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Новая страница: «{{Переведите}} 500px|right The '''Stardew Valley Fair''' is a festival that takes place on Tuesday, the 16t…»
The '''Stardew Valley Fair''' is a [[Festivals|festival]] that takes place on Tuesday, the 16th of [[Осень]] every year. You attend the fair by entering [[Город Пеликан]] between 9am and 3pm. When you leave the festival, you will be returned to [[The Farm]] at 10pm.

There are several games where you can earn [[File:Token.png|24px|link=]]Star Tokens, a currency that can be exchanged for prizes at the Shop near the entrance to the [[Автобусная остановка]]. The maximum number of tokens that can be held is 9,999.

It is worth noting that you can only purchase ''one of each'' item from the shop every year. Therefore, the maximum number of Star Tokens that may be used is 3,400 (1,400 if you have already purchased the [[Звездная капля]]). The Shop will be fully stocked again the following year, with the exception of the [[Звездная капля]] which may only be purchased once.

The Fair also has a Grange Display contest where products of the farm can be shown to gain Star Tokens. Talk to Mayor [[Льюис]] when ready to have the products judged.
All of your Grange Display items can be picked up after judging, but they will '''NOT''' be automatically returned to your inventory. If you leave the items behind in the Grange Display, they will be lost.

North of the fair by the fountains, [[Гас]] can be found cooking [[«Бургер для выживания»]]s, which you can eat to refill your energy bar, but this won't be noticeable until exiting the festival.

The festival ends when you leave Pelican Town.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|[[File:Stardew Valley Fair Fishing Minigame.png|150px|center]][[File:Stardew Valley Fair Fishing Minigame 2.png|150px|center]]
|Fishing Minigame
|Play the Fishing Minigame to catch fish. Each caught fish gives between 12 and 25 points. Any non-fish item caught gives 1 point. You will get bonus points for perfect catches. This is the most cost effective way to earn Star Tokens. It is possible to make over 200 Star Tokens per {{Price|50}} spent. You can play as many times as you have money for.
|[[File:Stardew Valley Fair Slingshot Minigame.png|150px|center]][[File:Stardew Valley Fair Slingshot Minigame 2.png|150px|center]]
|Slingshot Minigame
|Shoot the targets with your Slingshot. Each target gives different points — red targets give 1 point, blue targets give 2 points, and purple targets give 5 points. At the end, you get a point multiplier based on your accuracy. An accuracy of 100% provides a 4x multiplier. It is possible to win 250 Star Tokens per {{Price|50}} spent. You can play as many times as you have money for.
|[[File:Stardew Valley Fair Smashing Stone.png|150px|center]]
|Smashing Stone
|At the Smashing Stone you can test your strength by clicking the stone at the right moment when the bar hits the top or bottom. For hitting the top or bottom, you get one Star Token.
|[[File:Stardew Valley Fair Token Seller.png|150px|center]]
|Token Seller
|data-sort-value="50"|{{Price|50}} per [[File:Token.png|24px|link=]]Token
|At the Star Token Seller, you can buy Star Tokens for {{Price|50}} each. This is the least cost effective way to earn tokens, but time-wise, it is the quickest way.
|[[File:Stardew Valley Fair Clairvoyant Booth.png|150px|center]]
|Clairvoyant Booth
|At the Clairvoyance Booth, the Fortune Teller will tell you events from the future for {{Price|100}} once. This information is based on the Social Status you have with the villagers. She will tell you something about whichever two villagers are at the top of your Social menu.
|[[File:Stardew Valley Fair Spinning Wheel.png|150px|center]]
|Spinning Wheel
|At the Spinning Wheel, you can bet Star Tokens on whether the spinner will land on green or orange. There's a mathematical advantage to choosing green: choosing green gives a 75% win-rate, versus 25% for orange. Players can quickly reach the 3400 star token minimum by betting green. Always bet half of your current stars for most efficient profit.

==Grange Display==
To participate in the showcase, bring up to nine items to put in the grange display which best showcase the players abilities. The display will be judged on the quality and diversity of the items, and is rewarded with star tokens based on the place achieved.

