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Robin building.png
“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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Последний раз редактировалось Cimex в 2017-07-24 06:59:12.

Узелки — это пожертвования, которые игрок оставляет Джунимо через золотые свитки в клубе. Когда узелок завершен, Джунимо дают игроку награду. Когда завершены все узелки в помещении, Джунимо восстанавливают его и дают особую награду, которая может быть полезна не только игроку, но и всем жителям города.

Награда за завершение узелка выдается сразу же, награда за завершение помещения — на следующее утро (событие происходит, когда игрок ложится спать).

В списке требований для нескольких узелков предметов больше, чем пустых слотов для них (например, в Хозяйственном узелке 12 предметов и 6 слотов). Это значит, что вы сами можете выбрать, какие из требуемых предметов жертвовать. Необязательно приносить все предметы, достаточно заполнить все пустые слоты.

Завершение всех узелков восстанавливает городской клуб, а игрок получает достижение «Местная легенда». Если зайти в город Пеликан на следующий день после восстановления клуба, можно увидеть сцену его торжественного открытия, где игрок получит достижение и награду.

Если вместо этого вы купите членство в ДжоджаМарте, клуб превратится в склад Джоджа. Узелки уже будут недоступны, а награды можно получить, если заплатить Моррису и корпорации Джоджа, используя бланк с проектами по общественному развитию Джоджа.

Золотой свиток

Всего в городском клубе 6 комнат и 30 узелков. На складе Джоджа можно приобрести 5 наград (кроме награды «Дружба»).

Открытые узелки можно просмотреть в любое время, если нажать на золотой свиток в верхнем правом углу основного меню (над урной и кнопкой сортировки).

Travelling Cart Availability

All items required for bundles have a small chance of appearing in the Travelling Cart stock, except for the items listed below. These items will never be sold at the Travelling Cart:

Gold Quality Icon.png
Gold quality Melon
Gold Quality Icon.png
Gold quality Pumpkin
Gold Quality Icon.png
Gold quality Corn

Crafts Room

Crafts Room Before Completion
Crafts Room After Completion

The Crafts Room contains the first group of bundles available. Completing all Crafts Room bundles repairs the bridge east of The Mines, giving you access to the Quarry.

Bundle Complete Balloon.png Crafts
Bridge Repair
Bundle Green.png Spring Foraging Bundle
Spring Foraging Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Wild Horseradish.png Wild Horseradish Spring Foraging
Daffodil.png Нарцисс Spring Foraging, buy from Pierre at Flower Dance
Leek.png Лук-порей Spring Foraging
Dandelion.png Одуванчик Spring Foraging, buy from Pierre at Flower Dance
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Spring Seeds.png Весенние семена (30)
Bundle Yellow.png Summer Foraging Bundle
Summer Foraging Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Grape.png Виноград Summer Foraging, Fall Farming
Spice Berry.png Острая ягода Summer Foraging, The Farm Cave (fruit bat option)
Sweet Pea.png Душистый горошек Summer Foraging
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Summer Seeds.png Летние семена (30)
Bundle Orange.png Fall Foraging Bundle
Fall Foraging Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Common Mushroom.png Шампиньон Fall Foraging, Spring & Fall Foraging in the Secret Woods, The Farm Cave (mushroom option), Tapping a Mushroom Tree
Wild Plum.png Черная слива Fall Foraging, The Farm Cave (fruit bat option)
Hazelnut.png Фундук Fall Foraging
Blackberry.png Ежевика Fall Foraging, The Farm Cave (fruit bat option)
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Fall Seeds.png Осенние семена (30)
Bundle Teal.png Winter Foraging Bundle
Winter Foraging Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Winter Root.png Зимний корень Tilling soil or Artifact Spots in Winter, dropped by Blue Slimes on levels 41-79 of The Mines
Crystal Fruit.png Кристальный фрукт Winter Foraging, dropped by Dust Sprites on levels 41-79 of The Mines
Snow Yam.png Снежный батат Tilling soil or Artifact Spots in Winter
Crocus.png Крокус Winter Foraging
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Winter Seeds.png Зимние семена (30)
Bundle Red.png Construction Bundle
Construction Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Wood.png Древесина (99) Chopping Trees or branches with an Axe
Wood.png Древесина (99) Chopping Trees or branches with an Axe
Stone.png Камень (99) Smashing stones with a Pickaxe
Hardwood.png Твердая древесина (10) Chopping Large Stumps or Large Logs with an upgraded Axe, smashing crates in The Mines
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Charcoal Kiln.png Charcoal Kiln (1)
Bundle Purple.png Exotic Foraging Bundle
Exotic Foraging Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Coconut.png Кокос Desert Foraging
Cactus Fruit.png Плод кактуса Desert Foraging
Cave Carrot.png Пещерная морковка The Mines, either smashing boxes or tilling soil
Red Mushroom.png Красный гриб Foraging in The Mines, Summer or Fall Foraging in the Secret Woods, The Farm Cave (mushroom option), Tapping a Mushroom Tree
Purple Mushroom.png Фиолетовый гриб The Mines, The Farm Cave (mushroom option), Forest Farm Map Foraging in Fall
Maple Syrup.png Кленовый сироп Tapped Maple Tree
Oak Resin.png Дубовая смола Tapped Oak Tree
Pine Tar.png Сосновая смола Tapped Pine Tree
Morel.png Сморчок Foraging in the Secret Woods in Spring, The Farm Cave (mushroom option)
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Autumn's Bounty.png «Дары осени» (5)


