Модификации:Погодные явления

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« «Предстоит ещё много работы...»
— Робин

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Последний раз редактировалось Margotbean в 2024-01-10 19:42:13.

Данная страница документирует генерацию внутриигровой погоды.


Погода управляется целым числом Game1::weatherForTomorrow. Возможные значения погоды:

Значение Константа Погода
0 weather_sunny Солнечно
1 weather_rain Дождь
2 weather_debris Ветер
3 weather_lightning Гроза
4 weather_festival Фестиваль
5 weather_snow Снегопад
6 weather_wedding Свадьба


Фиксированная погода

На определённые даты погода уже предопределена:

дата погода переопределено
весна 1 weather_sunny newday and tv
весна 2 (год 1) weather_sunny newday
весна 3 (год 1) weather_rain newday
весна 4 (год 1) weather_sunny newday
весна 13 weather_festival newday
весна 24 weather_festival newday
лето 1 weather_sunny newday and tv
лето 11 weather_festival newday
лето 13 weather_lightning newday
лето 26 weather_lightning newday
лето 28 weather_festival newday
осень 1 weather_sunny newday and tv
осень 16 weather_festival newday
осень 27 weather_festival newday
зима 1 weather_sunny newday and tv
зима 8 weather_festival newday
зима 14 weather_sunny newday
зима 15 weather_sunny newday
зима 16 weather_sunny newday
зима 25 weather_festival newday

Генерируемая погода

Weather in Stardew Valley is set within the Game1::newDayAfterFade() function (after the day change code, but before SMAPI's SaveEvents.BeforeSave event).

The game follows these steps to decide which weather and debris to set for the next day:

  1. Check for forced weather.
  2. If today is a festival, set the weather to weather_festival.
  3. If today is a wedding, set the weather to weather_wedding.
  4. Set Game1::wasRainingYesterday based on whether it was raining or storming.
  5. Reset all weather flags, and sets them in the following pattern
    1. If it is going to rain or storm, set the rain flag to true
    2. If it is going to storm, set the storm flag to true
    3. If the weather is (sunny, debris) or (festival || snowy || wedding), clear all the flags
    4. and then if it's snowy, set snowy to true
    5. It then sets the song based on this
    6. Clear the debris weather array and clear the flag
    7. if bloom isn't null, clear it's visibility
    8. If the wedding is debris, populate the debris array.
  6. If it's not raining, and the chance to rain tomorrow is less than .1, it will try to create a bloom day.
  7. It then calculates the rain chance for tomorrow. It follows the following algorithm
    1. Check to see if it's summer.
      1. If not, check to see if it's winter.
        1. If it's not, the rain chance is .183
        2. Else, it's .63
      2. If it is, it uses the following: Check if it's day 1.
        1. If it's not, the chance is .12 + Game1::dayOfMonth * 3/1000
        2. If it is, the chance is 0. Which.. is kinda redundant, as the force days take care of this.
  8. Check to see if a random number is less than the odds. If it is, it follows the following algorithm
    1. Set Game1::weatherForTomorrow to weather_rain
    2. If:
      1. It's summer, and if a random number is less than .85
      2. Or If it's not winter, and if a random number is less than .25 AND the day of the month is more than 2 and more than 27 days have been played
      3. Set Game1::weatherForTomorrow to weather_lightning
    3. If it is winter
      1. Set Game1::weatherForTomorrow to weather_snow
  9. Else, if it's over the rain odds.
    1. If you've played less than 3 days.
    2. Or: if
      1. It's not spring or a random number is greater than or equal to .2 (so 80%) and spring.
      2. And it's not fall or a random number is greater than or equal to .6 (so 40%) and fall.
      3. Or: If there is a wedding today
        1. Set Game1::weatherForTomorrow to weather_sunny if true
        2. Set Game1::weatherForTomorrow to weather_debris if false
    3. Check if tomorrow is a festival, and set weather to weather_festival if true.
    4. Again force the 3rd day to be weather_rain

At this point, the main function is done setting weather.


Телевизор проверяет погоду, но иногда устанавливает ее в определенные дни. It follows the following chart:

The TV force sets by:

date weather
spring 1 weather_sunny¹
spring 3 weather_rainy¹
summer 1 weather_sunny¹
fall 1 weather_sunny¹
winter 1 weather_sunny¹

¹ Also set (and thus overridden) by the Game1::newDayAfterFade() method.