'''Games can still be played at the fair after the Grange Display is judged.'''

{| class="wikitable"
!Points required
|First Place
|data-sort-value="0"|0 ''(include Mayor Lewis's shorts)''
|Second Place
|Third Place
|Fourth Place

=== Scoring ===
The points are calculated as follows<ref>[https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/4d1ax6/grange_display_demystified/ /u/irrimn, "Grange Display De-mystified"]</ref>:

==== Base Points ====
14 points are awarded automatically.

==== Number of Items ====
Points based on how many items are submitted, according to the formula: 9-2x (Where X is the number of blank slots on display).
{| class="wikitable"
!Number of items
!Points awarded
| 9 || 9
| 8 || 7
| 7 || 5
| 6 || 3
| 5 || 1
| 4 || -1
| 3 || -3
| 2 || -5
| 1 || -7
| 0 || -9
It is always better to try and fill all nine spots, even if the items submitted are trash, since leaving any spot empty will lessen the overall score.

==== Categories ====
There are eight categories of items recognized by the Fair: '''Animal Products''', '''Artisan Goods''', '''Cooking''', '''Fish''', '''Foraging''' (including '''Flowers''' and '''Tree Saps'''), '''Fruits''', '''Minerals''', and '''Vegetables'''. Each category represented in the display earns 5 points, up to a maximum of 30 points. This means only six of these categories need to be filled to maximize the score.

Below are the items that the Fair will recognize in each category. Any items which do not fall into any of these categories will not earn the additional 5 points.

{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|<span style="font-size: larger;">Animal Products&nbsp;</span>

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{FairPoints|Duck Egg|name=Утиное яйцо|95|y}}
{{FairPoints|Duck Feather|name=Утиное перо|125|y}}
{{FairPoints|Brown Egg|50|y|name=Яйцо{{!}}Коричневое яйцо}}
{{FairPoints|Goat Milk|name=Бутыль козьего молока|225|y}}
{{FairPoints|Large Egg|name=Большое яйцо|95|y}}
{{FairPoints|Large Brown Egg|95|y|name=Большое яйцо{{!}}Большое коричневое яйцо}}
{{FairPoints|Large Goat Milk|name=Бол. бутыль козьего молока|345|y}}
{{FairPoints|Large Milk|name=Бидон молока|190|y}}
{{FairPoints|Milk|name=Ведерко молока|125|y}}
{{FairPoints|Rabbit's Foot|name=Кроличья лапка|565|y}}
{{FairPoints|Void Egg|name=Яйцо пустоты|65|y}}


{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|<span style="font-size: larger;">Artisan Goods&nbsp;</span>

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{FairPoints|Duck Mayonnaise|name=Утиный майонез|375|n}}
{{FairPoints|Goat Cheese|name=Козий сыр|375|y}}
{{FairPoints|Jelly|Variable|n|name=Джем и консервы{{!}}Джем}}
{{FairPoints|Pale Ale|name=Светлый эль|300|y}}
{{FairPoints|Pickles|Variable|n|name=Джем и консервы{{!}}Консервы}}
{{FairPoints|Truffle Oil|name=Трюфельное масло|1065|n}}
{{FairPoints|Void Mayonnaise|name=Майонез Пустоты|275|n}}

{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|<span style="font-size: larger;">Cooking&nbsp;</span>