Pantry Before Completion
Pantry After Completion

The Pantry appears after completing one bundle. Completing all Pantry bundles will restore the dilapidated Greenhouse on your farm, making it available to grow Crops and Fruit Trees year-round.

Bundle Complete Balloon.png Pantry
Bundle Green.png Spring Crops Bundle
Spring Crops Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Parsnip.png Пастернак Spring Crops
Green Bean.png Зеленая фасоль Spring Crops
Cauliflower.png Цветная капуста Spring Crops
Potato.png Картофель Spring Crops
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Speed-Gro.png СкороРост (20)
Bundle Yellow.png Summer Crops Bundle
Summer Crops Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Tomato.png Помидор Summer Crops
Hot Pepper.png Жгучий перец Summer Crops
Blueberry.png Черника Summer Crops
Melon.png Дыня Summer Crops
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Quality Sprinkler.png Высококачественный спринклер (1)
Bundle Orange.png Fall Crops Bundle
Fall Crops Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Corn.png Кукуруза Summer / Fall Crops
Eggplant.png Баклажан Fall Crops
Pumpkin.png Тыква Fall Crops
Yam.png Батат Fall Crops
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Bee House.png Bee House (1)
Bundle Teal.png Quality Crops Bundle
Quality Crops Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Parsnip (5)
Gold quality Spring Crops
Gold Quality Icon.png
Melon (5)
Gold quality Summer Crops
Gold Quality Icon.png
Pumpkin (5)
Gold quality Fall Crops
Gold Quality Icon.png
Corn (5)
Gold quality Summer / Fall Crops
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Preserves Jar.png Preserves Jar (1)
Bundle Red.png Animal Bundle
Animal Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Large Milk.png Бидон молока Cows
Large Brown Egg.png Large Egg (Brown) Chickens
Large Egg.png Большое яйцо Chickens
Large Goat Milk.png Бол. бутыль козьего молока Goats
Wool.png Шерсть Sheep, Rabbits
Duck Egg.png Утиное яйцо Ducks
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Cheese Press.png Cheese Press (1)
Bundle Purple.png Artisan Bundle
Artisan Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Truffle Oil.png Трюфельное масло (1) Made from Truffles using an Oil Maker
Cloth.png Cloth Loom, Recycling a Soggy Newspaper
Goat Cheese.png Козий сыр Cheese Press
Cheese.png Сыр Cheese Press
Honey.png Мед Bee House
Jelly.png Jelly Preserves Jar
Apple.png Яблоко Apple Trees during Fall, The Farm Cave (fruit bat option)
Apricot.png Абрикос Apricot Trees during Spring, The Farm Cave (fruit bat option)
Orange.png Апельсин Orange Trees during Summer, The Farm Cave (fruit bat option)
Peach.png Персик Peach Trees during Summer, The Farm Cave (fruit bat option)
Pomegranate.png Гранат Pomegranate Trees during Fall, The Farm Cave (fruit bat option)
Cherry.png Вишня Cherry Trees during Spring, The Farm Cave (fruit bat option)
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Keg.png Keg (1)

Fish Tank

Fish Tank Before Completion
Fish Tank After Completion

The Fish Tank appears after completing one bundle. Completing all Fish Tank bundles will remove the Glittering Boulder to the left of The Mines entrance. Willy will also give you a Copper Pan that can be used to collect metal ores and other items from bodies of water.

Note: It may not be possible to finish the Specialty Fish Bundle before finishing the entire Vault section, as you need access to The Desert to get a Sandfish, unless it becomes available at the Travelling Cart.

