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Версия 17:27, 24 июля 2017

Robin building.png
“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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This page is for crops that grow on tilled land. О fruit that grows on trees смотрите статью Плодовые деревья.

Crops are plants that are grown from seeds to be harvested for the purpose of profit, food, or gifting. Generally, each crop is seasonal. It can be planted only during its designated season, and when seasons change (after the 28th day), the crop will wither and die. Multi-season crops (i.e., Древний плод, Кофейное зерно, Кукуруза, Подсолнух, and Пшеница), however, will continue to grow during all specified seasons.



Crops can be eaten by crows when there is no Scarecrow within range.

Farm Animals

Farm animals that freely roam the farm, or escape the boundaries of coop or barn fencing, may venture into crop fields, but they do not consume any crops as crows do.

Fertilizing and Planting

Fallow (untilled) farm land must be tilled with the Hoe before fertilizing or planting there, an activity that consumes some of the player's daily energy, as reflected on the energy bar. A tile may be watered (by using the Watering Can) only after it has been tilled, which consumes more energy.

Seeds and fertilizer are placed on a tilled tile individually by using the left-click control, or on multiple tiles by continuously holding on to the right- or left-click control and moving the cursor and/or player. Since planting and fertilizing require no tool use, those activities consume none of the player's energy.

Only one type of fertilizer at a time may be used on any given tile. Some fertilizer must be placed on a tile before a seed is planted there, other types can be placed before or after planting a seed. Watering can be done at any time after tilling, and freely either before or after fertilizing and/or planting, without regard to order.

Trellis Crops

Some crops require a trellis, which cannot be walked through, so you need to plan your crop layout appropriately.

The available trellis crops are Зелeная фасоль, Хмель, and Виноград.

Grow Times

The grow times shown on this page exclude the day the seeds were planted. Fertilizer and the Agriculturist Profession are not taken into account.

Crops must be watered every day for maximum growth. If unwatered for a day, a crop will not grow. Unwatered crops do not die, but they will not grow either.

If a seed is planted into unwatered soil and not watered the same day, it will not grow that night. Growth will start the following night. The grow times on this page assume the seeds are watered the day they are planted.

Giant Crops

Crops planted in a 3x3 pattern have a chance to become a "giant crop." A giant crop is a single plant that takes up a 3x3 grid of plots, and yields 15-21 items instead of 9. A giant crop must be harvested with an axe.

Giant crops do not conform to a strict grid. For example, a 3x4 area will have two chances for a giant crop to grow, since it contains two (overlapping) 3x3 grids.

The crop will not appear giant until it is ready to be harvested. You can leave mature crops planted and they may fuse to become giant in the following days.

As of PC v1.11, only 3 crops are able to become giant crops.

Giant Crops
Цветная капуста Дыня Тыква
Giant Cauliflower.png
Giant Melon.png
Giant Pumpkin.png

Crop Quality

The quality of crops comes in three levels: regular,  Silver Quality.png silver, and  Gold Quality.png gold. Quality differences first show themselves when a crop is harvested. Normally, harvested crops are almost all of regular quality, with a few at higher quality levels. The average quality can be increased by planting seeds into fertilized soil. Increasing Farming Skill also increases the chance to harvest a quality crop. If a Seed Maker turns a higher-quality crop into seeds, however, the seeds are not more likely to bear a larger proportion of high-quality crops when grown.

Higher quality crops command higher prices when sold, and deliver greater Энергия and Здоровье benefits when eaten. If given as a gift to an NPC who likes or loves the crop, a silver or gold quality crop gives a higher number of friendship points. Crop quality has no effect on cooked foods' health or energy gains, or on the quality of Artisan Goods produced.

Gold per Day

Calculations do not take into account Fertilizer or the Tiller or Agriculturist Professions. Variations are noted in or below each table, if applicable. It is assumed that the crop is watered on the day of planting.

The general formula is: Minimum Gold per Day = ((Max Harvests × Sell Price per Harvest) − Seed Price) / Growing Days

Growing Days = Days to Maturity + ((Max Harvests − 1) × Days to Regrow)

Days to Maturity and Days to Regrow are listed in each table.

Max Harvests is normally 1, but for crops that continue to produce, it is the actual number of harvests that can be obtained in the growing season(s).

Sell Price per Harvest is normally the same as the Sell Price of one normal-quality crop. Extra crops are not counted since their occurrence is rare, except in the case of potatoes. The chance of an extra potato is ≈20%, much higher than with any other crop. Thus, the Sell Price per Harvest is 1.2 × 80 instead of 1 × 80.