Телевизор проверит погоду и покажет соответствующее описание:

погода описание
солнечно или день свадьбы 50% chance each:
  • "Завтра весь день будет ясно и солнечно."
  • "Завтра будет прекрасный солнечный день!"
дождь "Завтра весь день будет идти дождь."
ветер В соответствии:
  1. Весна: "Переменная облачность с лёгким ветерком. В воздухе будет много пыльцы!"
  2. Осень: "Завтра будет облачно, с порывами ветра на протяжении всего дня."
  3. Гроза: "Похоже, приближается буря. Ожидаются гром и молнии."
  4. If festival, it attempts to read the festival data. If it fails, it will say "Um... that's odd. My information sheet just says 'null'. This is embarrassing..." If it succeeds, it will read out where it is and when it is.
  5. Снегопад: "Завтра ожидается пара дюймов снега." или "Одевайтесь потеплее, ребята, завтра будет снег!" или "Завтра весь день будет идти снег. Одевайтесь потеплее, ребята!"
any other Returns an empty string (should never happen).

Note: the TV will not necessarily be accurate for any other day than non festival days, the first of the month and the 3rd of spring, which are force-set by the Game1::newDayAfterFade method. Farmhands (and not host players) may not even get that accuracy for the first of the month and 3rd of spring.

Note 2: The Night Market is not considered a festival for the purposes of weather.

Weather Icon

The weather icon is set in Game1::updateWeatherIcon, which sets an index in LooseSprite/Cursors.xnb:

  1. If snowing: 7.
  2. If sunny: 2.
  3. If wedding: 0.
  4. If festival: 1.
  5. If raining: 4.
  6. If stormy: 5.
  7. If spring: debris weather is 3.
  8. If summer: unset (defaults to sunny).
  9. If fall: 6.
  10. If winter: 7 (same as snowing).

Тотем дождя

The rain totem (item #681) and is controlled by Object::rainTotem, which is invoked by Object::performUseAction. If tomorrow is a festival day, the item is used up but nothing happens. Otherwise, it uses up the item and sets the weather for tomorrow to weather_rain and displays the message.

Weather probability by type

This section explains the probability of each weather type. This only applies on dates with no forced weather.


Sunny weather covers weather variables 0, 4, and 6.

  • Spring: there's an 18.3% base chance of rain (81.7% chance remaining for other weathers). If it doesn't rain, there's an 80% chance to remain sunny (except on spring 3, which will always be rainy). That means that in spring there's a 66.4% chance of sunny weather.
  • Summer: The chance of sunny weather diminishes steadily per day from 87.4% on summer 1 to 79.9% on summer 28. The precise chance is 1 - [12% + (0.3% * day of the month)] per day, with a 0% chance on day 1.
  • Fall: identical to spring, but no forced weather.
  • Winter: there's a 63% chance of precipitation, so only a 37% chance of sunny weather.


  • Spring: there's an 18.3% base chance of rain. If it rains, there's a 25% chance of storms except in year 1. So the rain odds in Spring is a flat 18.3% in year 1, and 13.725% in year 2 or later. It will always rain on spring 3 (year 1).
  • Summer: the chance of rainy weather increases steadily per day from 12.6% on summer 2 to 20.1% on Summer 27. There's an 85% chance that rain becomes storms. So you have a scale of [12% + (0.3% * day of the month)] * .15 to determine your chances of rainfall.
  • Fall: same as spring, except fall in year 1 can be stormy so it's a flat 13.725% chance.
  • Winter: never rains.


Debris weather covers weather variable 2.

  • Весна: после дождя шанс 20%, поэтому приблизительный шанс 16.6%.
  • Лето: не бывает ветра.
  • Осень: после дождя шанс 60%, поэтому приблизительный шанс 49.8%.
  • Зима: не бывает ветра.


Stormy weather covers weather variable 3.

  • Весна: 4.57% шанс грозы.
  • Лето: переменный шанс грозы; начиная от 10.71% и до 17.085%.
  • Осень: 4.57% шанс грозы.
  • Зима: не бывает грозы.


Зимой шанс выпадения снега 63%. Снегопад может пойти только зимой.


The save file is a snapshot of the day at 0600 the next morning. The WeatherForTommorow field was used to calculate the weather, but changing it has no effect on the weather since the weather flags have already been set by this point. To change the weather, you need to set one of these combinations of flags:

weather isRaining isDebrisWeather isLightning isSnowing

Примечание: changing isDebrisWeather during an active game will not create the array. You'll need to call Game1::populateDebrisWeatherArray to get the debris populated. Correspondingly, if you're removing the debris weather flag, remember to call Game1::debrisWeather::Clear.


  • The TV can be fixed by overriding it - or just by using Entoroax's Framework.
  • You can set snow and debris at any time, the game just won't.
  • You cannot set debris and rain at the same time.