Bundle Complete Balloon.png Fish
Glittering Boulder Removed
Bundle Teal.png River Fish Bundle
River Fish Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Sunfish.png Санфиш Found in Rivers, 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Spring, and Summer.
Catfish.png Сом Found in Rivers, Anytime, Spring and Fall; Secret Woods Pond in Summer. Only when raining.
Shad.png Шэд Found in Rivers, Anytime, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Only when raining.
Tiger Trout.png Тигровая форель Found in Rivers, 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Fall and Winter.
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Bait.png Bait (30)
Bundle Green.png Lake Fish Bundle
Lake Fish Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Largemouth Bass.png Большеротый окунь Found in Lakes, 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM, All Seasons.
Carp.png Карп Found in Lakes, Anytime, Spring, Summer, and Fall.
Bullhead.png Сомик Found in Lakes, Anytime, All Seasons.
Sturgeon.png Осетр Found in Lakes, 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM , Summer and Winter.
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Dressed Spinner.png Украшенный спиннер (1)
Bundle Blue.png Ocean Fish Bundle
Ocean Fish Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Sardine.png Сардина Found in the Ocean, 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Spring, Fall, and Winter.
Tuna.png Тунец Found in the Ocean, 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Summer and Winter.
Red Snapper.png Берикс Found in the Ocean, 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Summer and Fall. Only when raining.
Tilapia.png Тиляпия Found in the Ocean, 6:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Summer and Fall.
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Warp Totem Beach.png Warp Totem: Beach (5)
Bundle Purple.png Night Fishing Bundle
Night Fishing Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Walleye.png Желтый судак Found in Rivers, 12:00 PM – 2:00 AM, Fall. Only when raining.
Bream.png Лещ Found in Rivers, 6:00 PM – 2:00 AM, All Seasons.
Eel.png Угорь Found in the Ocean, 4:00 PM – 2:00 AM, Spring or Fall. Only when raining.
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Small Glow Ring.png Малое кольцо света (1)
Bundle Purple.png Crab Pot Bundle
Crab Pot Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Lobster.png Омар Caught in Crab Pots
Crayfish.png Рак Caught in Crab Pots
Crab.png Краб Caught in Crab Pots, drops from Rock Crabs in The Mines
Cockle.png Сердцевидка Caught in Crab Pots, Beach Foraging
Mussel.png Мидия Caught in Crab Pots, Beach Foraging
Shrimp.png Креветка Caught in Crab Pots
Snail.png Улитка Caught in Crab Pots
Periwinkle.png Литорина Caught in Crab Pots
Oyster.png Устрица Caught in Crab Pots, Beach Foraging
Clam.png Гребешок Caught in Crab Pots, Beach Foraging
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Crab Pot.png Крабовая ловушка (3)
Bundle Red.png Specialty Fish Bundle
Specialty Fish Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Pufferfish.png Рыба-еж Found in the Ocean, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Summer.
Ghostfish.png Пятнистый криворот Found in ponds in The Mines, Anytime, All Seasons. May also be dropped by Ghosts.
Sandfish.png Песковник Found in the pond in The Desert, 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM, All Seasons.
Woodskip.png Лесоплюх Found in the Secret Woods, Anytime, All Seasons.
Bundle Reward.png Reward: 24px «Морское блюдо» (5)

Boiler Room

Boiler Room Before Completion
Boiler Room After Completion

The Boiler Room appears after completing two bundles. Completing all Boiler Room bundles repairs the Minecarts, allowing you to fast travel between distant locations.

Bundle Complete Balloon.png Boiler
Minecarts Repaired
Bundle Orange.png Blacksmith's Bundle
Blacksmith Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Copper Bar.png Медный слиток Smelting Copper Ore in the Furnace
Iron Bar.png Железный слиток Smelting Iron Ore in the Furnace, Crafting the "Transmute (Fe)" recipe
Gold Bar.png Золотой слиток Smelting Gold Ore in the Furnace, Crafting the "Transmute (Au)" recipe
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Furnace.png Furnace (1)
Bundle Purple.png Geologist's Bundle
Geologist's Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Quartz.png Кварц Foraging on all levels of The Mines
Earth Crystal.png Земляной кристалл Foraging on Levels 1-39 of The Mines, Geodes, drop from Duggies in the Mines (floors 1-29)
Frozen Tear.png Замерзшая слеза Foraging on Levels 40-79 of The Mines, Frozen Geodes, drop from Dust Sprites in the Mines (floors 40-80)
Fire Quartz.png Огненный кварц Foraging on Levels 80-120 of The Mines, Magma Geode, Omni Geode
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Omni Geode.png Омнижеода (5)
Bundle Purple.png Adventurer's Bundle
Adventurer's Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Slime.png Слизь (99) Dropped by Slimes
Bat Wing.png Крыло летучей мыши (10) Dropped by Bats in The Mines
Solar Essence.png Солнечная эссенция Dropped by Ghosts, Squid Kids, or Metal Heads in The Mines, dropped by Mummies in the Skull Cavern
Void Essence.png Эссенция пустоты Dropped by Shadow Brutes in The Mines or Serpents in the Skull Cavern
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Small Magnet Ring.png Малое кольцо-магнит (1)

Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board Before Completion
Bulletin Board After Completion

The Bulletin Board appears after completing three bundles.