In the case of plants that always give >1 item per harvest (e.g., Coffee Bean, Blueberry, Cranberry) the Sell Price per Harvest = # of crops per Harvest × Sell Price for one item.

Example: Cranberries

Max Harvests = 5

Sell Price per Harvest = 2 berries × data-sort-value="75">Gold.png75 з. = data-sort-value="150">Gold.png150 з.

Seed Price = data-sort-value="240">Gold.png240 з.

Growing Days = 7 + ((5 − 1) × 5) = 27

Gold per Day = 5 × 150 − 240 / 27 = data-sort-value="18.89">Gold.png18,89 з.

Alternate Calculations

The following formula takes farming level's influence on crop quality into account:

Average Gold per Day = ((Farming Level Multiplier × Max Harvests × Sell Price per Harvest) − Seed Price) / Growing Days

Farming Level Multiplier = .02 × (Farming Level) + 1.01 represents the average multiplier for revenue, Max Harvests × Sell Price per Harvest, based on expected amount of quality crops harvested.

The following formula only applies to crops that regrow a long time after initially planting:

Long Run Average Gold per Day = (Sell Price per Harvest × (.02 × (Farming Level) + 1.01)) / Days to Regrow

After a very long time, the Days to Maturity and Seed Price are very small in comparison to the total revenue earned and total days passed since planting. Thus, they can be essentially removed from the Average Gold per Day equation. Since these crops regrow indefinitely, so there is no number of max harvests. This equation can only be applied to regrowing crops that are planted in the Greenhouse.

It should be noted that all of the values listed in the tables below correspond to the minimum values of gold per day.

Spring Crops

Blue Jazz.png Синий яркоцвет

Этот цветок растeт в виде шарика, чтобы привлечь как можно больше бабочек.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Jazz Seeds.png
Семена яркоцвета

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="30">Gold.png30 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="37">Gold.png37 з.

Blue Jazz Stage 1.png
Blue Jazz Stage 2.png
Blue Jazz Stage 3.png
Blue Jazz Stage 4.png
Blue Jazz Stage 5.png
Blue Jazz.png
50 з.
Blue Jazz.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
62 з.
Blue Jazz.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
75 з.
Blue Jazz.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
100 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Lucky Lunch.png Обед на удачу
1 Day 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days Total: 7 Days data-sort-value="2.86">Gold.png2,86 з./d

Cauliflower.png Цветная капуста

Ценная, но растeт медленно. Несмотря на бледный цвет, ее соцветия полны питательными веществами.

Cauliflower can become a Giant Crop.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Cauliflower Seeds.png
Семена цветной капусты

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="80">Gold.png80 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100 з.

Cauliflower Stage 1.png
Cauliflower Stage 2.png
Cauliflower Stage 3.png
Cauliflower Stage 4.png
Cauliflower Stage 5.png
Cauliflower Stage 6.png
175 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
218 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
262 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
350 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Cheese Cauliflower.png Цветная капуста с сыром

Bundle Green.png Урожай: весенний узелок

1 Day 2 Days 4 Days 4 Days 1 Day Total: 12 Days data-sort-value="7.92">Gold.png7,92 з./d

Coffee Bean.png Кофейное зерно

Сажайте летом, чтобы вырастить кофейное дерево. Положите 5 зерен в бочонок, чтобы приготовить кофе.

Each plant yields 4 beans per harvest with a small random chance for more beans.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Coffee Bean.png
Кофейное зерно

Странствующий торговец data-sort-value="2500">Gold.png2500 з.
Dust Sprite (1% drop)

Coffee Stage 1.png
Coffee Stage 2.png
Coffee Stage 3.png
Coffee Stage 4.png
Coffee Stage 5.png
Coffee Stage 6.png
Coffee Stage 7.png
Coffee Bean.png
15 з.
Coffee Bean.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
18 з.
Coffee Bean.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
22 з.
Coffee Bean.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
30 з.
Inedible Coffee.png Кофе
1 Day 2 Days 2 Days 3 Days 2 Days Total: 10 Days Continues to
produce every 2 days.
Странствующий торговец: data-sort-value="−20.74">Gold.png-20,74 з./d

Dust Sprite: data-sort-value="25.56">Gold.png25,56 з./d

Note: The Gold Per Day value reflects 4 beans sold at standard quality.
Обычное удобрение and Высококачественное удобрение only affect 1 out of 4 harvested beans.

Garlic.png Чеснок

Придаeт блюдам остроту. Качественный чеснок может быть очень острым.

Available from year 2+.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Garlic Seeds.png
Семена чеснока

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="40">Gold.png40 з.

