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18 609 байт добавлено ,  23:10, 22 августа 2017
Новая страница: ««Дары земли»|right|thumb '''«Дары земли»''' — это телепередача,…»
[[File:Livin' Off The Land.png|«Дары земли»|right|thumb]]
'''«Дары земли»''' — это [[Телевидение|телепередача]], новые выпуски которой выходят каждый понедельник и четверг. В ней даются советы игрокам-новичкам.
<br>В конце второго игрового года ведущий объявит, что уходит на пенсию, а с нового года начнутся повторы эпизодов.

{| table class="wikitable" id="roundedborder" style="width: 80%; min-width:500px;"
!style="min-width: 130px;"| Дата выхода
! Совет
|1 весны, год 1
|Вот вам, новички, совет: рубите [[деревья]] и собирайте [[Собирательство|дикие дары природы]], чтобы заработать немного, пока зреет ваш первый урожай!
|4 весны, год 1
|А этот совет тех, кто живёт в долине Стардью. К юго-западу от города, где река впадает в океан, весной растёт [[лук-батун]]. Порой его там можно собрать целую кучу!
|8 весны, год 1
|Поговорим о заборах. [[Изготовление предметов#Заборы|Заборы]] не дают разрастись сорнякам, защищая ваши посевы. А ещё они полезны фермерам, у которых есть домашний скот. Через какое-то время заборы ломаются, но если они сделаны из камня, железа или твёрдой древесины, то прослужат гораздо дольше, чем обычные деревянные!
|11 весны, год 1
|Одолело вороньe? Похоже, вам не хватает [[Пугало|пугала]]! Поставьте его на вашей ферме, и вороны будут облетать его далеко стороной. Не забудьте защитить свой драгоценный урожай! И ещё... Не хватает места в рюкзаке? Загляните в [[Магазин Пьера|местный магазин]].
|15 весны, год 1<br />15 весны, год 2
|Сезон [[Морошка|морошки]]! За городом все кусты набухли от этих сочных ягодок, собирай - не хочу! А ещё за них можно выручить немного денег.
|18 весны, год 1
|Ах, освежающий дождь... Лучший друг фермера! Когда идёт дождь, не нужно поливать посевы. Распорядитесь этим временем с умом!
|22 весны, год 1
|Найдите себе удочку и сбывайте улов за деньги! [[Рыбная ловля|Рыбалка]] - отличная подработка, если у вас есть свободная минутка. От того, как далеко вы закинете удочку, зависит ваш улов... а ещё он зависит от того, где вы рыбачите, в какой сезон, в какое время суток, и в какую погоду!
|25 весны, год 1
|[[Плодовые деревья]]. Планируйте посадку заранее - такие деревья смогут расти только через сезон после посева! Если вплотную к вашему саженцу растeт что-то ещe, то сам саженец расти дальше не сможет. Взрослое дерево плодоносит ежедневно в своeм сезоне. Начинайте копить!
|1 лета, год 1
|Вот на дворе и [[лето]], а значит, можно сажать целую кучу новых летних растений! Взять, к примеру, [[хмель]]. Его лианы растут не очень быстро, но когда вырастут, то хмель можно собирать ежедневно. Удачи!
|4 лета, год 1<br />8 лета, год 2
|А вот такие рыбы ловятся только летом: [[Дорада]] водится в лесных реках, ловится днём. [[Радужная форель|Радужную форель]] можно поймать днём в горных и лесных реках. [[Рыба-еж]] водится в океане, поймать её можно сразу после полудня. И, наконец, [[осьминог]] - его можно выловить в океане по утрам. Ловите, пока есть возможность!
|8 лета, год 1
|Поговорим о [[Кукуруза|кукурузе]]. Это необычная культура, потому что растёт два сезона подряд! Да-да, пока остальные посевы погибают, когда меняется время года, кукуруза остаётся. Её можно выращивать и [[лето]]м, и [[осень]]ю. А теперь идите и сажайте кукурузу!
