bet "Double Or Nothing", which means if they win a second time they double the amount of Qi Coins they earn, but they lose all of them if they lose. This can be done indefinitely until the player loses or quits, in which case they will have to start over.

Neither daily Luck nor luck buffs from eating food affect the results of CalicoJack. The odds of winning, however, slightly favor the player rather than the house.

Стратегия игры

Optimal strategy for the player is to stand on 18 or higher when the dealer shows any card other than a 9, and stand on 19 or higher when the dealer shows a 9.

The dealer usually stands on 18, but there are specific cases where the dealer will draw on 18. These are intended rules, according to game developers.



  • Возможно название игры отсылается к капитану Рэкхему Джеку, также известному как Калико Джек. Этот пират так же мог быть прототипом капитана Джека Воробья.
  • The game does not use a deck of cards. The cards are randomly generated each draw, with no regard for which cards have been previously displayed. It's possible for the dealer or the player to have any number of the same card. For example, it is possible, though incredibly unlikely, for 41 1s to appear on the board.


  • 1.4: Casino mini-games now slightly favor the player rather than the house. Added number of Qi coins to game display.