Garlic Stage 1.png
Garlic Stage 2.png
Garlic Stage 3.png
Garlic Stage 4.png
Garlic Stage 5.png
60 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
75 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
90 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
120 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Fiddlehead Risotto.png Ризотто с папоротникомEscargot.png ЭскаргоOil of Garlic.png Масло Чеснока
1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day Total: 4 Days data-sort-value="5">Gold.png5 з./d

Green Bean.png Зелeная фасоль

Сочный, хрустящий боб.

This crop uses a trellis, and continues to produce after maturity.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Bean Starter.png
Рассада зелeной фасоли

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="60">Gold.png60 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="75">Gold.png75 з.

Green Bean Stage 2.png
Green Bean Stage 3.png
Green Bean Stage 4.png
Green Bean Stage 5.png
Green Bean Stage 6.png
Green Bean Stage 7.png
Green Bean Stage 8.png
Green Bean.png
40 з.
Green Bean.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
50 з.
Green Bean.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
60 з.
Green Bean.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
80 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Bean Hotpot.png Жаркое из фасоли

Bundle Green.png Урожай: весенний узелок

1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 3 Days 4 Days Total: 10 Days Continues to
produce every 3 days.
data-sort-value="7.20">Gold.png7,2 з./d

Kale.png Кудрявая капуста

Еe вощeные листья хороши в супах и стир-фраях.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Kale Seeds.png
Семена кудрявой капусты

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="70">Gold.png70 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="87">Gold.png87 з.

Kale Stage 1.png
Kale Stage 2.png
Kale Stage 3.png
Kale Stage 4.png
Kale Stage 5.png
110 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
137 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
165 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
220 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Stir Fry.png Стир-фрайSalmon Dinner.png Ужин из лосося
1 Day 2 Days 2 Days 1 Day Total: 6 Days data-sort-value="6.67">Gold.png6,67 з./d

Parsnip.png Пастернак

Весеннее растение, близкий родственник морковки. Очень питательный клубень с насыщенным вкусом.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Parsnip Seeds.png
Семена пастернака

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="20">Gold.png20 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="25">Gold.png25 з.

Parsnip Stage 1.png
Parsnip Stage 2.png
Parsnip Stage 3.png
Parsnip Stage 4.png
Parsnip Stage 5.png
35 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
43 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
52 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
70 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Parsnip Soup.png Суп из пастернакаFarmer's Lunch.png «Обед фермера»

Bundle Green.png Урожай: весенний узелок

Bundle Teal.png Урожай: отборный узелок

1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day Total: 4 Days data-sort-value="3.75">Gold.png3,75 з./d

Potato.png Картофель

Широко распространeнный клубень.

Yields 1 Potato at harvest, with ≈20% chance for more Potatoes.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Potato Seeds.png
Семена картофеля

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="50">Gold.png50 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="62">Gold.png62 з.

Potato Stage 1.png
Potato Stage 2.png
Potato Stage 3.png
Potato Stage 4.png
Potato Stage 5.png
Potato Stage 6.png
80 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
100 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
120 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
160 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Hashbrowns.png Хашбраун

Bundle Green.png Урожай: весенний узелок

1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 2 Days 1 Day Total: 6 Days data-sort-value="5.0">Gold.png5 з./d (no extra potatoes)

data-sort-value="7.67">Gold.png7,67 з./d (1.2 potatoes/harvest)

Rhubarb.png Ревень

Стебли очень кислые, но очень хороши в десертах, если их подсластить.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Rhubarb Seeds.png
Семена ревеня

Оазис data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100 з.

Rhubarb Stage 1.png
Rhubarb Stage 2.png
Rhubarb Stage 3.png
Rhubarb Stage 4.png
Rhubarb Stage 5.png
Rhubarb Stage 6.png
220 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
275 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
330 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
440 з.
Inedible Rhubarb Pie.png Пирог с ревенем
2 Days 2 Days 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days Total: 13 Days data-sort-value="9.23">Gold.png9,23 з./d

Strawberry.png Клубника

Сладкая и сочная ягода ярко-красного цвета.

Keeps producing after maturity. When harvested, each Strawberry plant gives 1 Strawberry every 4 days, with a small random chance for more Strawberries.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores

Strawberry Seeds.png
Семена клубники

Egg Festivaldata-sort-value="100">Gold.png100 з.