|11 лета, год 1
|С завтрашнего дня на пляжах по всему миру ожидается необыкновенное количество вынесенных на берег [[Собирательство#Пляж|ракушек и кораллов]]. Я не учёный, но слышал, будто это как-то связано с брачным сезоном у крабов. Как бы там ни было, можно будет неплохо заработать, походив по пляжу.
|15 лета, год 1
|Got a [[spa]] in your town? Relax and hold still in the steaming hot water to replenish your [[energy]]. Ahh... feels good, don't it?
|18 лета, год 1
|лета's known for its lightning storms. If you know how to craft a [[Lightning Rod|lightning rod]], you can harvest the electricity and create [[Battery Pack|battery packs]]. These can be sold or used for [[crafting]]!
|22 лета, год 1
|Most towns have a seasonal [[calendar]] in front of the general store. It's a good idea to check on that now and then to get a feel for what's going on in the community. Make sure to check for any job postings as well!
|25 лета, год 1
|[[осени]]'s almost here! It's arguably the most lucrative season for farmers, so make sure you're saving some money to buy new [[Crops|seeds]]. If you haven't upgraded your [[Watering Can|watering can]] by now, it's probably a good idea.
|1 осени, год 1
|Let's talk [[sunflower]]s. When you harvest them you'll not only get a nice flower, but you'll likely get some [[Crops|seeds]] as well. You can replant those [[Crops|seeds]] or sell them. I'm sold!
|4 осени, год 1<br />4 осени, год 2
|It's [[blackberry]] season! Bushes across the countryside are overflowing with ripe fruit. Just go outside and see for yourself!<br />''(Note that blackberry season actually runs from осени 8-11.)''
|8 осени, год 1
|If you're a farmer in a small town, it's likely you'll be invited to create a "grange display" at some point. Typically, a grange display consists of 9 items that best showcase your talents. Shoot for high quality, high value items and make sure to have a variety as well. [[Fish]], [[minerals]], [[Artisan Goods|artisan goods]], [[Fruits|fruit]], and [[Vegetables|vegetables]] are all good to have!
|11 осени, год 1
|Fish Focus: [[Salmon]]. Salmon return to their spawning ground in осени to lay eggs. That means the rivers are chock-full of them! You can only find them in осени, so get out there and cast your pole.
|15 осени, год 1
|Got any [[Tapper|tappers]]? Crafty foragers known how to build 'em. You can attach them to the wild trees that grow all over. Maple trees yield [[Maple Syrup|maple syrup]], oak trees provide [[Oak Resin|resin]], and pine trees produce [[Pine Tar|pine tar]]. Syrup's the most valuable but all tree products have their uses!
|18 осени, год 1
|[[зимы]]'s almost here. Make sure you have enough hay stored up to feed your animals over the [[зимы]], when all the grass dies out. Each [[silo]] can hold 240 pieces of hay, so make sure to do the math and figure out if you need to build any more!
|22 осени, год 1
|[[Fish]] Focus: [[Walleye]]. You can find this fish on rainy evenings during the [[осени]] and [[зимы]]. It can be found in any freshwater location.
|25 осени, год 1
|[[зимы]]'s coming soon... and that means your farming operations will be coming to a halt. No crops grow in зимы, unless you're lucky enough to have a greenhouse. But there's still plenty to do! More next time.
|1 зимы, год 1
|[[зимы]]... A time when all the world goes quiet. Now's a great time to do some mining, fishing and gathering. Upgrade your tools in preparation for a productive весны. Or get your local carpenter to build something on your farm! Stock up on resources, upgrade, and prepare for the next год.
|4 зимы, год 1
|Wondering how to get your hands on '[[Refined Quartz]]'? Just put a regular old [[Quartz|quartz]] in the furnace. You'll need a lump of [[coal]] to fuel the fire.
|8 зимы, год 1
|Find any tree seeds while chopping wood? You can plant those in the ground and a new tree will grow. Get creative!
