
Материал из Stardew Valley Wiki
Версия от 04:28, 22 февраля 2017; Neitrin0 (обсуждение | вклад) (Neitrin0 переименовал страницу Начало игры в Начало)
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Robin building.png
“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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Getting Started - Wiki.png

Stardew Valley is an open-ended game, allowing the player to achieve goals non-linearly.
There are various ways to earn income and many activities to choose from including farming, fishing, foraging, mining, combat (fighting enemies), crafting, cooking, gift giving, completing quests, and restoring the Community Center.

Character creation

Character creation menu.png
Main page: The Player

The character creation screen allows customization options, such as character Appearance, Gender, Name, Farm Name, Favorite Thing, and Animal Preference.

  • There are 24 skin tones, 32 hair styles, 112 shirts and 20 accessories to choose from.
  • The sliders next to eye color, hair color, and pants color represent hue, saturation, and lightness.
  • Animal Preference determines which pet will arrive on the farm later.
  • Gender does not affect in-game marriage.
  • The "Favorite Thing" will be referenced in-game when the player eats a Stardrop. If the player chooses ConcernedApe as their favorite thing, the following message will apear when you eat a Stardrop:

ConcernedApe Favourite.png

Players can later change their appearance for data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500 з., in the Wizard's tower, after reaching 4 Hearts of friendship with him.

Farm map

Main page: Farm Maps

Players can select from five different farm maps. Each map offers unique benefits, and favors specific skills.

After selecting a map it cannot be changed, characters are permanently tied to their map type once created. Space wise each map takes up the same area, but there are different amounts of usable/farmable/buildable land on each.

Name Description Favored Skill
Standard Farm Map Icon.png Standard Farm The original farm map, designed to maximize open space for crops and animals. Farming Skill Icon.png Farming
Forest Farm Map Icon.png Forest Farm The forest encroaches on the land, limiting farming space. However, there are renewable stumps on the east edge of the map, and seasonal forage items spawn there as well. There is a type of "weed" which spawns on this farm, which looks unique and will always dropped mixed seeds when cut. Foraging Skill Icon.png Foraging
Hilltop Farm Map Icon.png Hill-top Farm Lots of cliffs and there is a special mining area in the southwest where ore will spawn, as well as unique geode-bearing stones. Mining Skill Icon.png Mining
Riverland Farm Map Icon.png Riverland Farm Lots of water on this map... limiting space for crops and animals. Looks nice and fishing is actually viable on this farm... In fact, players can catch the same fish that are available in town. Fishing Skill Icon.png Fishing
Wilderness Farm Map Icon.png Wilderness Farm A large lake in the southwest corner, and a cliff along the east and south. Monsters will come out at night. Wilderness Golems are unique to this map. Their stats scale with player combat level. Combat Skill Icon.png Combat


Main page: Controls

All hotkeys can be reassigned by opening the menu and choosing the Options tab Optionstab.png

Key Description
W moves the character up, A moves left, S moves down, D moves right
Left Click, C Use tool
Right Click, X Check/Do Action
Escape, E Open Menu
F Open Journal
M Open Map window
Left Shift Run
1 - 0,  - ,  +  Inventory hotkeys
F4 Screenshot mode
Mouse Selection Click on any item position with your mouse, even empty ones (which cannot be done with the mouse wheel or even the hotkeys)

Preparing Your First Harvest

  • Use your axe, pickaxe, and scythe on the logs, stones, grass and bushes on your farm to clear about 15 tiles.
  • Use your hoe to till the soil and plant the 15 Parsnip Seeds provided by Mayor Lewis.
  • Use your watering can to water your seeds and soil.
  • Continue watering your crops every day until they grow in to harvestable crops. Your parsnips will be ready to harvest in 4 days.

Watering Can

Main page: Watering Can

Crops needs to be watered daily in order to grow. The starting watering can can only water one tile at a time and can be refilled using either of the ponds located on your farm.

Your crops can stay one day without watering. This means you can water them every 2 days if you want to, but this causes the crops to grow slower.

The best time to upgrade the watering can is the day before it is supposed to rain, so that the rain will water the crops, or the second to last day of the season. The Blacksmith will need 2 days to upgrade any tools, including watering can.

Another way to water crops is to use Sprinklers. They will automatically water the surrounding tiles daily. There are 3 types of sprinklers that can water surrounding tiles, starting with 4 tiles (adjacent to the sprinkler), 8 tiles (surrounding 3x3 area), and 24 tiles (surrounding 5x5 area).


Main page: Energy

Energy limits productivity. One of the main ways to overcome this is by eating food. Eating food is an action, for which default controls are Right Click or type X with the food highlighted in your inventory and then click Yes in the confirmation dialogue to eat the food. Most crops and many foraged items can be eaten in order to regain energy.

Sleeping at the end of the day will restore the players' energy. After 12:00AM, the player won't restore 100% of the energy. If the player is exhausted when they go to bed or forced sleep at 2:00AM, they'll wake up in the morning with their energy level about half restored.

On the third day of summer, an earthquake will remove the rocks that block the path leading to the Spa (north of the Carpenter's Shop). The Spa will fully restore energy over a short period of time.


Main page: Skills

To level up skills, the player must complete certain actions related to that skill. Farming XP is earned by fully growing a crop. Foraging XP is earned by foraging or chopping down trees. Mining XP is earned by breaking rocks and ore deposits. Fishing and using crab traps will increase fishing XP. As the skill level increases, the player will earn crafting recipes (every level except level 5 and 10) or professions (on level 5 and 10).

Professions (level 5 and 10) can give the player a boost on yielding products, including more products gained, additional selling price, using less inventories and others. The players choice of a level 5 profession will determine which profession choices are available at level 10.

Villagers and Friendship

Main page: Villagers and Friendship
See also: Marriage, and List of All Gifts.

Giving gifts to villagers will increase their friendship rating. You can give a gift by highlighting it in your inventory or selecting it by typing its hotkey number and then left clicking on the person to whom you wish to give the item. As friendship is earned villagers will send cooking recipes or food through the mail, give you access to their bedrooms, and treat you differently in dialogue. Unique cutscenes and interactions can also occur as friendship is earned. The player must also earn a high level of friendship in order to date, and eventually marry, an eligible villager.


Main page: Television

The television provides useful information, such as weather forecasts, fortune telling, free cooking recipes, and other general tips. All players will have one inside their home when beginning a new game.