Strawberry Stage 1.png
Strawberry Stage 2.png
Strawberry Stage 3.png
Strawberry Stage 4.png
Strawberry Stage 5.png
Strawberry Stage 6.png
Strawberry Stage 7.png
120 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
150 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
180 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
240 з.
1 Day 1 Day 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days Total: 8 Days Continues to
produce every 4 days.
Planted by:
Start of Spring: ≈data-sort-value="20.83">Gold.png20,83 з./d
Day of Festival: ≈data-sort-value="11.67">Gold.png11,67 з./d

Tulip.png Тюльпан

Самый распространeнный весенний цветок. У него очень слабый сладкий аромат.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores

Tulip Bulb.png
Луковица тюльпана

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="20">Gold.png20 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="25">Gold.png25 з.

Tulip Stage 1.png
Tulip Stage 2.png
Tulip Stage 3.png
Tulip Stage 4.png
Tulip Stage 6.png
30 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
37 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
45 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
60 з.
1 Day 1 Day 2 Days 2 Days Total: 6 Days data-sort-value="1.67">Gold.png1,67 з./d

Summer Crops

Blueberry.png Черника

Любимая многими ягода, о пользе которой написано немало статей. В еe кожуре сосредоточены питательные вещества.

Keeps producing after maturity. Each plant produces 3 blueberries at harvest, with ≈2% chance for more blueberries.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Blueberry Seeds.png
Семена черники

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="80">Gold.png80 з.

Blueberry Stage 1.png
Blueberry Stage 2.png
Blueberry Stage 3.png
Blueberry Stage 4.png
Blueberry Stage 5.png
Blueberry Stage 6.png
Blueberry Stage 7.png
50 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
62 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
75 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
100 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Blueberry Tart.png Черничный пирогFruit Salad.png Фруктовый салат

Bundle Yellow.png Урожай: летний узелок

1 Day 3 Days 3 Days 4 Days 2 Days Total: 13 Days Continues to
produce every 4 days.
data-sort-value="20.8">Gold.png20,8 з./d
Note: The Gold Per Day value reflects 3 berries sold at standard quality.
Обычное удобрение and Высококачественное удобрение only affect 1 out of 3 harvested berries.

Corn.png Кукуруза

Один из самых популярных злаков. Летом всегда приятно отведать свежих, сладких початков.

Keeps producing after maturity. Can be grown in Summer or Fall.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Corn Seeds.png
Семена кукурузы

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="150">Gold.png150 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="187">Gold.png187 з.

Corn Stage 1.png
Corn Stage 2.png
Corn Stage 3.png
Corn Stage 4.png
Corn Stage 5.png
Corn Stage 6.png
Corn Stage 7.png
50 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
62 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
75 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
100 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Tortilla.png ТортильяOil.png Масло

Bundle Orange.png Урожай: осенний узелок

Bundle Teal.png Урожай: отборный узелок

2 Days 3 Days 3 Days 3 Days 3 Days Total: 14 Days Continues to
produce every 4 days.
data-sort-value="1.92">Gold.png1,92 з./d
(Summer or Fall only)
data-sort-value="7.41">Gold.png7,41 з./d
(Spanning Summer and Fall)

Hops.png Хмель

Горький, кисловатый цветок, используемый в пивоварении.

Hops use a trellis, and continue to produce after maturity.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Hops Starter.png
Рассада хмеля

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="60">Gold.png60 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="75">Gold.png75 з.

Hops Stage 3.png
Hops Stage 4.png
Hops Stage 5.png
Hops Stage 6.png
Hops Stage 7.png
Hops Stage 8.png
25 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
31 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
37 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
50 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Pale Ale.png Светлый эль
1 Day 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days Total: 11 Days Continues to
produce every day.
data-sort-value="13.52">Gold.png13,52 з./d

Hot Pepper.png Жгучий перец

Слегка сладковатый и пламенно жгучий.

Keeps producing after maturity. When harvested, each Hot Pepper plant gives 1 Hot Pepper every 3 days, with a small random chance for more Hot Peppers.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Pepper Seeds.png
Семена перца

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="40">Gold.png40 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="50">Gold.png50 з.

Hot Pepper Stage 1.png
Hot Pepper Stage 2.png
Hot Pepper Stage 3.png
Hot Pepper Stage 4.png
Hot Pepper Stage 4b.png
Hot Pepper Stage 5.png
Hot Pepper Stage 6.png
Hot Pepper.png
40 з.
Hot Pepper.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
50 з.
Hot Pepper.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
60 з.
Hot Pepper.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
80 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Pepper Poppers.png Перечные бомбочки

Bundle Yellow.png Урожай: летний узелок

Spicy Eel.png Острый угорь
1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day Total: 5 Days Continues to
produce every 3 days.
data-sort-value="10.77">Gold.png10,77 з./d

Melon.png Дыня

Холодное, сладкое летнее угощение.

Melons can become a Giant Crop.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Melon Seeds.png
Семена дыни

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="80">Gold.png80 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100 з.