|11 зимы, год 1
|There's a couple fish you can only find in зимы... Squid and Lingcod. [[Squid]] can be caught from the ocean in the evening. [[Lingcod]] can be found in fresh water all day. Of course, there's rumors of extremely rare and uniquefish that can only be found in particular seasons, but I don't have any information on them.
|15 зимы, год 1
|Let's talk geodes. Geodes are hollow stones that often contain valuable minerals. A [[blacksmith]] can crack them open for you for a fee. Now, there's different kinds of geodes... and each one yields a different subset of minerals. The rare "[[Omni Geode|omni-geode]]", however, can contain every kind of mineral.
|18 зимы, год 1
|If you really want to make someone happy, give them their favorite gift on their birthday! Trust me.
|22 зимы, год 1
|Ever see three [[Artifact_Spot|little brown stems]] poking up out of the ground? They're hard to spot, sometimes. But if you dig on that spot, you'll always find something. Don't ask me how it works.
|25 зимы, год 1
|Ever had the urge to dig around in your neighbor's trash? Ew! Hey, if that's your thing, just don't do it when anyone's around. If they notice you, they'll be seriously grossed out, and it'll harm your friendship. Well, unless they're into the same thing.
|1 весны, год 2
|Well, a new год has arrived. Keep your eyes peeled for any new kinds of [[Crops|seeds]] being stocked in your local general store. Hopefully you upgraded your [[tools]] during the [[зимы]] and you're ready for a productive год!
|4 весны, год 2
|[[Fish]] Focus: [[Eel]]. Eels can be caught from the ocean in the [[весны]] and [[осени]], during rainy evenings.
|8 весны, год 2
|Got a kitchen? [[Cooking]] is a great way to enhance your abilities. Not only do they provide a convenient source of [[energy]], but many dishes temporarily increase your skills, speed, and more! Smells good, don't it?
|11 весны, год 2
|Item Spotlight: [[Crab Pot]]. Experienced anglers know how to craft crab pots. Despite the name, the pots can be used to catch a wide variety of aquatic critters, in both fresh and salt water. Just place your crab pot in the water and load with [[bait]]. Come back the next day and check on it to see what you caught. You'll need to load it with [[bait]] again to catch more.
|18 весны, год 2
|Let's talk [[honey]]. No, not you, silly. I'm talking about the sweet product made by our friends, the bees. Here's the thing... if you've got some flowers blooming near your [[Bee House|beehouse]] your bees can produce flavored honey. Otherwise you'll only get 'wild honey'. Pretty sweet, huh?
|22 весны, год 2
|Here's a tip for you adventurers out there... don't forget your weapon's special attack! Swords can block incoming attacks, which is very useful when [[slimes]] are jumping at you. Clubs can pound the ground, sending enemies flying... and with a dagger you can perform a super-quick triple-strike attack! Be safe.
|25 весны, год 2
|I'd like to talk about the famous [[Adventurer's Guild]] near [[Pelican Town]]. The guild leader, [[Marlon]], has a nice rewards program for anyone brave enough to slay monsters in the local caves. Adventurers will receive powerful items in exchange for slaying large quantites of monsters. There's a poster on the wall with more details. Very cool!
|1 лета, год 2
|I've heard that some folks stand near moving trains to gather any debris that осениs off. Wow... the things people will do for a freebie!
|4 лета, год 2
|Animal Spotlight: [[Pig]]. In these parts, pigs are trained to sniff out valuable [[truffle]]s. You've got to let the porkers outside and be patient... they'll work their magic when they're good and ready. Make oil out of the truffles to maximize your profit.
|11 лета, год 2
|Fish Focus: [[Super Cucumber]]. You can find this rare fish in the ocean. It only comes out in the evening, during лета and зимы.
|15 лета, год 2
|I know it's hard... but stop worrying so much about your [[Animals#Horse|horse]]! You can leave them anywhere and they'll make their way back home. They're very smart and independent animals!
