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Версия от 20:12, 12 июля 2017; Margotbean (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Переведите}} {{Infobox |name = Prismatic Shard |image = Prismatic Shard.png |description = A very rare and powerful substance with unknow…»)
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— Робин

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Последний раз редактировалось Margotbean в 2017-07-12 20:12:56.

Prismatic Shard
Blank icon.png
A very rare and powerful substance with unknown origins.
Источник Omni Geode.png Омнижеода

Iridium Node.png Iridium Node Mystic Stone.png Mystic Stone Gem Node.png Gem Node Serpent.png Serpent Mummy.png Mummy Shadow Shaman.png Shadow Shaman Shadow Brute.png Shadow Brute Wilderness Golem.png Wilderness Golem

Fishing Treasure Chest.pngFishing Treasure Chests
Цена продажи data-sort-value="2000">Gold.png2000 з.

The Prismatic Shard is a Mineral. It is one of the rarest items in the game. It can be obtained from Omni Geodes, Iridium Nodes, Mystic Stones, Gem Nodes and Fishing Treasure Chests. It is also a rare drop from Serpents, Mummies, Shadow Brutes, Shadow Shamans, and Wilderness Golems. Prismatic Shards cannot be duplicated in a Crystalarium.

A Prismatic Shard can be used in The Desert to obtain the Galaxy Sword. A bug exists where multiple Prismatic Shards will be removed from the inventory if they are all in the same stack.

A Prismatic Shard can also be offered to the Dark Shrine at the Witch's Hut, in order to turn children into doves (getting rid of them permanently).


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Ненавидят   Хэйли


Prismatic Shards are not used in any Bundles.


Prismatic Shards are not used in any recipes.