Melon Stage 1.png
Melon Stage 2.png
Melon Stage 3.png
Melon Stage 4.png
Melon Stage 5.png
Melon Stage 6.png
250 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
312 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
375 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
500 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Pink Cake.png Розовый тортFruit Salad.png Фруктовый салат

Bundle Yellow.png Урожай: летний узелок

Bundle Teal.png Урожай: отборный узелок

1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 3 Days 3 Days Total: 12 Days data-sort-value="14.17">Gold.png14,17 з./d

Poppy.png Мак

Он не только красиво цветeт, но и используется в медицине и кулинарии.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Poppy Seeds.png
Семена мака

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="125">Gold.png125 з.

Poppy Stage 1.png
Poppy Stage 2.png
Poppy Stage 3.png
Poppy Stage 4.png
Poppy Stage 6.png
140 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
175 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
210 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
280 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Poppyseed Muffin.png Маффин с маком

Bundle Red.png Поварский узелок

1 Day 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days Total: 7 Days data-sort-value="5.71">Gold.png5,71 з./d

Radish.png Редис

Хрустящий и сочный корнеплод, в сыром виде слегка острый.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Radish Seeds.png
Семена редиса

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="40">Gold.png40 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="50">Gold.png50 з.

Radish Stage 1.png
Radish Stage 2.png
Radish Stage 3.png
Radish Stage 4.png
Radish Stage 5.png
90 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
112 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
135 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
180 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Red Plate.png Красное блюдоRadish Salad.png Салат из редиса
2 Days 1 Day 2 Days 1 Day Total: 6 Days data-sort-value="8.33">Gold.png8,33 з./d

Red Cabbage.png Красная капуста

Еe часто используют в салатах. Еe цвет варьируется от фиолетового до синего и жeлто-зелeного, в зависимости от условий.

Available from year 2+.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Red Cabbage Seeds.png
Семена красной капусты

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100 з.

Red Cabbage Stage 1.png
Red Cabbage Stage 2.png
Red Cabbage Stage 3.png
Red Cabbage Stage 4.png
Red Cabbage Stage 5.png
Red Cabbage Stage 6.png
Red Cabbage.png
260 з.
Red Cabbage.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
325 з.
Red Cabbage.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
390 з.
Red Cabbage.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
520 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Fish Taco.png Рыбные такоRed Plate.png Красное блюдоColeslaw.png Капустный салат

Bundle Teal.png Красочный узелок

2 Days 1 Day 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days Total: 9 Days data-sort-value="17.78">Gold.png17,78 з./d

Starfruit.png Карамбола

Чрезвычайно сочный плод, растущий в жарком и влажном климате. Немного сладкий с кислыми нотками.

Not to be mistaken for Stardrop.png Звeздная капля.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores

Starfruit Seeds.png
Семена карамболы

Оазис data-sort-value="400">Gold.png400 з.

Starfruit Stage 1.png
Starfruit Stage 2.png
Starfruit Stage 3.png
Starfruit Stage 4.png
Starfruit Stage 5.png
Starfruit Stage 6.png
750 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
937 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
1125 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
1500 з.
2 Days 3 Days 2 Days 3 Days 3 Days Total: 13 Days data-sort-value="26.92">Gold.png26,92 з./d

Summer Spangle.png Летний блестник

Тропический цветок, который любит влажный летний воздух. У него сладкий и терпкий запах.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores

Spangle Seeds.png
Семена блестника

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="50">Gold.png50 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="62">Gold.png62 з.

Summer Spangle Stage 1.png
Summer Spangle Stage 2.png
Summer Spangle Stage 3.png
Summer Spangle Stage 4.png
Summer Spangle Stage 5.png
Summer Spangle.png
90 з.
Summer Spangle.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
112 з.
Summer Spangle.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
135 з.
Summer Spangle.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
180 з.
1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 2 Days Total: 8 Days data-sort-value="5">Gold.png5 з./d

Sunflower.png Подсолнух

По распространeнному заблуждению, этот цветок всегда поворачивается к солнцу.

Harvesting a sunflower will also produce 0-3 Sunflower Seeds. Sunflowers can be grown in Summer or Fall.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Sunflower Seeds.png
Семена подсолнуха

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="200">Gold.png200 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="125">Gold.png125 з.

Sunflower Stage 1.png
Sunflower Stage 2.png
Sunflower Stage 3.png
Sunflower Stage 4.png
Sunflower Stage 5.png
80 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
100 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
120 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
160 з.

