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Версия от 20:43, 12 июля 2017; Margotbean (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Переведите}} {{Infobox |image = Lightning Rod |description = Collects energy from lightning storms and turns it into Battery Packs. |source…»)
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“Предстоит ещё много работы...”
— Робин

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Последний раз редактировалось Margotbean в 2017-07-12 20:43:39.

Blank icon.png
Collects energy from lightning storms and turns it into Battery Packs.
Источник Crafting
Время года Spring • Summer • Fall
Цена продажи Нельзя продать
Изготовление предметов
Источник рецепта Foraging.png Собирательство (Level 6)
Состав Iron Bar.png Железный слиток (1)Refined Quartz.png Очищенный кварц (1)Bat Wing.png Крыло летучей мыши (5)

The Lightning Rod creates a Battery Pack.png Аккумулятор 24 hours after getting hit by lightning during a storm. It is not necessary for the player to be on the farm when the lightning strike happens.

Since rods do not protect a specific area, the exact placement of a rod on the farm has no bearing on its chance to intercept a lightning strike. A Lightning Rod has a very good chance of intercepting a lightning bolt if it isn't already processing one. If it doesn't succeed, though, the lightning is more likely to strike trees than crops.

A lightning rod is the reward for completing the Bundle Yellow.png 10000 з. узелок в сейфе.


  • Though it is possible to place lightning rods outside of the farm map, they will never get hit by lightning there, and thus will produce no battery packs.
  • Storms (and thus lightning) never occur in Winter.