Garbage Can.png

Мусорные баки находятся у зданий в городе Пеликан. Если порыться в них (кликнув правой кнопкой мыши), иногда можно найти там ценные предметы.

Содержимое мусорных баков зависит от суточной удачи.

Если за проверкой мусорного бака вас застанет кто-то из жителей, кроме Линуса, он/она с отвращением это прокомментирует, и вы потеряете с этим человеком 25 очков дружбы. Чтобы вас заметить, житель должен находится в квадрате 15x15 клеток, в центре которого ваш персонаж.


У любого здания

Эти предметы можно найти в баках в любом месте и в любое время суток и года.

Вид Название Описание Цена продажи
Аметист Фиолетовая разновидность кварца. data-sort-value="100"> 100 з.
Большеротый окунь Распространённая озёрная рыба. data-sort-value="100"> 100 з.
Джоджа-кола Флагманский продукт корпорации Джоджа. data-sort-value="25"> 25 з.
Желудь Посадите его у себя на ферме, чтобы вырастить дуб. data-sort-value="20"> 20 з.
Зеленая водоросль Она очень склизкая. data-sort-value="15"> 15 з.
Земляной кристалл Смолистое вещество, которое можно найти ближе к поверхности. data-sort-value="50"> 50 з.
Кварц Прозрачный кристалл, который можно легко найти в пещерах и шахтах. data-sort-value="25"> 25 з.
Кленовое семя Посадите его у себя на ферме, чтобы вырастить клен. data-sort-value="5"> 5 з.
Красный гриб Пятнистый гриб, растущий в пещерах. data-sort-value="75"> 75 з.
Лещ Достаточно распространённая речная рыба, активна по ночам. data-sort-value="45"> 45 з.
Мокрая газета Мусор. data-sort-value="0"> 0 з.
Морская водоросль Используется в готовке. data-sort-value="20"> 20 з.
Мусор Это просто мусор. data-sort-value="0"> 0 з.
Пещерная морковка Крахмалистая вкуснятина, растущая в пещерах. Она дает шахтерам необходимую для работы энергию. data-sort-value="25"> 25 з.
Полевая закуска Закуска на скорую руку для голодного собирателя. data-sort-value="20"> 20 з.
Разбитые очки Похоже, кто-то потерял очки. Они разбиты вдребезги. data-sort-value="0"> 0 з.
Сардина Распространённая океанская рыба. data-sort-value="40"> 40 з.
Сломанный диск Это демо-CD для JojaNet 2.0. Их, похоже, выпустили целый миллиард. data-sort-value="0"> 0 з.
Сосновая шишка Посадите её у себя на ферме, чтобы вырастить сосну. data-sort-value="5"> 5 з.
Топаз Весьма распространённый, но очень красивый камень. data-sort-value="80"> 80 з.
Хлеб Хрустящий багет. data-sort-value="60"> 60 з.


Вид Название Описание Цена продажи
Жеода Попросите кузнеца разбить её. data-sort-value="50"> 50 з.
Омнижеода Попросите кузнеца разбить её. В таких жеодах содержатся разнообразные минералы. data-sort-value="0"> 0 з.


Вид Название Описание Цена продажи
Железная руда Довольно распространённая руда, которую можно переплавить в слитки. data-sort-value="10"> 10 з.
Медная руда Распространённая руда, которую можно переплавить в слитки. data-sort-value="5"> 5 з.
Уголь Воспламеняемая порода, которую используют в изготовлении предметов и плавке металлов. data-sort-value="15"> 15 з.

1 River Road

This is the home of George, Evelyn, and Alex.

Image Name Description Sell Price
Cookie Very chewy. data-sort-value="140"> 140 з.

The Saloon

The Stardrop Saloon's dish of the day can be found in its garbage can.