Bundle Teal.png Красочный узелок

Oil.png Масло
1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 2 Days Total: 8 Days General Store: data-sort-value="-15">Gold.png-15 з./d

Joja Mart: data-sort-value="-5.63">Gold.png-5,63 з./d

Tomato.png Помидор

Насыщенный с кислинкой помидор широко используется в кулинарии.

Keeps producing after maturity. Can be harvested 5 times per season. Each harvest produces 1 tomato, with a small random chance for more tomatoes.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Tomato Seeds.png
Семена помидора

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="50">Gold.png50 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="62">Gold.png62 з.

Tomato Stage 1.png
Tomato Stage 2.png
Tomato Stage 3.png
Tomato Stage 4.png
Tomato Stage 5.png
Tomato Stage 6.png
Tomato Stage 7.png
60 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
75 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
90 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
120 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Vegetable Medley.png Овощное ассортиPizza.png ПиццаSpaghetti.png СпагеттиEggplant Parmesan.png Баклажаны с пармез-мBruschetta.png БрускеттаFish Stew.png Уха

Bundle Yellow.png Урожай: летний узелок

2 Days 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days 3 Days Total: 11 Days Continues to
produce every 4 days.
data-sort-value="9.26">Gold.png9,26 з./d

Wheat.png Пшеница

Один из самых популярных злаков. Пшеничная мука отлично подходит для выпечки.

Can be grown in Summer or Fall.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Wheat Seeds.png
Семена пшеницы

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="10">Gold.png10 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="12">Gold.png12 з.

Wheat Stage 1.png
Wheat Stage 2.png
Wheat Stage 3.png
Wheat Stage 4.png
Wheat Stage 5.png
25 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
31 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
37 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
50 з.

Bundle Yellow.png Кормовой узелок

Beer.png ПивоWheat Flour.png Пшеничная мука
1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day Total: 4 Days data-sort-value="3.75">Gold.png3,75 з./d

Fall Crops

Amaranth.png Амарант

Одна из цивилизаций древности когда-то выращивала это фиолетовое растение на крупу.

Can be harvested 3 times per season.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Amaranth Seeds.png
Семена амаранта

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="70">Gold.png70 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="87">Gold.png87 з.

Amaranth Stage 1.png
Amaranth Stage 2.png
Amaranth Stage 3.png
Amaranth Stage 4.png
Amaranth Stage 5.png
150 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
187 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
225 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
300 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Salmon Dinner.png Ужин из лосося
1 Day 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days Total: 7 Days data-sort-value="11.43">Gold.png11,43 з./d

Artichoke.png Артишок

Нераскрывшаяся корзинка цветка артишока. Внутри, за колючими листьям, он сытный и мясистый.

Available from year 2+.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Artichoke Seeds.png
Семена артишока

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="30">Gold.png30 з.

Artichoke Stage 1.png
Artichoke Stage 2.png
Artichoke Stage 3.png
Artichoke Stage 4.png
Artichoke Stage 5.png
Artichoke Stage 6.png
160 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
200 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
240 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
320 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Artichoke Dip.png Артишоковый дипSuper Meal.png Чудо-блюдо
2 Days 2 Days 1 Day 2 Days 1 Day Total: 8 Days data-sort-value="16.25">Gold.png16,25 з./d

Beet.png Свeкла

Сладкий корнеплод с насыщенным вкусом. А ещe из еe ботвы получается отличный салат.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Beet Seeds.png
Beet Seeds

Оазис data-sort-value="20">Gold.png20 з.

Beet Stage 1.png
Beet Stage 2.png
Beet Stage 3.png
Beet Stage 4.png
Beet Stage 5.png
100 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
125 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
150 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
200 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Vegetable Medley.png Овощное ассортиSugar.png Сахар
1 Day 1 Day 2 Days 2 Days Total: 6 Days data-sort-value="13.33">Gold.png13,33 з./d

Bok Choy.png Бок-чой

Волокнистые стебли и зелeные листья вкусны и полезны.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Bok Choy Seeds.png
Семена бок-чой

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="50">Gold.png50 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="62">Gold.png62 з.

Bok Choy Stage 1.png
Bok Choy Stage 2.png
Bok Choy Stage 3.png
Bok Choy Stage 4.png
Bok Choy Stage 5.png
Bok Choy.png
80 з.
Bok Choy.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
100 з.
Bok Choy.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
120 з.
Bok Choy.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
160 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Super Meal.png Чудо-блюдо
1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day Total: 4 Days data-sort-value="7.50">Gold.png7,5 з./d

Cranberries.png Клюква

Эти красные кислые ягодки обычно едят зимой.