Completing all Bulletin Board bundles improves the player's friendship rating with every non-datable villager by two hearts (500 points).

The morning after, Mayor Lewis will send a letter saying that packages containing items posted about "years ago" on the community center bulletin board have been appearing in villagers' homes. He says the packages are all addressed from "your farm." He expresses his gratitude and says "all of us in town are delighted!"

Bundle Complete Balloon.png Bulletin
Bundle Red.png Chef's Bundle
Chef's Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Maple Syrup.png Кленовый сироп Tapped Maple Tree
Fiddlehead Fern.png Fiddlehead Fern Summer Foraging in the Secret Woods
Truffle.png Трюфель Pigs
Poppy.png Мак Summer Crops
Maki Roll.png Суши-роллы Cooking (recipe sources: The Queen of Sauce, The Saloon)
Fried Egg.png Яичница Cooking
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Pink Cake.png Розовый торт (3)
Bundle Teal.png Dye Bundle
Dye Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Red Mushroom.png Красный гриб Foraging in The Mines, Summer or Fall Foraging in the Secret Woods, The Farm Cave (mushroom option), Tapping a Mushroom Tree
Sea Urchin.png Морской еж Beach Foraging, after using 300 wood to fix the bridge to the right side of the beach
Sunflower.png Sunflower Summer / Fall Crops
Duck Feather.png Утиное перо Ducks
Aquamarine.png Аквамарин Aquamarine Nodes and boxes in The Mines
Red Cabbage.png Красная капуста Summer Crops (Red Cabbage Seeds are available at Pierre's General Store in year 2+)
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Seed Maker.png Seed Maker (1)
Bundle Blue.png Field Research Bundle
Field Research Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Purple Mushroom.png Фиолетовый гриб The Mines, The Farm Cave (mushroom option), Forest Farm Map Foraging in Fall
Nautilus Shell.png Раковина наутилуса Winter Beach Foraging (Note: NOT the Nautilus Fossil artifact)
Chub.png Голавль Can be found in the mountain lake and river during all seasons.
Frozen Geode.png Морозная жеода The Mines Levels 40-79
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Recycling Machine.png Recycling Machine (1)
Bundle Yellow.png Fodder Bundle
Fodder Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Wheat.png Пшеница (10) Summer / Fall Crops
Hay.png Hay (10) Purchase at Marnie's Ranch, or harvest grass with the Scythe once you have a Silo, and withdraw the hay from the Hay Hopper once you have a Coop or Barn
Apple.png Яблоко (3) Apple Trees during Fall
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Heater.png Heater (1)
Bundle Purple.png Enchanter's Bundle
Enchanter's Bundle.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Bundle Slot.png
Oak Resin.png Дубовая смола Tapped Oak Tree
Wine.png Вино Keg
Rabbit's Foot.png Кроличья лапка Rabbits, Serpent drop in Skull Cavern (0.8%)
Pomegranate.png Гранат Pomegranate Trees during Fall, The Farm Cave (fruit bat option)
Bundle Reward.png Reward: Gold Bar.png Золотой слиток (5)


Vault Before Completion
Vault After Completion

The Vault becomes available after completing four bundles. Pressing the large "purchase" button will purchase the bundle and deduct the gold from your total.

Completing all Vault bundles costs data-sort-value="42500">Gold.png42 500 з., and repairs the Bus Stop. Taking the Bus grants access to The Calico Desert.

Bundle Complete Balloon.png Vault
Bus Repair
Bundle Red.png 2,500 Bundle
2500 Bundle.png
Bundle Purchase.png

data-sort-value="2500">Gold.png2500 з.

Bundle Reward.png Reward: Chocolate Cake.png Шоколадный торт (3)
Bundle Orange.png 5,000 Bundle
5000 Bundle.png
Bundle Purchase.png

data-sort-value="5000">Gold.png5000 з.

Bundle Reward.png Reward: Quality Fertilizer.png Высококачественное удобрение (30)
Bundle Yellow.png 10,000 Bundle
10000 Bundle.png
Bundle Purchase.png

data-sort-value="10000">Gold.png10 000 з.

Bundle Reward.png Reward: Lightning Rod.png Lightning Rod (1)
Bundle Purple.png 25,000 Bundle
25000 Bundle.png
Bundle Purchase.png

data-sort-value="25000">Gold.png25 000 з.

Bundle Reward.png Reward: Crystalarium.png Crystalarium (1)