Звездная капля

Версия от 06:22, 9 августа 2017; Cimex (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Infobox |eng = Stardrop |image = Stardrop |description = Таинственный фрукт, который наделяет того, кто е…»)
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Звездная капля
Таинственный фрукт, который наделяет того, кто его съест, особыми силами.


Цена продажи data-sort-value="7777">Gold.png7777 з.
Robin building.png
“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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Последний раз редактировалось Cimex в 2017-08-09 06:22:12.

“Таинственный фрукт, который наделяет того, кто его съест, особыми силами. Его вкус похож на сон... Очень сильное личное переживание, которое сложно описать другим.”

Звездная капля — это особый фрукт, который увеличивает максимальную энергию игрока на 34 единицы.

Способы получения


When used, one of two possible texts is displayed to the player, both referencing their 'Favorite thing', as set at the beginning of the game.

  • "It's strange, but the taste reminds you of [Favorite thing]."
  • "Your mind is filled with thoughts of [Favorite thing]."

Favorite Thing

  • Easter egg - Entering ConcernedApe as the favorite thing when creating a character results in some additional text when consuming a Stardrop.


  • Easter egg - Entering anything containing "Stardew" as the favorite thing when creating a character results in the additional text "You feel an unwavering connection to the valley itself." appearing when consuming a Stardrop, although it appears to be a bit buggy:



A Stardrop can only be gifted if it is in the top row of inventory. It can be selected using the number keys without consuming it.

Реакции жителей

Ненавидят   Абигейл  Алекс  Вилли  Винсент  Волшебник  Гас  Дварф  Деметриус  Джас  Джоди  Джордж  Кент  Клинт  Кробус  Кэролайн  Лея  Линус  Льюис  Марни  Мару  Пенни  Пьер  Пэм  Робин  Себастиан  Сэм  Сэнди  Харви  Хэйли  Шейн  Эвелин  Эллиот  Эмили



Ver 1.07

  • Trivia: Even though its flavour text say it's a fruit, a Stardrop cannot be placed in a Seed Maker, Keg, or Preserve Jar.
  • Trivia: A glitched Stardrop on your inventory will be automatically consumed if you roll the mouse wheel through it. It will appear as a held item if you press its current hotkey.
  • Trivia: Willy mentions a Stardrop in his story at the Feast of the Winter Star. It is unknown if this festivity is meant to give a Stardrop in any way.
  • Bug: A Stardrop cannot be moved on your inventory, since left clicking it while on inventory menu will automatically consume it.
  • Bug: Consuming a Stardrop on your horse will freeze your character in place, menus can still be opened.
  • Bug: The Stardrop from A Complete Collection can be placed on a hotkey without being consumed.
  • Bug: Somehow it's possible to consume the same stardrop twice if it's glitched on a hotkey (max energy glitch requiring confirmation). How it happens requires testing.