Yields 2 berries at harvest, with a small random chance for more berries. Keeps producing after maturity. Can be harvested 5 times per season.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Cranberry Seeds.png
Семена клюквы

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="240">Gold.png240 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="300">Gold.png300 з.

Cranberry Stage 1.png
Cranberry Stage 2.png
Cranberry Stage 3.png
Cranberry Stage 4.png
Cranberry Stage 5.png
Cranberry Stage 6.png
Cranberry Stage 7.png
75 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
93 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
112 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
150 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Super Meal.png Чудо-блюдоCranberry Sauce.png Клюквенный соусStuffing.png «Объеденье»Cranberry Candy.png Клюквенная сласть
1 Day 2 Days 1 Day 1 Day 2 Days Total: 7 Days Continues to
produce every 5 days.
data-sort-value="18.89">Gold.png18,89 з./d

Eggplant.png Баклажан

Богатый, насыщенный родственник помидора. Очень вкусен в тушeном и жареном видах.

Keeps producing after maturity. When harvested, each Eggplant bush gives 1 Eggplant every 5 days, with a very small random chance for more Eggplants.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Eggplant Seeds.png
Семена баклажана

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="20">Gold.png20 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="25">Gold.png25 з.

Eggplant Stage 1.png
Eggplant Stage 2.png
Eggplant Stage 3.png
Eggplant Stage 4.png
Eggplant Stage 5.png
Eggplant Stage 6.png
Eggplant Stage 7.png
60 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
75 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
90 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
120 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Survival Burger.png «Бургер для выживания»Eggplant Parmesan.png Баклажаны с пармез-м

Bundle Orange.png Урожай: осенний узелок

1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day Total: 5 Days Continues to
produce every 5 days.
data-sort-value="11.20">Gold.png11,2 з./d

Fairy Rose.png Сказочная роза

По старому народному сказанию, сладкий запах этого цветка приманивает фей.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores

Fairy Seeds.png
Сказочные семена

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="200">Gold.png200 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="250">Gold.png250 з.

Fairy Rose Stage 1.png
Fairy Rose Stage 2.png
Fairy Rose Stage 3.png
Fairy Rose Stage 4.png
Fairy Rose Stage 5.png
Fairy Rose.png
290 з.
Fairy Rose.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
362 з.
Fairy Rose.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
435 з.
Fairy Rose.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
580 з.
1 Day 4 Days 4 Days 3 Days Total: 12 Days data-sort-value="7.50">Gold.png7,5 з./d

Grape.png Виноград

A sweet cluster of fruit.

Grapes use a trellis, and continue to produce after maturity.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Grape Starter.png
Виноградные черенки

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="60">Gold.png60 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="75">Gold.png75 з.

Grape Stage 1.png
Grape Stage 2.png
Grape Stage 3.png
Grape Stage 4.png
Grape Stage 5.png
Grape Stage 6.png
Grape Stage 7.png
80 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
100 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
120 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
160 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Summer Seeds.png Летние семена

Bundle Yellow.png Сборы: летний узелок

1 Day 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 3 Days Total: 10 Days Continues to
produce every 3 days.
data-sort-value="16.80">Gold.png16,8 з./d

Pumpkin.png Тыква

Выращивается осенью ради еe хрустящих семян и деликатной мякоти. А ещe еe кожуру можно превратить в праздничное украшение.

Pumpkins can become a Giant Crop.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Pumpkin Seeds.png
Семена тыквы

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="125">Gold.png125 з.

Pumpkin Stage 1.png
Pumpkin Stage 2.png
Pumpkin Stage 3.png
Pumpkin Stage 4.png
Pumpkin Stage 5.png
Pumpkin Stage 6.png
320 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
400 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
480 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
640 з.
Inedible Autumn's Bounty.png «Дары осени»Pumpkin Soup.png Тыквенный супPumpkin Pie.png Тыквенный пирогJack-O-Lantern.png Фонарь из тыквы

Bundle Orange.png Урожай: осенний узелок

Bundle Teal.png Урожай: отборный узелок

1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 3 Days Total: 13 Days data-sort-value="16.92">Gold.png16,92 з./d

Yam.png Батат

Крахмалистый клубень со множеством кулинарных применений.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Yam Seeds.png
Семена батата

Клиника Харви data-sort-value="60">Gold.png60 з.
ДжоджаМарт data-sort-value="75">Gold.png75 з.