Image Name Description Sell Price
Autumn's Bounty A taste of the season. data-sort-value="350"> 350 з.
Baked Fish Baked fish on a bed of herbs. data-sort-value="100"> 100 з.
Bean Hotpot It sure is healthy. data-sort-value="100"> 100 з.
Blueberry Tart It's subtle and refreshing. data-sort-value="150"> 150 з.
Bread A crusty baguette. data-sort-value="60"> 60 з.
Carp Surprise It's bland and oily. data-sort-value="150"> 150 з.
Cheese Cauliflower It smells great! data-sort-value="300"> 300 з.
Chocolate Cake Rich and moist with a thick fudge icing. data-sort-value="200"> 200 з.
Complete Breakfast You'll feel ready to take on the world! data-sort-value="350"> 350 з.
Cookie Very chewy. data-sort-value="140"> 140 з.
Cranberry Sauce A festive treat. data-sort-value="120"> 120 з.
Crispy Bass Wow, the breading is perfect. data-sort-value="150"> 150 з.
Eggplant Parmesan Tangy, cheesy, and wonderful. data-sort-value="200"> 200 з.
Fish Taco It smells delicious. data-sort-value="500"> 500 з.
Fried Calamari It's so chewy. data-sort-value="150"> 150 з.
Fried Eel Greasy but flavorful. data-sort-value="120"> 120 з.
Fried Egg Sunny-side up. data-sort-value="35"> 35 з.
Fried Mushroom Earthy and aromatic. data-sort-value="200"> 200 з.
Glazed Yams Sweet and satisfying... The sugar gives it a hint of caramel. data-sort-value="200"> 200 з.
Hashbrowns Crispy and golden-brown! data-sort-value="120"> 120 з.
Ice Cream It's hard to find someone who doesn't like this. data-sort-value="120"> 120 з.
Lucky Lunch A special little meal. data-sort-value="250"> 250 з.
Maki Roll Fish and rice wrapped in seaweed. data-sort-value="220"> 220 з.
Omelet It's super fluffy. data-sort-value="125"> 125 з.
Pancakes A double stack of fluffy, soft pancakes. data-sort-value="80"> 80 з.
Parsnip Soup It's fresh and hearty. data-sort-value="120"> 120 з.
Pepper Poppers Spicy breaded peppers filled with cheese. data-sort-value="200"> 200 з.
Pink Cake There's little heart candies on top. data-sort-value="480"> 480 з.
Pizza It's popular for all the right reasons. data-sort-value="300"> 300 з.
Pumpkin Soup A seasonal favorite. data-sort-value="300"> 300 з.
Red Plate Full of antioxidants. data-sort-value="400"> 400 з.
Rhubarb Pie Mmm, tangy and sweet! data-sort-value="400"> 400 з.
Rice Pudding It's creamy, sweet, and fun to eat. data-sort-value="260"> 260 з.
Salad A healthy garden salad. data-sort-value="110"> 110 з.
Salmon Dinner The lemon spritz makes it special. data-sort-value="300"> 300 з.
Sashimi Raw fish sliced into thin pieces. data-sort-value="75"> 75 з.
Spaghetti An old favorite. data-sort-value="120"> 120 з.
Spicy Eel It's really spicy! Be careful. data-sort-value="175"> 175 з.
Strange Bun What's inside? data-sort-value="175"> 175 з.
Stuffing Ahh... the smell of warm bread and sage. data-sort-value="165"> 165 з.
Super Meal It's a really energizing meal. data-sort-value="220"> 220 з.
Tom Kha Soup These flavors are incredible! data-sort-value="250"> 250 з.
Tortilla Can be used as a vessel for food or eaten by itself. data-sort-value="50"> 50 з.
Trout Soup Pretty salty. data-sort-value="100"> 100 з.
Vegetable Medley This is very nutritious. data-sort-value="120"> 120 з.


After the player reaches level 40 in the mines.

Image Name Description Sell Price
Aquamarine A shimmery blue-green gem. data-sort-value="180"> 180 з.
Diamond A rare and valuable gem. data-sort-value="750"> 750 з.
Frozen Tear A crystal fabled to be the frozen tears of a yeti. data-sort-value="75"> 75 з.
Jade A pale green ornamental stone. data-sort-value="200"> 200 з.
Purple Mushroom A rare mushroom found deep in caves. data-sort-value="250"> 250 з.

After the player reaches level 80 in the mines.

Image Name Description Sell Price
Emerald A precious stone with a brilliant green color. data-sort-value="250"> 250 з.
Fire Quartz A glowing red crystal commonly found near hot lava. data-sort-value="100"> 100 з.
Ruby A precious stone that is sought after for its rich color and beautiful luster. data-sort-value="250"> 250 з.

After the player receives the furnace blueprints from Clint

Image Name Description Sell Price
Copper Bar A bar of pure copper. data-sort-value="60"> 60 з.
Gold Bar A bar of pure gold. data-sort-value="250"> 250 з.
Iron Bar A bar of pure iron. data-sort-value="120"> 120 з.
Refined Quartz A more pure form of quartz. data-sort-value="50"> 50 з.


These items can be found in any Garbage Can, but only during a particular Season.