|18 лета, год 2
|Here's an idea... start a wild tree orchard! Put [[Tapper|tappers]] on those trees and harvest the valuable syrup. Or don't! See if I care.
|22 лета, год 2
|Item Spotlight: [[Keg]]. The classic use of a keg is to make wine out of [[Crops#Grape|grapes]]. But did you know you can make wine out of any fruit? Yep. You can also make juice out of veggies.
|25 лета, год 2
|Do you have a journal? Don't forget to check it from time to time. It's easy to forget that you've written something important down.
|1 осени, год 2
|If you managed to get your hands on a '[[Rare Seed|rare seed]]', now's the time to plant it. Although it's said to take all season to grow, reliable sources have told me it actually takes just 24 days. The end result is rumored to be the sweetest fruit in the entire world.
|8 осени, год 2
|Some farmers have reported strange things happening when large fields of [[cauliflower]], [[melon]], or [[pumpkin]] reach maturity. Hmmm. I can't verify it, myself.
|11 осени, год 2
|Looking to get married? You're going to need a [[Mermaid's Pendant]]. Everyone this side of the Gem Sea knows what it means when you give them a Mermaid's Pendant. Getting your hands on such a pendant can be tricky. Every region seems to have their own custom, but it always has something to do with the beach or ocean.
|15 осени, год 2
|Item Spotlight: [[Recycling Machine]]. Have you been catching a lot of junk while fishing? It's all too common in this day and age. Well, with a recycling machine you can turn those items into something useful. Just place your trash items into the machine and let it do it's thing. Each type of trash produces different kinds of items.
|18 осени, год 2
|Fish Focus: [[Albacore]]. This fish can be found either early in the morning or at night. Look for it in the ocean in осени or зимы.
|22 осени, год 2
|Fish Focus: [[Woodskip]], [[sandfish]], and [[Scorpion Carp|scorpion carp]]. The woodskip is said to only live deep in the woods. The sandfish and scorpion carp can only be found in desert oases.
|25 осени, год 2
|It's just a couple days until communities around the Ferngill Republic celebrate [[Spirit's Eve]]! One tradition you may not know of is the search for the [[Golden Pumpkin|golden pumpkin]]. If your town has a haunted maze, then you can be sure there's a golden pumpkin hidden somewhere. Those things are valuable!
|1 зимы, год 2
|Folks, take my advice. You're going to need a nursery in your house before you can have kids. Baby needs a crib!
|4 зимы, год 2
|Item Spotlight: [[Crystalarium]]. This amazing machine can create infinite copies of any kind of gemstone. Just place the gemstone you'd like to copy in the machine let it do it's thing. It might take a while, but hey... that's pure profit!
|8 зимы, год 2
|If you have adult barn animals, and space left in your [[barn]]... there's always a chance one of your animals could give birth. It's something to keep in mind.
|11 зимы, год 2
|Fish Focus: [[Catfish]]. This relatively rare fish comes out of hiding when it rains. You'll find them living in rivers beside towns, where they enjoy feeding on whatever scraps end up in the water. They don't like hot weather, so don't bother fishing for them in the лета!
|15 зимы, год 2
|Item Spotlight: [[Worm Bin]]. Need an endless supply of [[bait]]? Build yourself a worm bin. Once you've got one going, you'll get a few pieces of bait every single day.
|18 зимы, год 2
|Underneath all that snow, [[Crafting#Seeds|весны seeds]] are chomping at the bit to start their new lives in the sun. Don't be surprised when [[весны]] rolls around and your farm needs some tidying up!
|22 зимы, год 2
|If you've got your hands on a [[Copper Pan|gold pan]], keep an eye out for something sparkly in the water. There's often good ore in there, free for the taking!
|25 зимы, год 2
|Folks, I've got an announcement to make. This is the last new episode of Livin' Off The Land before my retirement. I've had a good time, and I'll miss you folks. Oh, and I've been told the station's going to start playing reruns next год. Take care!


[[en:Livin' Off The Land]]
[[es:Vivir de la tierra]]