Yam Stage 1.png
Yam Stage 2.png
Yam Stage 3.png
Yam Stage 4.png
Yam Stage 5.png
160 з.
Silver Quality Icon.png
200 з.
Gold Quality Icon.png
240 з.
Iridium Quality Icon.png
320 з.
Шаблон:QualityHealthGrid Glazed Yams.png Глазированный бататAutumn's Bounty.png «Дары осени»

Bundle Orange.png Урожай: осенний узелок

1 Day 3 Days 3 Days 3 Days Total: 10 Days data-sort-value="10">Gold.png10 з./d

Winter Crops

There are no crops that grow in winter, except Winter Seeds.png Зимние семена, which produce Winter forage plants.

Special Crops

Mixed Seeds.png Смешанные семена

Здесь есть всевозможные семена. Посадите их и увидите, что взойдeт!

Mixed Seeds are a type of seed that can be planted in any season, except Winter, to grow into a random crop specific to that season. They can be found when cutting grass with a scythe, by digging up dirt or sand with a hoe, or from a Seed Maker.

Spring Seeds.png Summer Seeds.png Fall Seeds.png Winter Seeds.png Wild Seeds

Wild Seeds can be crafted out of foraged plants once you learn the recipe at the appropriate Собирательство level (Spring at level 1, Summer at level 4, Fall at level 6, Winter at level 7). Each recipe will produce 10 seed packets.

When planted, wild seeds will randomly grow into one of that season's foraged plants. Regardless of what ends up growing, wild seeds all take the same amount of time to grow to maturity (7 days, not counting the day planted).

Since these seeds grow Forage crops, they may be of iridium quality if the Botanist Profession is chosen.

Sweet Gem Berry.png Сладкая ягодка

У этой ягоды самый сладкий запах из всех, что вам доводилось нюхать.

Grows in Fall. Seeds can be found for sale at the Странствующий торговец. Can be gifted to Old Master Cannoli in the Тайный лес in exchange for a Звeздная капля.

Seed Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores
Rare Seed.png
Редкое семечко

Странствующий торговец data-sort-value="1000">Gold.png1000 з.
Sweet Gem Berry Stage 1.png
Sweet Gem Berry Stage 2.png
Sweet Gem Berry Stage 3.png
Sweet Gem Berry Stage 4.png
Sweet Gem Berry Stage 5.png
Sweet Gem Berry Stage 6.png
Sweet Gem Berry.png
3000 з.
Sweet Gem Berry.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
3750 з.
Sweet Gem Berry.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
4500 з.
Sweet Gem Berry.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
6000 з.
2 Days 4 Days 6 Days 6 Days 6 Days Total: 24 Days data-sort-value="83.33">Gold.png83,33 з./d*

*Assuming Rare Seed purchased from Странствующий торговец for data-sort-value="1000">Gold.png1000 з.. Can be obtained for as little as data-sort-value="600">Gold.png600 з., but only rarely.

Ancient Fruit.png Древний плод

Он спал целые эры.

Grows in Spring, Summer, or Fall. Seeds may be acquired by placing an Ancient Fruit into a Seed Maker, at random by placing other things into a seed maker (with around 0.5% chance), or from the Странствующий торговец. A seed may also be crafted from an Древнее семя artifact (which can be found in Место артефакта or Fishing Treasure Chests).

Seed Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores
Ancient Seeds.png
Древние семена

Crafting Recipe
Странствующий торговец: data-sort-value="30"Gold.png100–1000 з.
Ancient Fruit Stage 1.png
Ancient Fruit Stage 2.png
Ancient Fruit Stage 3.png
Ancient Fruit Stage 4.png
Ancient Fruit Stage 5.png
Ancient Fruit Stage 6.png
Ancient Fruit Stage 7.png
Ancient Fruit.png
550 з.
Ancient Fruit.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
687 з.
Ancient Fruit.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
825 з.
Ancient Fruit.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
1100 з.
2 Days 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days 5 Days Total: 28 Days Continues to
produce every 7 days.
data-sort-value="57.14">Gold.png57,14 з./d* (Spanning Spring, Summer and Fall)

*Assumes seed crafted for free from Ancient Seed Artifact.

Artisan Goods

Crops can be processed into Artisan Goods to increase their sell value. Most Fruits and Vegetables can be processed into Jellies and Pickles via a Preserves Jar, or Вино and Сок via a Keg. Хмель and Wheat can be processed into Pale Ale or Beer via a Keg, and Coffee Beans can be processed into Coffee via a Keg.


There are 2 Достижения related to Shipping crops.

  • Polyculture (Ship 15 of each crop)
  • Monoculture (Ship 300 of one crop)

The crops that must be shipped for the Polyculture Achievement do not include flowers, fruit from fruit trees, forage (with the exception of grapes), Древний плод or sweet gem berries. However, as of version 1.1, you also need to ship 15 coffee beans to unlock the achievement. Coffee beans also are eligible to unlock the Monoculture achievement.