Image Name Description Sell Price
Anchovy A small silver fish found in the ocean. data-sort-value="30"> 30 з.
Carp A common pond fish. data-sort-value="30"> 30 з.
Catfish An uncommon fish found in streams. data-sort-value="200"> 200 з.
Daffodil A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift. data-sort-value="30"> 30 з.
Dandelion Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad. data-sort-value="40"> 40 з.
Eel A long, slippery little fish. data-sort-value="85"> 85 з.
Herring A common ocean fish. data-sort-value="30"> 30 з.
Leek A tasty relative of the onion. data-sort-value="60"> 60 з.
Seaweed It can be used in cooking. data-sort-value="20"> 20 з.
Smallmouth Bass A freshwater fish that is very sensitive to pollution. data-sort-value="50"> 50 з.
Sunfish A common river fish. data-sort-value="30"> 30 з.
Wild Horseradish A spicy root found in the spring. data-sort-value="50"> 50 з.


Image Name Description Sell Price
Carp A common pond fish. data-sort-value="30"> 30 з.
Grape A sweet cluster of fruit. data-sort-value="80"> 80 з.
Octopus A mysterious and intelligent creature. data-sort-value="150"> 150 з.
Pike A freshwater fish that's difficult to catch. data-sort-value="100"> 100 з.
Pufferfish Inflates when threatened. data-sort-value="200"> 200 з.
Rainbow Trout A freshwater trout with colorful markings. data-sort-value="65"> 65 з.
Red Mullet Long ago these were kept as pets. data-sort-value="75"> 75 з.
Red Snapper A popular fish with a nice red color. data-sort-value="50"> 50 з.
Spice Berry It fills the air with a pungent aroma. data-sort-value="80"> 80 з.
Strawberry A sweet, juicy favorite with an appealing red color. data-sort-value="120"> 120 з.
Sunfish A common river fish. data-sort-value="30"> 30 з.
Super Cucumber A rare, purple variety of sea cucumber. data-sort-value="250"> 250 з.
Sweet Pea A fragrant summer flower. data-sort-value="50"> 50 з.
Tuna A large fish that lives in the ocean. data-sort-value="100"> 100 з.


Image Name Description Sell Price
Anchovy A small silver fish found in the ocean. data-sort-value="30"> 30 з.
Blackberry An early-fall treat. data-sort-value="20"> 20 з.
Carp A common pond fish. data-sort-value="30"> 30 з.
Catfish An uncommon fish found in streams. data-sort-value="200"> 200 з.
Common Mushroom Slightly nutty, with good texture. data-sort-value="40"> 40 з.
Eel A long, slippery little fish. data-sort-value="85"> 85 з.
Hazelnut That's one big hazelnut! data-sort-value="90"> 90 з.
Red Snapper A popular fish with a nice red color. data-sort-value="50"> 50 з.
Salmon Swims upstream to lay its eggs. data-sort-value="75"> 75 з.
Sea Cucumber A slippery, slimy creature found on the ocean floor. data-sort-value="75"> 75 з.
Smallmouth Bass A freshwater fish that is very sensitive to pollution. data-sort-value="50"> 50 з.
Super Cucumber A rare, purple variety of sea cucumber. data-sort-value="250"> 250 з.
Walleye A freshwater fish caught at night. data-sort-value="105"> 105 з.
Wild Plum Tart and juicy with a pungent aroma. data-sort-value="80"> 80 з.


Image Name Description Sell Price
Catfish An uncommon fish found in streams. data-sort-value="200"> 200 з.
Crocus A flower that can bloom in the winter. data-sort-value="60"> 60 з.
Crystal Fruit A delicate fruit that pops up from the snow. data-sort-value="150"> 150 з.
Herring A common ocean fish. data-sort-value="30"> 30 з.
Perch A freshwater fish of the winter. data-sort-value="55"> 55 з.
Pike A freshwater fish that's difficult to catch. data-sort-value="100"> 100 з.
Red Mullet Long ago these were kept as pets. data-sort-value="75"> 75 з.
Red Snapper A popular fish with a nice red color. data-sort-value="50"> 50 з.
Sea Cucumber A slippery, slimy creature found on the ocean floor. data-sort-value="75"> 75 з.
Snow Yam This little yam was hiding beneath the snow. data-sort-value="100"> 100 з.
Squid A deep sea creature that can grow to enormous size. data-sort-value="80"> 80 з.
Tuna A large fish that lives in the ocean. data-sort-value="100"> 100 з.
Walleye A freshwater fish caught at night. data-sort-value="105"> 105 з.
Winter Root A starchy tuber. data-sort-value="70"> 70 з.