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{FairPoints|Algae Soup|name=Суп из водорослей|100}}
{{FairPoints|Artichoke Dip|name=Артишоковый дип|210}}
{{FairPoints|Autumn's Bounty|name=«Дары осени»|350}}
{{FairPoints|Baked Fish|name=Запеченная рыба|100}}
{{FairPoints|Bean Hotpot|name=Жаркое из фасоли|100}}
{{FairPoints|Blackberry Cobbler|name=Черничный коблер|260}}
{{FairPoints|Blueberry Tart|name=Черничный пирог|150}}
{{FairPoints|Carp Surprise|name=Карповый сюрприз|150}}
{{FairPoints|Cheese Cauliflower|name=Цветная капуста с сыром|300}}
{{FairPoints|Chocolate Cake|name=Шоколадный торт|200}}
{{FairPoints|Chowder|name=Рыбная похлебка|150}}
{{FairPoints|Coleslaw|name=Капустный салат|345}}
{{FairPoints|Complete Breakfast|name=Полный завтрак|350}}
{{FairPoints|Crab Cakes|name=Крабовые котлетки|275}}
{{FairPoints|Cranberry Candy|name=Клюквенная сласть|175}}
{{FairPoints|Cranberry Sauce|name=Клюквенный соус|120}}
{{FairPoints|Crispy Bass|name=Окунь с хруст. корочкой|150}}
{{FairPoints|Dish o' The Sea|name=«Морское блюдо»|220}}
{{FairPoints|Eggplant Parmesan|name=Баклажаны с пармез-м|200}}
{{FairPoints|Farmer's Lunch|name=«Обед фермера»|150}}
{{FairPoints|Fiddlehead Risotto|name=Ризотто с папоротником|350}}
{{FairPoints|Fish Stew|name=Уха|175}}
{{FairPoints|Fish Taco|name=Рыбные тако|500}}
{{FairPoints|Fried Calamari|name=Жареный кальмар|150}}
{{FairPoints|Fried Eel|name=Жареный угорь|120}}
{{FairPoints|Fried Egg|name=Яичница|35}}
{{FairPoints|Fried Mushroom|name=Жареные грибы|200}}
{{FairPoints|Fruit Salad|name=Фруктовый салат|450}}
{{FairPoints|Glazed Yams|name=Глазированный батат|200}}
{{FairPoints|Ice Cream|name=Мороженое|120}}
{{FairPoints|Life Elixir|name=Эликсир жизни|500}}
{{FairPoints|Lobster Bisque|name=Биск из омара|205}}
{{FairPoints|Lucky Lunch|name=Обед на удачу|250}}
{{FairPoints|Maki Roll|name=Суши-роллы|220}}
{{FairPoints|Maple Bar|name=Кленовый пончик|300}}
{{FairPoints|Miner's Treat|name=«Шахтерский леденец»|200}}
{{FairPoints|Oil of Garlic|name=Масло Чеснока|1000}}
{{FairPoints|Pale Broth|name=Светлый бульон|150}}
{{FairPoints|Parsnip Soup|name=Суп из пастернака|120}}
{{FairPoints|Pepper Poppers|name=Перечные бомбочки|200}}
{{FairPoints|Pink Cake|name=Розовый торт|480}}
{{FairPoints|Plum Pudding|name=Сливовый пудинг|260}}
{{FairPoints|Poppyseed Muffin|name=Маффин с маком|250}}
{{FairPoints|Pumpkin Pie|name=Тыквенный пирог|385}}
{{FairPoints|Pumpkin Soup|name=Тыквенный суп|300}}
{{FairPoints|Radish Salad|name=Салат из редиса|300}}
{{FairPoints|Red Plate|name=Красное блюдо|400}}
{{FairPoints|Rhubarb Pie|name=Пирог с ревенем|400}}
{{FairPoints|Rice Pudding|name=Рисовый пудинг|260}}
{{FairPoints|Roasted Hazelnuts|name=Жареный фундук|270}}
{{FairPoints|Roots Platter|name=Коренья на блюде|100}}
{{FairPoints|Salmon Dinner|name=Ужин из лосося|300}}
{{FairPoints|Spicy Eel|name=Острый угорь|175}}
{{FairPoints|Stir Fry|name=Стир-фрай|335}}
{{FairPoints|Strange Bun|name=Странная булочка|175}}
{{FairPoints|Super Meal|name=Чудо-блюдо|220}}
{{FairPoints|Survival Burger|name=«Бургер для выживания»|180}}
{{FairPoints|Tom Kha Soup|name=Суп том кха|250}}
{{FairPoints|Trout Soup|name=Уха из форели|100}}
{{FairPoints|Vegetable Medley|name=Овощное ассорти|120}}
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|<span style="font-size: larger;">Fish&nbsp;</span>

