Волшебный колчан

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Эта страница или секция содержит спойлеры к обновлению 1.6 игры Stardew Valley. Игроки могут пожелать избегать подобных страниц или быть предупреждёнными перед прочтением.

Волшебный колчан
Magic Quiver.png
Где взять: Slaying enemies
Гильдия искателей приключений

Цена покупки: N/A
Цена продажи: data-sort-value="1000">Gold.png1000 з.

Magic Quiver is a trinket item. When equipped, it shoots a magic arrow at nearby enemies every X seconds, dealing Y-Z damage. It will also knock back the enemies.


There are 4 types of Magic Quivers[1]:

Modifier Cooldown(s) Min Damage Max Damage Generation Rate
(None) 1.1 - 2.1 11 - 30 Min Damage + 5 86.4%
Perfect 0.9 30 35 4%
Rapid 0.6 - 0.7 8 - 12 Min Damage + 5 4.8%
Heavy 1.5 - 2.0 23 - 38 Min Damage + 5 4.8%

The Magic Quiver can be reforged by using an Anvil to randomize its stats and types.


Реакции жителей

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  • The damage dealt by the Magic Quiver can benefit from Combat skill damage bonuses. However, it does not receive damage bonuses from Rings like the Ruby Ring or Iridium Band.
  • The arrows can trigger explosive effects from the Napalm Ring (so players should avoid using the Magic Quiver and Napalm Ring simultaneously if there are monsters on their farm).
  • If an arrow is fired while the player holds a weapon with the Bug Killer, Crusader, or Vampiric Enchantment, the arrow will receive that Enchantment's bonuses.


  • Magic Quiver would not shoot in a Slime Hutch.
  • Magic Quiver could also reference an item in Terraria of the same name, due to the recent crossover between the two titles.


  1. See Object::MagicQuiverTrinketEffect in the game code.


  • 1.6: Добавлено.