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{FairPoints|Angler|name=Морской черт|900|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Ghostfish|name=Пятнистый криворот|45|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Ice Pip|name=Ледопип|500|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Largemouth Bass|name=Большеротый окунь|100|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Lava Eel|name=Лавовый угорь|700|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Mutant Carp|name=Карп-мутант|1000|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Rainbow Trout|name=Радужная форель|65|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Red Mullet|name=Барабулька|75|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Red Snapper|name=Берикс|50|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Scorpion Carp|name=Скорпионовый карп|150|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Sea Cucumber|name=Морской огурец|75|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Smallmouth Bass|name=Малоротый окунь|50|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Super Cucumber|name=Чудо-огурец|250|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Tiger Trout|name=Тигровая форель|150|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Walleye|name=Желтый судак|105|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;

{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|<span style="font-size: larger;">Foraging, Flowers, and Tree Saps&nbsp;</span>

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{FairPoints|Blue Jazz|name=Синий яркоцвет|50|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Cave Carrot|name=Пещерная морковка|25}}
{{FairPoints|Common Mushroom|name=Шампиньон|40|y}}
{{FairPoints|Fairy Rose|name=Сказочная роза|290|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Maple Syrup|name=Кленовый сироп|200|n}}
{{FairPoints|Oak Resin|name=Дубовая смола|150|n}}
{{FairPoints|Pine Tar|name=Сосновая смола|100|n}}
{{FairPoints|Purple Mushroom|name=Фиолетовый гриб|250|y}}
{{FairPoints|Red Mushroom|name=Красный гриб|75|y}}
{{FairPoints|Sap|name=Древесный сок|2|n}}
{{FairPoints|Snow Yam|name=Снежный батат|100|y}}
{{FairPoints|Spring Onion|name=Лук-батун|8|y}}
{{FairPoints|Summer Spangle|name=Летний блестник|90|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Sweet Pea|name=Душистый горошек|55|y}}
{{FairPoints|Wild Horseradish|name=Дикий хрен|50|y}}
{{FairPoints|Wild Plum|name=Черная слива|80|y}}
{{FairPoints|Winter Root|name=Зимний корень|70|y}}

{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|<span style="font-size: larger;">Fruits&nbsp;</span>

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{FairPoints|Ancient Fruit|name=Древний плод|550|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Cactus Fruit|name=Плод кактуса|75|y}}
{{FairPoints|Crystal Fruit|name=Кристальный фрукт|150|y}}
{{FairPoints|Hot Pepper|name=Жгучий перец|40|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Spice Berry|name=Острая ягода|80|y}}

{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|<span style="font-size: larger;">Minerals&nbsp;</span>

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{FairPoints|Earth Crystal|name=Земляной кристалл|50|n}}
{{FairPoints|Fairy Stone|name=Камень феи|250|n}}
{{FairPoints|Fire Opal|name=Огненный опал|350|n}}
{{FairPoints|Fire Quartz|name=Огненный кварц|100|n}}
{{FairPoints|Frozen Tear|name=Замерзшая слеза|75|n}}
{{FairPoints|Ghost Crystal|name=Призрачный кристалл|200|n}}
{{FairPoints|Lemon Stone|name=Лемонстон|200|n}}
{{FairPoints|Ocean Stone|name=Океаниум|220|n}}
{{FairPoints|Petrified Slime|name=Окаменелый слайм|120|n}}
{{FairPoints|Prismatic Shard|name=Радужный осколок|2000|n}}
{{FairPoints|Star Shards|name=Звездные осколки|500|n}}
{{FairPoints|Thunder Egg|name=Громовое яйцо|100|n}}
{{FairPoints|Tigerseye|name=Тигровый глаз|275|n}}

{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|<span style="font-size: larger;">Vegetables&nbsp;</span>

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{FairPoints|Bok Choy|name=Бок-чой|80|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Cauliflower|name=Цветная капуста|175|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Fiddlehead Fern|name=Съедобный папоротник|90|y}}
{{FairPoints|Green Bean|name=Зеленая фасоль|40|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Kale|name=Кудрявая капуста|110|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;
{{FairPoints|Red Cabbage|name=Красная капуста|260|y|iridium=n}}||&mdash;

==== Value ====
A number of points for each item are awarded based on its value and quality, with a maximum of 8 points per item. The value taken is the sell-to-vendor value, not the base value. For example, an item with base value 200g, at gold quality, goes to 300g, so it gets points for being at 300g AND being gold quality.

Note: Profession bonuses (which affect the price) are not included in the calculations to keep the page size relatively small.

{| class="wikitable"
!Item Value
!No Star
!Silver Star
!Gold Star
!Iridium Star
| 0+ || 1 || 2 || 3 || 5
| 20+ || 2 || 3 || 4 || 6
| 90+ || 3 || 4 || 5 || 7
| 200+ || 4 || 5 || 6 || 8
| 300+ || 5 || 6 || 6 || 8
| 400+ || 6 || 6 || 6 || 8

Assuming that nine items, each worth 8 points, are submitted and that the items represent at least six unique categories, the highest theoretical score obtainable is {{#expr: (14 + 8*9 + 9-2*0 + 5*6) }} (14 + 72 + 9 + 30).

Once the judging is complete, make sure to retrieve the items from the table, as they are '''not''' automatically returned.

[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J_pvx5iseHaSUijzwguwUNPfLvuDVkapkZrHEIp9Zmw/edit Grange Display Points Calculator by /u/mordenkainen]

{| class="wikitable sortable"
|[[File:Dried Sunflowers.png|center]]
|[[Высушенные подсолнухи]]
|Можно поставить в доме.
|[[Фетровая шляпа]]
|Классика городского пижонства.
|[[File:Rarecrow 1.png|center]]
|[[Пугало#Редкие пугала|Редкое пугало]]
|Собери их все! (1 из 8)
|[[Звездная капля]]
|Таинственный фрукт, который наделяет того, кто его съест, особыми силами.<br />Его вкус похож на сон... Очень сильное личное переживание, которое сложно описать другим.

[[File:Stardew Valley Fair Letter.png|350px]] [[File:Stardew Valley Fair letter 2.jpg|350px]]

*If you go northwest from Gus to the edge of the flags, a secret opening lets you escape the designated area for the fair. It is unknown if this is intentional or a bug.
**If you go north to the playground, behind it at the cliff behind the right tree, you can right-click the cliff and a message will appear in saying "Please stand at the red arrow". This is the same message you get from the Smashing Stone game. The same message can be obtained if you stand above JoJaMart and face a cliff again.
**Likewise, if you walk around the area from Gus and head back into town to the barred stairs next to Pierre's shop, face the right cliff next to the entrance and in the direction of the town, you can eat Gus' burgers with either left or right click.
**If you go over to the wood bridge over the river that leads to JojaMart, you can leave it in the middle and walk on the water. Going north up the river will allow you to leave the area, giving you the normal message asking if you want to exit the festival.
*Easter Egg: If you place [[Льюис|Mayor Lewis]]' Purple Shorts in the Grange Display, he will become upset and give you 750 star tokens to keep his secret. Marnie will also comment about the "purple lettuce" in your display.
*Bug: The Fortune Teller will refer to the [[Дварф]] as "she" even though the Dwarf's gender in data files (<tt>Content\Data\NPCDispositions.xnb</tt>) is "undefined." This is due to the way the gender check in the code is written, with all non-males defaulting to "she" and no checks for "undefined" genders.
*Bug: In the fishing fair-game, if you cast a very short distance (thus cancelling the cast), the game doesn't allow your character to move until you catch a fish. Because the cast was cancelled, this never happens, and you just stand there unable to move as the timer ticks down. Pressing Esc causes the timer to go to 0:00, which causes the game to be forever stuck in the minigame. This is a bug known on PC, but untested on other platforms.


[[Category:Fall festivals]]

[[en:Stardew Valley Fair]]
[[es:Feria de Stardew Valley]]
[[pt:Feira Stardew Valley]]

